You're at Starbucks sipping your decaffeinated Colombian ethical free trade Pumpkin Spice Grande Latte and reading Das Kapital when you are approached by this man. He introduces himself as the new manager and informs you that you didn't pay the jizya tax on top of the price of your beverage and warns that refusal to pay may result in your beheading. How do you diffuse the situation using Hegelian dialectics?
You're at Starbucks sipping your decaffeinated Colombian ethical free trade Pumpkin Spice Grande Latte and reading Das...
Other urls found in this thread:
cry that im an american and i need help
chuckle at his joke because Sikhs don't impose Jizya
Thats a sikh
Get my gun and unload into him, completing the Dialectic between guns and swords
Point out that if he's a Muslim, he's a bad one, as he's dressed as a Sikh.
I then wait for the material excess of western capitalism to corrupt his zealotry, until he's sipping Starbucks with me.
Bud dude you're a sikh bruh
OP you fucked up
What the fuck are you talking about guys?
You can tell he's a Muslim not a Sikh because he is wearing a Muslim turban.
Thats a sikh
But i think OP new that and that is the point of his thread
If he's a sikh, why is he sporting a beard and carrying around a beheading sword?
Bait thread, abandon ship
Pay the jizya tax plus tip.
This way the increased spending will contribute to the growth of the capitalist economy, thus also contributing to it's inevitable demise.
>You're at Starbucks sipping your decaffeinated Colombian ethical free trade Pumpkin Spice Grande Latte
lel fat chance, I'm a vegan
Muslims don't wear turbans.
That photo is literally the picture of a British Sikh.
Ahmed I do not believe the penalty for refusing to pay Jizya is beheading, where can I contact the local surah council for a fair and impartial hearing?
>Currency still exists
I (hypothetically) sage and report
this guy has been memeing across several boards and this whole sikh/raghead dilemma really seems to stoke peoples fires
>OP is a faggot
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums never changes.
Can someone post this topic to /v/?