Why is there so much filth in the Talmud?

Why is there so much filth in the Talmud?

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>Some stormnigger said it so it must be true



But all that shit is in there

Awww, the leftypol snowflake is triggered :(

What is the final solution to the large breasted Jewess question?

Have you ever looked up any of these quotes? They're not even real.

My dick

Sure thing chaim...what's next the Kiran isn't violent?

>pointing out obviously stormniggery is being triggered

Confront an orthodox jew with it, which I have, they'll unapologetically say it's true lol. But they always have their justification, last I heard was "the torah, not the talmud, is a sacred document".

Nice flat out lie though, shill.

Breed the Jewess' goys

Really user? Why are these quotes not present anywhere except neo nazi websites then?

In the Hebrew Talmud, but only the Hebrew Talmud

>things that never happened for $400, thanks Alex

So post that then. Shouldn't be too difficult if they openly admit to what it says.

He means he posted on /pol/ and some guy larping as a Jew said it.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

awww the faggot retard is a nigger

Because they are like their father the devil

The quotes do exist and aren't just from some Nazi's mind. You can read extracts from the Talmud on sacredtexts and other sites.

However, this does not confirm much of anything for Nazis since Christianity also has fucked up shit they don't follow either.

Secular Jews and several others don't give a shit about the Talmud since it's just rabbinical commentary on the torah and 99% of the Talmud is autistic legalistic shit for the religion. Or gossip about shit people did, especoally rabbis.

The only ones who care about the Talmud are very religious Jews. In which case good luck asking them about this because they see non-Jews as subhuman and generally live in their own communities and don't even tend to like other Jews.

But bad ideas in a religion does not mean all Jews are a hivemind and follow it to the letter. Or at all. Just like Christians freely pick and choose between what they like, so do the Jews. And both sides have radicals who do follow it all to the letter. Jews are not some exception.

tl;dr It's true but it literally does not matter.

>Really user? Why are these quotes not present anywhere except neo nazi websites then?
because they run the media..?

everyone screaming /pol/ makes me remember better timed. I remember when /new/ was the stormfront board and it contained them. But everythinkg whent to shit when it was deleted, then they changed the layout so that it no longer spelled out /co/Veeky Forums and I knew all was lost.

But when it's the Quran obviously it means all Muslims are evil

Oh so we should just believe you then.

Only retards think that way.
Doesn't mean that the Quran itself isn't fucking evil. Or the Old Testament for that matter.

Oh look a stormfront infographic. Better believe it without question and not easily disprove it in 5 minutes.

Impartial here, but that infograph has citations.

Can you disprove even one of them?

Just take a look at this.
>God's Torah is morally perfect, and if something ever sounds otherwise, it is because it is not understood properly.
Yeah, no.
Fuck religions in general, they have no place in modern western society.
None of them.

Do it yourself.


So the answer is no, you can't disprove just one but you would like someone to.

Fair enough

They indeed say those things.
But if you ask about them from a rabbi, imaam, a priest, etc. they use the same argument every religious person uses.
"Oh you're just misquoting them" or
"Well, you see it isn't as simple as it may seem at first. Let me explain..."
It's all a big fat crock of shit.

I read it and disproved your image. Now it's your turn.

Have you asked?

A Rabbi, or an Imam or a Priest?

I've talked to a lutherian priest about certain aspects of the Old Testament, yes.
>protestants are not christians
Yeah, whatever.
They just either take the goalposts further or justify the text with some very obscure moral standards.
I don't think religions have a place in the modern world. Just full of hipocrisy and cause more divisions.

>I can easily disprove this
>okay do so
>what? No, read this url I linked and do it yourself
>so you can't or won't disprove anything
>Haha I read the linked web page and have disproven all of it!

Not really though. Take just one line from the op pic and disprove it and I will accept all the rest as false.

Just one line.

Oh desu.

Going to a protestant and asking about Christianity is like going to Puerto Rico and asking about Americanism.

They have a general idea but get very lost in the details.

