August 1st approaches Veeky Forums.
I wanted to see what everyone's opinion was, whether BTC will survive the fork as cryptos strongest coin or be it's downfall and replaced by another coin like LTC
August 1st approaches Veeky Forums.
I wanted to see what everyone's opinion was, whether BTC will survive the fork as cryptos strongest coin or be it's downfall and replaced by another coin like LTC
Is the fork actually happening?
Idk enough about it. The whole thing is so fucking convoluted. Although it seems mining farms are a cancerous growth on the back of what bitcoin what meant to be
I'm thinking the safe thing is just to sit in USDT at this point ... it doesnt seem like there's much upside from $2500 before this is resolved
the thing that worries me is that if and when it is resolved btc will shoot up in minutes
Yes, why else would there be all this discussion if it weren't? I want to see what the majority of people here believe what will happen. It will be fun to compare months from now too
I just didn't realise it had been confirmed
I don't think it has, everything is still rumors, unless someone wants to correct me?
where is the
Ethereum become 1st place and btc and ltc are in an endless battle for the 2nd place ?
ETH and BTC serve different functions, lthough I guess that dip and alternative coin takes it's place option
Things are still rumors but my prediction is eth and ltc will skyrocket during a flippining and btc will be on discount till it gains back the ground it lost
All gets decided on August 1st.
The fork will happen, the question is how many wallets will follow the segwit fork.
I learned my lesson from the ETH fork. I chickened out and dumped my ETH position beforehand missing out on a nice little rebound and all of that free ETC. I'm 80% BTC and am parking that in cold storage until after the 1st.
Define "BTC value". The value of which of the two resulting forks?
I think there are a lot of politics in this entire spiel:
The large mining farms hold power over the decision. They have an interest of BTC rising long term, or a different X11 coin, so definitely not ETH. Their money, by the millions, is bound in hardware that is physically unable to mine something else, and would also drastically lose value if the algorithm loses relevance. They are also big enough to manipulate the BTC, LTC, BTU and ETH price on their own.
Then there are the exchanges. First of all, how do they react to a blockchain fork, say it does happen. Do they give BTC owners the same amount of BTU like they'd get in real wallets? Does Bittrex keep markets bound to BTC? For instance, if they don't give out BTU and the markets stay locked to BTC, BTC will be stable. There will be speculation hype about BTU like there is with LTC in the last few days.
Lots of unknown variables, but the Bitcoin mining corporations will use ungodly force to ensure X11 stays king.
Jihan fucked up. BTC will be fine; it's gone through similar Fork attacks before.
The new Chinacoin will be its stupid little irrelevant self, BTC prices will swing wildly for about a week, then proceed back up.
From July 31 to about Aug 5 keep your BTC in wallets off of exchanges and you'll be fine. Don't buy, sell, or spend so as to not be involved as the blockchains reassert themselves and recombine.
Like all of them?
You would have to be braindead to use the retarded non-segwit chain.
There might be some rough moments on fork day but it will sort itself out pretty quickly and greedy chinks will get fuct.
Why off the exchange
read the thread
>You would have to be braindead to use the retarded non-segwit chain.
I'm not big into BTC, I wouldn't bet on a big profit coming August 1st. I'm just going to wait and see what happens.
BTC will dip, thats for sure
but if it actually forks, there will be no bitcoin anymore, there will be bitcoin unlimited and bitcoin segwit, one of them will replace bitcoin, one will be what ETC is to ETH
but it sure as hell wont kill the crypto market, once either bitcoins succeeds and gets it shit together, the billions if not trillions really will come flooding in desu
ETH will probably dip aswell, or remain stable and be top crypto for a month or something
wow, a good post on biz. This.
Safe harbor. Most offline wallets are BIP148 compliant, so essentially you're ducking into a bunker while Nuke War rages outside. A few days later when radiation and fallout retreat, then safe to come back out into the world.
NOT retreating into the bunker means potential rollback or loss of tx records and double spend or wipeout of any BTC tx in that period.
i thought the bitcoin core devs already disagreed to this. only the greedy chinks from bitmain are forcing it to happen
Literally everyone is voting in favor of segwit2x, the only one against it is the chink and he can't do shit
Should I buy altcoins before or after August 1st
I dunno why you think BTC would survive a fork. The only thing it has going for it over other newer coins is hashing power and name recognition. Both of those things are compromised in a fork.
>What do you mean there's 2 bitcoins user?
is there anything non-mining plebs can do to assist uasf?
Hold both BTC and alts both before and after aug 1. Diversification brah