are NEETs the elites of our society?
Are NEETs the elites of our society?
No you faggot
Nah, that would be the people who own lots of capital obviously. NEETs are above wagies though
Just another 12 hours of freedom, wagecuck. Gotta pay dem taxes.
No. NEETs are the goal of bread and circuses. You are pacified weak people. In countries where there is no such thing as welfare, where disability can't afford a good lifestyle, where technology, gadgets, and other outlets for your broke dreams aren't as common or easily accessible, when a large enough percentage of the population becomes alienated from the society (and only about 5% is what it takes), they start to riot and break shit and kill politicians. You think you're "sticking it to the wagecucks" but you're no less free than they are. If enough of us got together and decided to cooperate, we could shape our world into what we want from it. Instead, you choose to take your pittance, spend it on video games, WEED MAN, shitcoins, and other nonsense that will numb you to the pain of living in a society you can't cope with.
Hahaha you're hilarious wagecuck, work starts in about 12 hours I'd turn in early if I were you, you seem cranky. Me? I'll be reading Persian history until four in the morning
>If enough of us got together and decided to cooperate, we could shape our world into what we want from it
No one has any idea what they want though. It's just empty rhetoric from you. You're just as cucked as the people you talk about.
Nah, part-time non-customer service oriented work is top tier. Make enough to survive, direct the rest of your time towards studies and hobbies. You're not a leech but also not a complete wagecuck.
First off, wrong board. NEET shit belongs in /r9k/ with the rest of the broken people.
To answer your question though, no. Elites hold some kind of power or value whereas society would actually be better off if all NEETs were dead.
>fighting in the streets demanding a job
HAHHAHAHA now I've heard it all where do these wagecucks come up with this stuff?
NEETs are the petite bourgeoisie of todays world
NEETdom is boring an unfulfilling unless you're an artist or something
I feel autistic getting triggered by tumblr
Do you own enough capital to support yourself without having to work? Or do you just leech off the state/your parents? That's the difference between elite and the bottom-feeders.
Bottom feeders are the homeless living in places not meant for human habitation and taking charity meals or begging for money for food.
Neets are a different animal. They have navigated themselves into having all of their needs taken care of by the surrounding society.
I myself am a worker but you gotta respect the game.
I'm an artist and the neetlife is pretty fullfilling.
Keep posting frogs you parasite. Literally no one will miss you once you're rotting six feet under
fuck off back to /r9k/, buddy.
Was neet for about 4 years past age 18. Been working really hard the last 3 and i hate it so much. I miss neetdom.
When the fuck will my body and brain become used to the idea that work is necessary to survive. I'm tired of hating every single second of my life. I'm actually off to work in about 20 minutes and my stress levels are through the roof.
tick tock wagecuck
The first case you noted are indeed bottom feeders. NEETs don't feed on the bottom dregs, they latch on to something and suck their lifestyle out of it. They're parasites.
But hey, parasites can live well. Just realize that when the host gets rid of the parasite or dies, they can't take care of thesmelves. Then they'll either die, or become one of the bottom feeders themselves.