What are the arguments for worshipping Satan?
What are the arguments for worshipping Satan?
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Edgy tryhard angst
Being an edgy faggot
it can be fun and interesting
The same as worshiping God, nothing.
Being an edgelord teenager who resents his mom taking him to church.
projecting. christcucks are the biggest edgelords.
>you were born evil so you must worship me and do as i say or you will suffer eternal torment p.s. i love you
Life is huge. If you only praise "good" all the time and seek for all your thoughts and actions to be good, well, thats taking a very limited view of existence. You must explore all facets of being, including what you call evil in order to have a truly nuanced view of existence.
>the abrahamic God is too vanilla
>imma worship Lucifer haha rofl I'm so mischevious lol are you paying attention to me yet?
>Hey. Hey! I said I worship Satan you guys pay attention to me I'm super scary grrrrrrr
demons tend to have cool names and goat sacrifices seem fun
Found the goth kid
>Christianity: you are evil scum. You are so bad that you deserve to burn in hell for just being born, that's how hardcore you are
>Satanism: being human and having knowledge is fine. Use your own reason and be proud of your humanity and accomplishments
It's still Christianity you faggot
Satanism is Christian. It's just a naughty edgelord kind. But Satan is still just a minor character in the Christian mythos
dont tell me you didnt enjoy dr. faustus you ass
Kid, you may think yourself edgy but you're only retarded
Do you think she worships this fish?
id worship her fish if youre pickin up what im puttin down
No. Satanism isn't actually about worshiping the Christian Satan. He is just used in the Promethean sense of being a hero who gave mankind knowledge.
Only retards think Satan is even a devil. If you knew anything about scripture you'd know Satan hangs out with god as we see in Job and he was "the adversary" who tested people to weed out the righteous from the simners. He's the prosecutor and god is the defense attorney. This "hurr satan is in hell and an evil angel and fell from grace!" is fanciful theater, nothing more. He never was that and never understood that until recent times.
But I guess you're also an idiot who believes once you die you instantly go to heaven rather than sitting in the ground until Judgment Day when god judges everyone, aren't you?
I was showing how Christianity was edgier than Satanism, not advocating either one.
Oh god, please tell me this post is a joke.
The "satan" in Job is not the same Satan in christianity.
if this post is not a joke, holy shit, never post here again
but if theyre buddies why would god send satan into the sea of fire with all the sinners if hes only doing his job by testing people?
does he just gotta take one for the team or something?
>This "hurr satan is in hell and an evil angel and fell from grace!" is fanciful theater, nothing more.
And for these theological assertions you have the writings of which scribe, scholar, prophet or monk?
Satan as a concept in the Judeo-Christian sphere of influence is Christian in nature.
It's not a Pagan concept. Ultimate evil was never Pagan.
Satanism is Christian.
But he is the same person. Satan was an angel who serves god by making bad shit happen to test the faith of people. Christians later made up this whole idea that he was a fallen angel and revolted against god and sits in hell trying to plot against god's creation.
You're just talking out your ass lol
>Christians later made up
You have no records or writings suggesting any such thing. It's all right out your ass.
Try reading something that isn't wikipedia
read a book
He won't be according to the actual beliefs. Christianity muddled the ideas and expanded on an idea that was never espoused by the Jews. Then there is all that metaphorical shit in Revelations that people say is Satan. It isn't.
satan never appears in the jewish bible
what jewish texts are you getting your info from?
Yeah, I was thinking of throwing my religion in people's faces all the time and calling it modesty, then demanding special privileges and calling it equality.
It isn't out of my ass. Satan was an angel and sits around talking to god. We see that in Job. He tests people and weeds out true believers from the false. He provides the adversity and opportunity to prove your faith. That was his purpose and his understood purpose in Judaism until Christianity came along and suddenly he is a fallen angel who rebelled against god and sits in hell.
Clearly Christians changed his role in theology because for 99% of his existence he was never anything but god's angel who tested the faith of people.
They updated it.
Look, from m perspective Abraham and Moses were just as full of shit as Jesus and Mohammad.
