If the Soviet Union was a zionist invention, how come it was so antisemitic?
If the Soviet Union was a zionist invention, how come it was so antisemitic?
You know... at this point not one single civilization with constant contact with jewish people has escaped becoming anti-semitic.
It really gefeltes the fish...
it was Russia after all
Jews betrayed the USSR by siding with the west in the 1960s, it just stopped being useful to Jews.
Actually it was everyone after all.
Not one single goyim host nation has ever survived judaism in their populations without anti-semetism and eventually attempting to remove them.
All of Europe at one point or another.
In fact the story of the Jewish people is quite literally a story of being eventually chased away.
Surely everyone else in the entire world must be wtong.
Christianity and Islam are also Zionist inventions, doesn't mean much pham
It was pro-zionist prior to the late 40s/early 50s.
Then it stopped being pro-zionist and American Jews suddenly started becoming anti-Soviet, or embracing ever more meme forms of gommunism like anarcho-syndicalism.
It's sort of the same thing with purportedly anti-Zionist Jews like Norman Finkelstein. They occupy both sides of the debate, and their considerations are still from a point of view of Jewish ethnocentrism, they just believe that Bibi & Co make Jews look bad, and that Jews function best when they're swindling the goyim secretly and not drawing too much attention to themselves.
Finkelstein and Chomsky both opposed BDS, which shows their anti-Zionism has no real teeth.
Gilad Atzmon has written extensively on anti-Zionist Jews.
>Surely everyone else in the entire world must be wtong.
they are, and for the same reason
they are all lower IQ than Jews, hence wherever they go, they always outperform the locals and thus breed resentment bubbling over in being scapegoated
this is best exemplified with the common stereotype of Jews being averse to physical work. Most successful people are, and no successful person wants their kids to do it for a living either
That doesn't make them wrong. There isn't some cosmic law of the universe that says you have to accept an alien overclass with values completely antithetical to your own because they have higher IQs.
If there were, then the European colonization of the African Sub-Continent was wholly morally justified.
I have now seen it all
A lot of Anti Semites supported it, even the Nazis
Relations of different people with Jews is too complex to reduce to "Anti Semites" and 'Pro Zionists" (both imo are too overused even though they are cases where they are accurate)
The only thing you need to know about Jews is that their entire thinking is dominated by one concern:
"What is good for the Jews?"
Sounds like you're projecting.
No, that would be you
>I'm a person of western european descent with zero sense of ethnocentrism, therefore everyone else also is
>at this point not one single civilization with constant contact with jewish people has escaped becoming anti-Semitic
Cheran kingdoms in south india.
Eh, no. You're the one projecting.
Just because you're a racist yourself, doesn't mean Jews are.
>Just because you're a racist yourself, doesn't mean Jews are.
Jews are racists by definition. They almost all support a racially exclusive state. That is the definition of a racist, to support racially prejudiced structures/institutions/laws/policies.
Nice try though kike.
It wasn't.
Stalin learned of the jewry and tried to defeat them.
>ignores secular Jews, anti-Zionist Jews and various other groups
You know that very religious Jews fucking hate Israel, right? Because the messiah was supposed to be the one to bring about Israel.
And there are secular Jews who don't give a shit about any of that. You seem to think that Jews are some sort of hivemind.
>You know that very religious Jews fucking hate Israel, right?
And that means they LOVE non-Jews, right? Fuck off. Orthodox are just as racist, albeit in different ways.
>And there are secular Jews who don't give a shit about any of that.
Barely any.
This isn't your safe space Jew.
>You know that very religious Jews fucking hate Israel, right?
Not him, but I would hardly call the Haredi and similar movements the totality of "very religious Jews". Hell, you take a look at the Litvak communities and they'd barely consider any of those Hasidic Jews religious at all.
Nobody said religious Jews weren't racist. And there are plenty of secular Jews who don't care. The point to bringing them up was to show that not every Jew is a fan of Israel or some hivemind out to eradicate or enslave non-Jews.
Nor does stating facts mean I'm a Jew. You're just saying retarded shit.
>Barely any.
Based on what?
That's not true, the Khazars even became jewish. My neurones remain unfired.
Based on his uninformed opinions about Jews and what Jews are like.
>They almost all support a racially exclusive state.
Yeah I'm sure that's why there's 1.5 million Arabs who are Israeli.
>Nobody said religious Jews weren't racist. And there are plenty of secular Jews who don't care. The point to bringing them up was to show that not every Jew is a fan of Israel or some hivemind out to eradicate or enslave non-Jews.
Sorry, the overwhelmingly majority of Jews, including virtually all of organized Jewry, are racist, and the only ones that are not are so opposed to their co-ethnics racism that even a simple boycott causes them to start kvetching (see: Finkelstein and Chomsky's opposition to BDS).
A controlled opposition that is fleshed out, equipped with functional teeth, and fully operational, is the sine qua non of totalitarian control. Only stupid Jews get caught in its maw, it's good for the Jews, and so it is brought into being. Look how well it works, you've been snared by its wares for how long now?
I lost brain cells reading this comment.
>Jews are behind everything even killing jews. JEWS
If I remember correctly, it stopped being a zionist nation after Stalin came along.
Most left-wing secular Jews hate Israel as well.
people from all groups are like that
The problem is that you have people who depending on agenda think that certain groups ala groups they like are justified in doing so and others ala the groups that they don't like are assholes for it and should compromise
All Jews are Jewish supremacists. After all, they do believe themselves to be the "chosen people".
>at this point not one single civilization with constant contact with jewish people has escaped becoming anti-semitic
USA. One of the only countries that didn't chimp out on its Jews. Current world superpower. Currently has the largest Jewish population in the world with them representing a disproportionate number of scientists, artists, and businessmen.
States that are antisemitic and ruled by jews get overthrown by jews so that they could fight jews who fight antisemites who support jews who overthrow states because they don't support antisemitism because they fight jews who fight antisemites who support jews who overthrow states because they don't support antisemitism because they fight jews who fight antisemites who support jews who overthrow states because they don't support antisemitism because jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews
because they got co opted by power-hungry slavs
>Stalin was a Slav
American education
Stop moving the goal posts reddit.
>reddit spacing
>Expecting logic from white supremacist
>Be worried about /pol/'s constant accusations of Communism being Zionist
>See this
I feel relieved. /pol/ was wrong once again, Soviets were redpilled.
True, the only acceptable form of supremacy is Jewish supremacy
lol how many years have jews been there? they didn't had time to become antisemite, USA is a young nation and it's on the path of becoming antisemite thanks to jews wars
jews will be expelled of USA mark my words
they weren't jews
they became jews
big difference
and they were wiped out
>anti Semitism being punishable by death
>gave Jews their own autonomous region