Sure, we'll look the other way while you re-arm

>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-arm
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-militarize the rhineland
>sure, we'll look the other way while you annex austria
>sure, we'll look the other way while you dismember our ally

Clearly, ((((((((((Britain)))))))))) was hell-bent on war with Germany.

Poor Chamberlain. Just wanted to stop another horrific war.

>wanted to stop a war
>literally declared war on germany for literally no reason out of nowhere

>annex Austria
Never happened, fuck off

>Not knowing the power and deceptiveness of the Eternal Anglo
You've got a lot to learn, foreigner.

>for literally no reason out of nowhere
>What was the guarantee of Poland

I really feel so bad for Chamberlain, he worked with Hitler in good faith, all logic and good sense was with him, who could want another war just 20 years after the war? Everyone knew how horrible war is but (((Hitler))) couldn't be reasoned with he had to destroy Europe and ruin nationalism for all future generations.

The British generally thought the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany, and so didn't begrudge the Germans re-occupying their own country and rebuilding their military. The reason the Brits started turning against this process of "de-Versailleification" was because firstly, the Nazis started building a new, bigger, fleet, and secondly (and decisively) because Hitler violated the Treaty of Munich, which had been held up by pro-German Britons as proof that diplomacy and rapprochement with Germany was working.

Faced with the twin truths of German naval rearmament and German perfidity, Britain joined the French-led anti-German somewhat late and somewhat reluctantly.

This is the problem the Brits found when dealing with Germans: As a race, the G*rm has no notion of honor or honesty, it will happily sign a treaty if it thins it is to its advantage, but when it comes to actually honoring a treaty, the notion never even enters its head. So when it see a noble race, such as the Anglos, honouring a treaty that is not to their benefit, the G*rm cannot comprehend what is happening, and so thinks the Anglo must be mad, to be doing something not in the Anglo interests simply because they promised to do so.

>Britain is one person

>austrians wanted to unite with Germany
>Germans wanted to unite with Austria
>hitler was bad for following through with this

Let me guess the acts of the union was also an evil horrific invasion?

>So when it see a noble race, such as the Anglos, honouring a treaty
I actually laughed IRL reading this, well baited

A warmonger Britain that was hell bent on destroying Germany sure wouldn't have approved of it, especially when Italy and France opposed it.

>the Brits were being so naive on Hitler, I wish they had listened more to Churchill
>nevertheless the last time someone actually listened to him he caused they got gallipoli

this. Nazi Germany didn't do a single thing wrong

But it's disingenuous to portray two states of the same language peacefully uniting by popular will as some kind of armed invasion.

Versailles was a mistake.
They shouldn't have gave the Poles Danzig. Germans would have always seen it as their rightful clay.

>no reason

It was a direct & flagrant violation of post-WWI restrictions, and an anti-German UK would never have acceded to it.

>declares war on Germany
>resigns a few months later

why was he so selfish


He was dead

>the stormcuck displays his knowledge

I literally dont get it. Why Danzig? They even wanted to be German. I dont fucking get it. Why not just let Poland and Germany sort it out diplomatically.

Why go, 'poland dont talk to them or negotiate'?

Whatever it was all those leaders are to blame for what happened to eastern europe.


Hitler was going to annex them anyways, so it didn't really matter what they did.

They did let them try to sort it out. Guess what happened? Hitler and Stalin spitroasted Poland and took whatever they wanted.

British policy towards Europe is to always stir shit up to a point that Europe keeps infighting and prevent any one power from getting too strong

Basically the reason Germany was allowed to exist following the Great War.

The British and Americans are indirectly responsible for WW2, to be honest. Italy and Greece were also fucked over by the Entente in the end.


Chamberlain is not my Prime Minister. He is a coward and probably Jewish aswell. Anschluss NOT annex ok? Heil Hitler :DDD

They didn't really want only Danzig. Are you daft?

>all people of a countries' administration share the same views

>Britain goes to war to defend their ally after Germany invades despite promising not to, for the second time in 20 years
>lolololol perfidious albino lolololol beady lolololol beady!!!!

>woe betide someone who experienced a bloody and destructive war and didn't want another one