Can we safely conclude that ancient Egypt was culturally European like Carthage was?
Can we safely conclude that ancient Egypt was culturally European like Carthage was?
No. They are both located in Africa, not Europe.
They did not have European cultures either.
They influenced Europe but their culture is not European.
Culturally Asiatic would be more accurate.
How so? How did they differ so much from Rome and Greece?
>the country that invented circumcision
>culturally European
New Zealand isn't part of Europe either, it's almost like being culturally European doesn't require being in Europe.
In the world (especially high density areas) even what seems like a relatively little distance means a whole lot.
Greece and Rome share a lot with MENA but also is distinct.
Coptic Egyptian was influenced by the Hellenic world, an analogy might be the usages of English in India.
During the Hellenic Period, definitely. It probably had its own distinct culture prior to Alexander the Great, though.
If this is a subtle 'we wuz kangz' question, no Egyptians were not black, they were probably 'Aryan' in the same way Persians are. Some rulers and areas will have black admixture coming in from Nubia. The original point is moot anyway as ancient Egypt predates the three pillars of European civilisation, Rome, Greece and Christianity.
""Aryan"" is a stupid over-used term that means nothing to anyone who is not Iranian.
>they were probably 'Aryan' in the same way Persians are
Not at all. Their roots are something completely different
The more correct term would be "culturally Mediterranean'', and yes, they're closer to Greeks and Romans than Snowniggers are to both of them
I am interested
What was this "Mediterranean" culture?
Thats more because Rome and Greece were influenced by them than other way around
Europeans just don't like it so they downplay it and pretend that Greece and Rome came outta nowhere
Ancient Saharan cave painting have figures with animal heads but human bodies. These painting predate any Egyptian civilization. This motif is found nowhere else, not even the Middle East
being lazy, not having a job, eating olives and blaming north of wherever you are on the med for all your problems
why do people keep we wuz'ing egypt? it is way too old to have anything to do with europe or m*ds, Egypt is Egyptian
>ayo hol up dis culture developed in 2500 BC was really created by my ancesturs who came to da egypt in 300 BC ayooooooo hol up look at dis roman painting ima a kang a egypt mang
>culturally European
Child sacrifice isn't culturally European
this meme is dumb, northern Nubians are the closest people to Egyptians genetically and culturally all common sense would tell you this including scientific evidence
Nubian =/= a synonym for black african
retards keep projecting modern day (American) racial antagonism to explain Egypt and Nubia's relationship (funny that this doesn't happen anywhere else)
What is "European"?
Greek was the administrative language of Hellenized areas and of higher education but ordinary people would speak in the common vernacular and native tongues. If anything the situation is comparable to that of South Africa. Afrikaans may be European in origin but Xhosa and Zulu aren't.
Early Italics and Hellenics had more in common with "snowniggers" before assimilating the cultures of the areas they conquered just like IE people everywhere. Of course they built up on that knowledge and innovated as well.
Vedics - Indus Valley civilization
Romans - Tyrrhenians
Mycenaeans - Minoans
Germanics - hunter gatherers and Uralics
Iranics - Babylonians
i think shared cuisine, social customs, ties to maritime commerce. I think it was more evident in the ancient world than it is now. The Islamic conquest did create a kind of divide between mediterranean societies in europe and west asia/north africa, as arab culture became "orientalized", meaning its shifted culturally eastward toward persia and india. there's debate though to the extent this happened. muslim spain and sicily and parts of the mahgreb had much context with christian europe. then you have the byzantine empire which had its own distinct culture. Christianity remained the majority religion in the middle east until the 850s or so, and so you'd probably see similarities with the byzantines. places like venice and southern italy also had deep connections with the east and they adopted a lot of styles and cultural practices from there.
Modern NZ culture nowadays is a mongrel mix of primitive Maori, rich chinks, and a shitload of obese unemployed islanders. The only thing about our culture that's European is the wealthy fucks who are running the country, gradually making it more and more shit in the hope that they can make some more money. Fuck NZ.
There was no unified "European" culture at the time in Europe so how would a North African/Near Eastern society be European culturally speaking? Is this some WE WUZism?
Seems like somebody is mad.
What do you mean by European culture? Europe was Greeks and barbarians at the time? Are you asking if Egyptians ran around naked in forests?
>hurr there was no European influence in other ancient civilizations
>Hannibal was depicted as Hercules for no reason
There was no such thing as "Culturally European" until it evolved from the idea of Christendom in the Middle Ages. Greeks and Romans had more culturally affinity with Egyptians, Phoenicians and Persians than they had with other "Europeans" like Iberians or Germanics.
>Indo-EUROPEAN religion isn't European
>alien sandnigger shit from the desert is
There hadn't been such a thing as "Indo-European religion" since neolith. If you meant "a religion practiced by speakers of an Indo-European language" then you have to include Hinduism and Zoroastrianism to the list of "European" religions.
You're clearly ignorant on the subject and a /pol/tard. What are you doing here?
European on "Indo-European" is just a regional title based on modern geographic conventions. The religions practiced by speakers of PIE (and therefore all the pantheons derived form them) were Asian by those same conventions.
Carthage was culturally Phoenician.
Egypt had a history dating so far back in time not even the Egyptians knew where they came from. They kept their culture in tact for 3000 years, nothing in europe even came close. So to think they were "culturally european" is just laughable. Even when the Lex and the Makedonioi ruled, there kept their culture with a few changes.
Greece took far more from Egypt culturally than vice versa
Which is funny because Christianity is basically Judaism crossed twice over with Indo-European principles: first with Persian monotheism and dualism and then with Greek metaphysics and philosophy.
>#947921 kangz and shiet thread
Hate to sound like a social constructionist, but europe is a construct. Egypt has ties with both the mediterranean world and North-East Africa. Carthage was on the mediterranean, and was developed by phoenicians from the levant.
Most things are social constructs (culture, language, economy, gender roled ...) that doesn't make them any less relevant or true
This. Egypt was even included in the Asia in antiquity for cultural reasons.
Reminder there is nothing wrong with this and it actually gives it a lot of depth.
Egyptian culture is definitely unique.
We can conclude dat dey was blak peepo.
Never said there was anything wrong with it, don't be so defensive.