Human Unification

Could the greatest revolution of all times, a human one, be achieved?

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no reddit, please could you stop brigading from r/communism? these are terrible threads

I'd love to see a united humanity but how would we do it?

Discovery of an external, immediate, and truly hostile entity that cannot be overcome by anything less than a fully united humanity.

Europe already did take over the world before. If only Europe was united then the world would be united again. Maybe some Asian countries too.

Species are a social construct. ''''Humanity'''' is an oppressive capitalist-conspired form of identity politics that oppresses and divides the working class of the galaxy from uniting. A few decades ago you wouldn't even be considered Human - what about that, shitlord? Arbitrary distinctions are what makes a 'Human', stop being such a xenophobe.

Looking at current trends, it is inevitable within 100 years.

>race mixing up
>global trade up
>linguistic diversity down
>racism down
>globalism up
>transportation up
>free travel up
>communications up
>centralized media up

Under Communism. It will happen eventually because its inevitable.

surely the hostiles would play divide and conquer with us like a motherfucker

Hello R e d dit

I do browse reddit yeah. Can you tell me why its inherently a negative thing?

It indicates how much of an autistic pleb you are with terrible politics


Martians are not Human! Neither are Plutonians! Lol, how silly is the concept of 'Human'-ness? Speciesists btfo

That's why I say "truly hostile:" the threat, whether it be another species or just an astronomical phenomenon, would need to be completely incapable of even pretending to be allied or friendly to a human.

Can you explain why?

Only when we get invaded by extraterrestrials or with a robots revolution.

United front.

>linguistic diversity down
The loss of so many languages irrationally upsets me.

>t. Ozymandias

>Looking at current trends, it is inevitable within 100 years.

Nope, Asia will arise and prevent the cucking of the non-whites by the Anglo-Zionists

Implying extraterrestrial would ever invade us and not just blow up our planet and mine our resources in the inevitable debris field.

Why do you hate diversity so much?

What if they want our women?

Its ok If we achieve Space travel before Global Unification, Which seems likely, We wont lose as many Languages as you would think. Your inner Linguist can chill.

To say such in english is always insincere

Because Reddit promotes groupthink in which a person who disagrees with the collective is downvoted and ostracized, discouraging an individual from critical thinking and making their own judgements on the topic being discussed.


Quite the contrary! The diversity of peoples represents an extremely strong and continually evolving human culture with very strong regional divergence.


A global empire should obviously teach every man and woman a second language -my vote's on English- but maintaining first languages with cultural ties will not only maintain the cultural diversity that we'd ideally want, but also branch further out once space colonization goes boombastic.

>I'd love to see a united humanity
Why on earth would you want that, Star Trek memes aside.


Ever heard of the baguettes and Napoleon? I'd hope it would go the same way, but without catastrophic defeat. The great thing about subversive activities and rallying support in this case is that a human revolution is universal by nature and any person on the planet can relate and identify with such a cause.

Hopefully one day people will read "A spectre haunts the Earth, the spectre of unitarianism".

In order to save humanity from self destruction maybe?


Nigga do you realise how much environmental protection and restoration, peace, worldwide development, scientific research and space exploration could be achieved if literally the entire world focused and cooperated on it through the state?

>wanting feminist whores
Human pls.

>Nigga do you realise how much environmental protection and restoration, peace, worldwide development, scientific research and space exploration could be achieved if literally the entire world focused and cooperated on it through the state?

Right, just like the United States being unified into a single state has transformed the US into a garden nation free of pollution, crime and economic/technological stagnation.

New shall be born

How does destroying cultural diversity and self determination "save humanity from self a destruction"?

You sound like Francis Fukuyama. We all know how that ended didn't we?

Unification equalizes cultural, ethnical, and behavioral patterns turning diverse nations and races into single entitly labeled "human". It has nothing to do with diversity.