Not that user, but here's one from the link I posted earlier:
>As for: "The best of the gentiles, kill," the context here is very crucial. The question was raised, how could there be any horses chasing after the Jews with chariots (in Exodus 14:7), when they were all killed in the plague of hail (Exodus 9:19). The Midrash (Tanchuma – Beshalach 8) answers that the horses were owned by those who heeded God's warnings and locked his animals indoors (Exodus 9:20).

>The Midrash concludes that these God-fearing Egyptians -- the best Egyptians – turned out to be the ones that gave their horses to chase the Jewish people. In other words, in this particular instance, even the best Egyptians turned out to be oppressors, too. Yet even they – "the best of the gentiles" – were deserving of death.
It all just reeks of shit.

Okay. Abodah Zarah does not at any point say non-Jews prefer to have sex with cows.

Yeah, fuck you.
This is exactly the kind of shit I hate.
If you study Islam and find disgusting shit, people tell you that it's not the same because you didn't read it in Arabic.
If you study the OT and ask about from the WRONG kind of priest, you're a dumb dumb and should stop talking about things you CLEARLY don't know anything about.
Same with Judaism.
All because you don't want to admit that your ideology has some major issues.

Good point actually.

It does seem like their expedient conclusion was to trust no gentile and spare not a one.

But this is about the talmud.

Hahaha are you quite sure?

Abodah Zarah doesn't make reference to gentiles fucking livestock?

I don't see what the cow fucking Goyim think is wrong with any of this.

So we've gone from "gentiles prefer to fuck animals" to "gentiles sometimes fuck animals". Nice goal post moving there.

Either way. Link and identify where it says this.

The user in question asked if I had, in general, talked to a religious leader of sorts about their holy book.
And so I answered.
I can't find the part in 22a-22b, but I'm looking at Babylonian Talmud so that might have something to do with it.
It talks about trading/sacrificing livestock, but the text is just really obscure and hard to read.
Different user btw.

Don't you talk about goal posting you fuckwit.
Both of you are in a fucking fervor over this.
There are different Talmud's, if you didn't know.
The Babylonian one doesn't seem to reference sexual intercourse with livestock.

Why is the idea that the jews wouldn't have many nice things to say in their rabbinical texts about the people that ostensibly mistreated for centuries so far fetched?

You can tell pretty easily who is full of shit in this thread.

>Jewish Apologetics

Holy fuck that website. Nigger you might as well have linked to Stormfront as a source.

Well fuck me sideways, find me the proper Babylonian Talmud then.
I just took the result I got and read it through.
Do you deem what a proper source is then?
Go on then, show me your superior intellect.

I'm reading this website through and I can't see what's wrong with it, care to explain?

I already linked you to the only English translation of the Talmud on a reputable website.

On the other hand, you linked me to a anti-Semitic conspiracy website that featured such choice quotes as:
>Running circles around Talmud censorship
>Certain forces do not want understanding between religions

How are those quotes in any way anti-semitic?
You seem to be the one believing everyone to be a fucking /pol/ crossposter or a nazi.

And the first thing your websites states is about everything being fucking anti-semitic.
The one I linked has almost the same exact fucking texts as your does. I already said earlier, that it doesn't contain the cow fucking part.
Are you genuinely fucking retarded?

One of the sources your website cites is a fucking nazi you mongoloid.

If you want to hate Jews fine, but stop shitting up the history board with your bullshit threads.

Hate is such a strong word.

More like torment.

how many of you are jews? Mildly curious.

I'm a 'jew' whatever that means.

My grandparents didn't practice Judaism, my parents are both atheists but for some reason me and all my siblings are jewish.

They sent us to a Jewish private school where almost none of the other families practiced judaism or attended synagogue.

They told us kids we were Jewish from the get got lol, but then also made sure to tell us there was no god. We love Israel for being the land of the Jews while also making fun of the Orthadox and other observant Jews.

So it's been a weird ride.

Good answer

>I'm a 'jew' whatever that means.
Are you retarded? It means you're a jew.

Goebbles was right when he said that the only insult that really hurts jews is simply calling them jews.