The only thing the jews hate about Christians is they stole their meme. Then Mohammad came along and stole the meme again.
Satan is just a reoccurring character in this whole long meme war.
Try reading the Old Testament and other Jewish works that mention him. In their view, he isn't going to hell. Much like in Islam, angels in Judaism have to obey god. Only in Christianity does the concept of an evil angel pop up who fell from grace. So, since Satan is an angel, he serves god by making bad shit happen to test the faith of people.
The father of lies possibly has killed less people than the good lord
I never said I believed in god. I was just explaining that "le spooky horned man of fire" is new. But so is the idea that you die and go to heaven or hell rather than "sleeping" until Judgment Day and that hasn't stopped ignorant idiots believing in that or all those stories of kids/people who died and came back and saw Jesus when in reality their faith says you die and sleep until the last day when everyone gets literally #woke and judged finally and for all time.
How would a human revolt against god?
He's pretty cool.
I'm not a member of the Democrat party
+3 intrigue, free abductions, possessions, familiars, magical healings (limb regrowth including), immortality. Basically there is no reason not to worship him, according to the Swedes.
What game is this?
>Are you an insufferable loser faggot?
>Then have I got the destructive cult for you!
Crusader Kings 2, secret societies have been added with the latest DLC.
It will increase your appreciation of Deicide's lyrics.
> Heaven is a kingdom
> God is its king
> Lucifer rebelling against a king is morally bad
in this light lucifer actually seems ok. there are plenty more arguments but this simple twist should suffice to show that arguments do exist
Worshipping Satan (as an actual person) is even more retarded however as it acknowledges the existance of a vengeful god who's servant/foe you instead choose to worship.
ruins the historical realism
having an orgy isn't frowned upon.
something something hedonism, or something
You can turn off magic stuff when you start a new game.
Satanism explained:
First let's destroy some pop-culture atheist myths. Satan is not some red colored guy with horns in hell (although he will be thrown in hell at the end). Anton LeVay is just pop-culture satanism. Actual real examples of occult satanists are people such as Blavatsky, Weishaupt, Crowley, Bailey, etc.
Satan means "Adversary" and "Accuser" in Hebrew. Satan's name as an angel was Lucifer, and he was the greatest and most beautiful archangel that God made. Lucifer became prideful and iniquity entered his mind. He led a rebellion against God and deceived 1/3rd of the heavenly host. Lucifer and his subordinates are known as fallen angels or demonic spirits.
Satanists believe Satan was the good guy who came to give mankind enlightenment and intellect (knowledge of good and evil), whereas the creator Jehovah is seen as a "demiurge" or evil God that kept Adam and Eve ignorant in the Garden of Eden (the reality is that everything was perfect, and the Fall introduced death to the world).
Satan's deception is about "sacred knowledge" such as Kabbalism, Gnosticism, Kundalini, Chakras, things that on the surface seem to have the best of mankind at heart but ultimately is about man trying to become god. No savior, no redemption. It's all about opening you up for demonic possession and believing in a false works-based gospel (if you're a good person you will go to heaven) whereas the truth is that Jesus Christ died for our sins because we cannot possibly earn our way into eternal life. We live in a fallen world, and sin requires death. Christ is the Way, Truth and the Life. No one comes into heaven except by believing in Him.
In the Babylonian legends, Satan is "Enki" and God is "Enlil". The story is twisted and corrupted to hail the devil as the good guy, and God as the bad guy. This is what the elite believe, aka the Babylonian Brotherhood, Illuminati, Freemasonry, Talmudic Judaism and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.
Lucifer and Satan are different things.
Lucifer is mentioned only once in the bible. Its name means "light-bringing" in Latin.
Satan is another tale. At no point in the Bible it is said that both are the same one.
If you think the canon bible is hogwash and a coverup story, I guess.
care to explain?
Satanism is the ultimate red pill
None. Satanism is Edge on steroids.
It would be the equivalent of a former Gnostic saying "I worship the demiruge!"
Look up alchemy. Lucifer is different from Satan.
