If muh "deep operations" were so good, why did the Russians still have a 2:1 casualty rate vs the Germans?
If muh "deep operations" were so good, why did the Russians still have a 2:1 casualty rate vs the Germans?
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They didn't. Comparing killed/captured/missing on each side the numbers are relatively even. Most of the imbalance comes from the first six months.
Because the Soviets got crushed at the start.
Because they zerg rushed the Germans like retards. This is common knowledge.
Because they trusted Kraut, but the kraut zerg-rushed them.
because they zerg rushed eachother, followed by a succession of complex counter zerg rushes, after which the germans got outzerged at stalingrad
>casualty rate
Who gives a fuck? Real life isn't Counter Strike.
Zhukov was the only competent person in the Soviet High command and essentially won the War
Stalin's purges left them with few good officers.
The first year of war was a disaster for the Soviets. If you look at the later years you'll see that the amount of dead german and soviet soldiers is nearly equal. The battle of Berlin is the only exception but that was Zhukov's worst operation of the war.
Nice meme quote
Nice meme response
Nice meme meme
'deep operations' is literally a fancy way of saying Zerg Rush until a hole opens up somewhere then zerg rush the hole.
Its like Blitzkrieg except you don't use your brain or skill to make a hole, you just sacrifice your men until one opens up.
Because I saw in that one movie and videogame, russians shot all their men with hmg's and kept the guns to shoot their own men so the men they threw at the germans in a straight line wouldn't have any. More memes, memes, etc.
50% of this board hates the soviet union the other 50% loves them. You will get 0 unbiased reasons. Zhukov was just a meme general.
barrier troops were real though, romans did the same shit
>romans used barrier troops, and thats proof that soviets used it 2000 years later!
so soviets are the successor of rome?
We wuz soldat , n blyat.
If you're talking about the penal battalions, they were murderers and rapists, they deserved it. They were still armed though and they didn't literally enemy at the gates that shit, they were just assigned the more difficult objectives which is why their fatality rate was quite high. It's a stretch but you could kinda relate them to US marines at the time, poorly equpt soldiers who take a foothold to allow the actual army to break through.
> If muh "deep operations" were so good, why did the Russians still have a 2:1 casualty rate vs the Germans?
Most of soviet army don't have equivalent training than german army.
>zerg rush
/v/ raid?
>all these people misusing the term "zerg rush"
A zerg rush happens at the beginning of the game and it just means going for an early victory by out-producing the competition early on and using that advantage to cripple the enemy's ability to produce before they've even really gotten started.
In a sense, the Germans did that when they invaded a Russia that wasn't ready yet and forced them to dismantle and rebuild their bases that were falling to the rush. From that point forward though, it was too late in the game for anything to be a "rush" and everyone was just producing the most they could while trying to counter each other's units. When the Germans lost a lot of ground to Russians it wasn't because of a Russian "zerg rush" it was because that's how the ebb and flow of mobilized warfare goes when you're in open plains. Once one side gets a good push going, it's hard to stop the push until they hit a barrier... and there just aren't many natural barriers in flat plains, you need to create the barriers and that takes time.
why is the term zerg rush getting mentioned so often
is this a video game forum
>I don't know what linguistic drift is!
Yes, it originally meant a generalized rush, such as in any RTS, with the Zerg. It later mutated to mean "attack with enormous amounts of low quality stuff, not caring how many of them you lose"
>Its like Blitzkrieg except you don't use your brain or skill to make a hole, you just sacrifice your men until one opens up.
>you just sacrifice your men until one opens up.
>you just sacrifice your men
So it's exactly like Blitzkrieg
desu i was just trolling in my zerg post. i'm guessing the other anons are also doing so as well. anyway its well known that "zerg rush" was a wehrboo meme that has been circulated for years in all eastern front discussions. it's only recently that you see people actually exposing the retardedness of that meme
>raped in the first year
>still inferior in 42
>after that they constantly attacked well entrenched german troops who were very adapt at defending
Everyone seriously implying the soviets were better on a tactical level is a slavaboo/tankie.
Just look at shit like Trappenjagd etc.
this meme