Stop being trapped in a cave

Stop being trapped in a cave.

The cave theory thing is the most ass-pulled concept I've ever heard. Where did he come up with this stuff?

by watching you chained in a basement looking at the pretty pixels on the "walls", friend


Plato's entire epistemology and metaphysics revolve around the idea that your senses are a lie and only pure thought can bring you into contact with the Forms. This is more conducive to sitting in a cave all day focusing on abstract symbols that you made up than any of the alternatives.

I understand why he used the analogy but it's still shit and amusingly ironic.

I would, but I just can't distinguish this illusion I'm experiencing from reality. What should I do?

It was a metaphor for an attack on narrow mindedness and misunderstanding

In order to truly comprehend and understand your surroundings and life you must be open. "To entertain a thought but not accept it"

It's a metaphor. The actual idea is fairly sound.

The perceptions of the senses aren't lies, just blurry half-truths. You need rationality to understand the forms but you can't rationalize anything if you just stay inside and don't experience anything.

Don't let Plato write down what I said. He is a fuckwit and understands nothing I said. - Socrates last words before drinking the Kool-Aid

Your powers of rationality are not any more accurate or precise than sight or smell.

>that nose

Socrates was a Black man.

All these thousands of years later and we are still just screeching frightened apes dancing about so proud of our accomplishments and made all the more ridiculous by our certainty in what we believe to know absolutely.

The prostitutes behind the Agora knew that for certain.

Really jerks your braincocks...

God some of you people are really stupid.

Socrates === Yakub

Dude forms lmao

Here's proof that Plato was too

It's conceptual analysis plus metaphysical mysticism. Still better than everything is water or whatever.

Oh shiet whitey BTFO,

I bet he believed their were more then two genders too.

I was going to tell you that you were retarded, but it hit me: he really was black. Just think about it guys:
>didn' do nuthin
>was woke af
>didn't give a shit about his kids
>did nothing all day but loiter around and argue with his compatriots and youngings who aspired to be like him
>was said to be ugly and physically unappealing
>self identifies as a Pimp
>poor as fuck
>considered to be a blight to the country by his accusers

don't forget
>people disliked his bad influence on the youth
mfw Socrates invented Hip-Hop

Filthy Greek pagans

Sorates came up with it, he just recorded the conversation