>Look up witchcraft, it says that Satan is not bad!
Exactly. It is the catholic Church the one who gave Satan the already existing title of Lucifer. In Christianism both are identified with the devil.
But it is a mistake.
>He is just used in the Promethean sense of being a hero who gave mankind knowledge.
IMO the problem is this.Besides a misunderstanding of yazidism, no religion venerates Satan. He exist solely as a bane of mankind who out of pride introduces suffering into the world. The Buddhist have version of Satan, mara, but you wouldn't see anyone from Asia venerating it. Why venerate a figure who has no redeeming qualities in any sense of the word? Gnostic's hate this temporal world yet can't be bothered to venerate saran. Hell, even neopaganism (which I'm no fan of) venerates deities who were considered to be worthy of veneration. And neopaganism is almost alwasy default anti-Christian.
I don't feel the need to tell others what they should or shouldn't but satanism is just imo bad theology. Purposefully taking a figure with no redeeming characteristics and making a "religion" out of it, you'd ironically be better off being a Prometheist. At least Prometheus is portrayed as a benefactor of mankind .Also satanism comes with it misunderstood imagery such as baphomet who was a misunderstandings of knight Templar religion. The type of people attracted to that particular imagery are pretty autistic.
>Look up bible, it says satanism is bad!
>It is the catholic Church the one who gave Satan the already existing title of Lucifer
The RCC uses the name "lucifer" in a broad sense to mean literally "light bearer." Saints have been named Lucifer as is the famous telescope. Lucifer might be a title for Satan but the two aren't the same. Not any more the same as Jesus and Cyrus because they were both called messiahs. Whether people get the two mixed up is one thing, but if you ever actually read the writings of saints and theologians they make it clear Satan is the bad guy.
Well yeah, the Bible is God's Word.
I'll trust the Creator over Satan who deceived our first parents in the garden.
>literally ironically believes in supernatural things
epic fail bro
Yeah, I believe in facts.
You seem to hold to philosophical naturalism, that is your opinion.
>philosophical naturalism
Philosophical materialism.
>my opinions about god and demons and magic are """facts""" but your opinions are just opinions therefor wrong
Typical retarded christfag, stupid enough to post something like this without noticing.
Same thing.
t. buttblasted monkey-mythology believer
>nothing exploded
>millions and millions of years
>soup turned into monkey
>monkey turned into me
hahahahaha this is what you believe
Just ignore him, atheists are incapable of rational and logical discussion.
Go ahead and post the same 50 creationism images again for no fucking reason, grandpa.
He's a false flagging troll without a trip. don't take him seriously.
>not joining the Hermetic Order and spending your entire time writing theorems and holding debates
>not eschewing friendships and family relationships just for a chance of increasing your Learning
Who is this semen demon?
mom's gonna FREAK
God, demons, and magic are all discussed in the bible.
The only rational thing to worship is the Sun.
>it's a singularly imporant entity to all humans everywhere
>has existed long before life began
>source of all atoms and energy in our solar system
>causes weather cycles that defines our time and life patterns
>it's presence illuminates and warms but can be deadly if not obeyed
>is aloof and cannot be dissuaded or reasoned with or even interacted with at all
>it doesn't care if you worship it or not but humans have countless rituals about it anyway
>if you hide from it you will become depressed
>it will eventually destroy the Earth
No, that's reddit (atheist) Satanism.
>Satanists believe Satan was the good guy who came to give mankind enlightenment and intellect
>There's only one form of Satanism
Fuck off, Wikipedia pseud.
There's movements within the tradition that are absolutely anti-humanist.
Why would I pick up a fish? Am I cooking it?
Pagan sun worship the only true patrician religion. Personal relationships with friendly Santa gods is for the landless.
The same arguments you could make for worshiping Prometheus.
Take your meds.
its more of a statement on ethics and perspective than genuine worship imo. if the whole good/evil shit is worked out to "the story can be played at either end, its floppity flop" then why even bother with the abrahamic-model for creation and ethics anymore at that point? devotional consistency can be broken almost solely with that anomaly