No, because by the time you are able to unify all the humans on one planet, we will have begun spreading to other planets, even other star systems. The competition to control the resources off-earth will breed conflict between Earth Power and Control authorities and the more local planetary authorities and distant colonies seeking autonomous rule. Same as the last time we discovered new worlds. So unless you keep all humans on Earth, as soon as they colonize other worlds they will begin thinking of reasons not to be ruled by Earth. You may be able to achieve single planetary government but then projecting that unification onto humans on other worlds will be difficult as they will have different priorities, resources, and even evolutionary trajectories over time. Human unification, no. Eventually even a Lunar Civilization would seek to break away and self rule.


There is no "humanity". There are competing tribes and families.

Stop jizzing to images of "unification" and spectacular monuments/events.

A "unified" humanity would be a lie by those in control. I'm sure the people at the top would never consider themselves "unified" with anything.

The United States, as a single united entity, is the world's most powerful nation in the world.

That is why a worldwide movement must not be terran, but rather human. Calling a unified humanity a "Terran" state could, no, will bring trouble in the future. This is why it must encompass and integrate every member of our species and, hopefully in the far, far future, even those of others.

It means more contact with other nations and a common rule, but how people live (culture) would not be as radically affected as you believe. Fucking hell, I could carve up the United States into various different nation-states and each would already have significantly different cultures! With time people change.

>There is no "Germany". There are competing kingdoms and families.

>Stop jizzing to images of "unification" and spectacular monuments/events.

>A "unified" Germany would be a lie by those in control. I'm sure the people at the top would never consider themselves "unified" with anything.

The undeniable truth is that the history of humanity has the characteristic of leaning towards wider integration as we move forward. From tribe to city, from city to realm, from realm to nation, from nation to union. A human state is only a natural step.

But as soon as we leave earth for other worlds we will be subject to evolutionary forces completely different than those on earth. Different resources, threats, natural forces like radiation and different gravity will create a whole new subspecies with unpredictable variations from homo sapiens sapiens. You will end up with homo sapiens titanus, and homo sapiens Centauri, and homo sapiens astrus, and dozens other species of humans. Try unifying that. Even before the local evolutionary features take over as a new identity, just the distance will create new political identities. The humans on Titan will not enjoy paying taxes to earth for long. As soon as the majority of Titans are locally born instead of migrant colonists they will break away. Everyone being British Citizens did not stop the American colonies from breaking away. Self determination and self identification and the desire to differentiate yourself and accept as little control over your destiny is human nature. I dont see human populations on other planets accepting rule by earth. Except by force.

God bless human creativity!

Cultural Marxism

The bane of colonial empires, desire for independence. The good thing is that evolution takes quite a while! I believe if all of this was to take place, the obvious solution would be to consider everyone from the Homo family legally 100% human. I mean, if Homo Erectus was alive to see today's democracies I'd bet they would be considered human.

>leave humanity to me

>genetic engineering up
>ethnogenesis branching off
>religion not giving a fuck
>Counter globalisators such as:
>automatisation up
>Green local energy up
>Internet freedom down
>Proxy and insurgency warfare up
Which creates:
>homogenisation efforts of held territorys

Northkorea-tier blocs may become viable in the future.

Yes, it would take the elimination of greed and the knowledge that all suffering in this life is due to our attachments to this worlds material things. Once we, as humanity, lose our attachments to this world and it's things, and serve others instead of ourselves, we will be able to live in unity, as one. Truly, God's world.

The only people who actually conceptualize things like "mankind" and think it's a meaningful concept beyond mere taxonomy are whites anyway.

Nobody else actually believes in this crap. The end result is far more likely that one race overawes and dominates the rest, that's exactly what "unification" has meant in the past.

>once we loose attachment
Fuck off were material by necessity.

>>There is no "Germany". There are competing kingdoms and families.
Except there was some form of common history and some form of "German" Identity (from AT LEAST 1840's) so that's a no-go there captain.
There is NO common human identity, other than taxonomy, no reason to unify myself with niggers or chinks.