And your post is a perfect example of why judaism is not a religion, but an ethnic identity.

But why?

I don't believe in god or miracles or Moses parting an ocean or punishing the Egyptians with frogs and blood rivers.

My parents don't believe it. Why am I a jew? Is there no escape from this stupidity?

Are my sisters kids going to be jewish no matter who she has kids with? Why?

What makes us Jewish? At this point it's meaningless

Its genetic dude.

>But why?
Because you're racially and culturally jewish. As you have said yourself, you went to hebrew school, support Israel for being "the land of the jews", etc.

> Is there no escape from this stupidity?
Sure, you can choose not to identify as a jew. I've very rarely seen jews do that.

>What makes us Jewish?
Everything, from what I gathered from your post.

>ethnic identity

My dad is Mexican. And the last of my family to claim to have walked out of Egypt was probably waaaaaaay back in Poland.

Ethnic nothing

It's a scam more like it

>what makes me jewish
>your parents told you that you were
>what makes them jewish?
>their parent told then they were

This has to end

>My dad is Mexican
Mexican jew?

> And the last of my family to claim to have walked out of Egypt was probably waaaaaaay back in Poland.
What has that got to do with anything

>Ethnic nothing
The lack of self-awareness is astounding

Anyways, I guess a good test to find out if you're a jew is the following one: do you violently OY VEY whenever someone criticizes jews? Do you feel targeted by those "nazi boistoids"?

Well no one is forcing you to be jewish

Look everyone! Young Hershel already mastered the art of being a Jew but not really a Jew but aww shucks i am a Jew but who cares about ethnicities hahaha #donatetoisrael

By their fruits you shall know them.


As far as I can tell my family is polish on my moms side and mexican on my dad's side.

Somehow my mom thinks we're Jewish despite no one in the family having stepped foot inside a synagogue for at least 3 generations.

It's a big dumb joke.

Kind of funny that mr. non-jew was sperging out so hard over the """nazi sources""" posted in this thread.

Good. Fuck kikes and fuck Israel, eh?

Oh please all jewish kids are in the same boat.

Their stupid atheist parents tell them they are 'ethnically' jewish as if you can ethnically be a religion.

It's a stupid scam and you know it.

My mom could just as easily tell us we're ethnic atheist Catholics lol





So fuck kikes for imposing their shitty religion on their children, and fuck Israel, that den of kikes. I'm sure you agree.

>ancient sandnigger religious texts have fucked up morals
More at 11.



>Social chaos is less important than my atheism

You can send a swab of spit to 23andme and they'll be able to tell that you're jewish.

>thinking information is still controlled by "the media"

We already have moral values.
They are dictated by the law for thr most part.
We don't need these religious ideologies muddying the waters.

>Hurr it's all bullshit!
>/pol/ boogeymen!



No, our law was dictated by our values. Same with our religions.

I don't believe in a Jewish conspiracy. I honestly think they can't help themselves.

Jews get into cinema. Porn comes out.
Jews get into publishing. Porn and comic books come out.
Jews get into music. Hip hop comes out.
Jews get into psychology. Freud comes out.
Jews get into sociology. Frankfurt School comes out..
Jews get into politics. Marxism, liberalism, SJW, LGBT movements come out.
Jews get into religion... Judaism comes out!

It's almost as if it's something in their genetics, or soul, something that's deeply rotten. They don't need to gather in one place and discuss how to subvert society. It's second nature for them. They are already programmed for doing this, by whom, I do not know.

>Your daily reminder that the overwhelming majority of the Talmud isn't in Hebrew.

>implying porn isn't as old as humanity

Also Freud fucking made psychology a formal discipline.

Jews get into Physics. Modern physics comes out.
Jews get into technology. Computers are invented.
Jews get into economics. Economics exists.
Jews get into cinema. Porn comes out.
Jews get into comedy. Seinfeld comes out.

When will the goyim thank us?

It sounds like you have the same lifestyle opinions of a regular Israeli Jew. Nothing wierd about that.