That is a problem. But as long as we give equal opportunities and equality under the law, what race is higher and what race is lower in statistics is no longer of anyone's concern.

Die? In terms of how?

You only need a little bread, fruits and water to live a long life. That is just to keep your body operating.

Everything else is simply an illusion promising happiness, joy, and fulfillment, yet it is all impermanent. The only permanent state of happiness, joy, and fulfillment in this world comes from having no attachments to anything in this world, and allowing what is right to flow through you intuitively with a clear mind.

Any materials in this world that are "needed" are not truly needed, just a product of someones greed.

Naive white detected. You are doing exactly what that other user was talking about. Look at America today, do you really think that "equal opportunities" and "equality" have done shit to make the different races want to get along under the banner of "America"?

You share two legs and a dick. You eat and walk. You speak with people of similar subjects and you have very similar worries. You have similar expectations and desires, and if both of you can speak a common language, say English, then you can very easily share the same relationship you would with someone who was not a "nigger" or a "chink".

You're retarded and autistic for believing race is even slightly relevant to how you can relate with other people. The fuck are you gonna say to a Chechen? "We're both white so we're cool xdddd"?

Most humans are extremely similar in many ways, skin colour is an idiotic excuse for anything only used more than language or nationality because it's very easy to spot. Drink ten tons of bleach and throw yourself in a ditch.

I'm Mexican you cunt.

And yes, it has. Most people in America do consider themselves Americans except for the racial identity snowflakes. Besides, people have been stirring the pot for a good time now causing tensions unseen since MLK.

Ah, but living and enjoying life are two very different things! Our lifespan is limited and I personally would like my brain to give me positive emotions for the duration of that lifespan instead of continuous boredom.

Read War is a Racket and understand why it isn't possible right now. We'd have to be a multiplanet species for unification to happen because the elites will always want more, and you can't have more if you're friendly with others in the world and not bombing them. If you're not bombing them, you're not making money from those bombs.

>The fuck are you gonna say to a Chechen? "We're both white so we're cool xdddd"?

No, I wouldn't expect conflict as I have nothing to give them, I want nothing from them, and have never done this individual harm.

Why wouldn't we be cool?

The pleasures of this world though are only temporary, and you'll have to continue to chase these impermanent pleasures your entire existence to still end up unfulfilled.

Why make yourself suffer and cause suffering for such mundane things? Is not permanent happiness a goal? Or is "I want to be joyous now, damned how I feel later. I'll just pursue more pleasures of this world after I drain all of the joy I can from this one!"?

Precisely. You don't care he's a Chechen and you can get along well if you try. Same with most people in the world, regardless of origin, except those with prejudiced opinions against you from the start.

>because the elites will always want more

which is why we give up all things of this world and begin the process of destroying greed. its a plague on our world, and one unique to humans, well aside from parasites.

You first. Give up all the things of this world.

Lead by example

who you replied to wasn't
it was me.

is just being stubborn, give him time to open his eyes.

I'm in the process of it my friend. I have a daughter who I'm responsible for so I keep things for her.

However, I've gotten rid of my car, eat only bread and the fruits I pick from my tree, only drink water. I do have to have a profession though to feed my daughter and provide her shelter in the world we live in. So I'm a cook by trade, get to bring her home food every night.

I don't have anything other than a phone, shelter, bicycle. Oh and an ever growing brokerage account since I don't ever spend any money outside of rent/electricity/kid shit, which I plan on giving to my daughter once she is 18.

It's nice not having to be weighed down by anything, I feel free to do as I please and genuinely welcome every day I wake up.

Just really think about the source of all things wrong with this world, and it'll lead you to greed and the importance we put on material things. Don't wait for others to be the change, be the change you wish to see, and I truly live by that, as you should live by what you view is right in the world. It's the only way for us to evolve.

>The United States, as a single united entity, is the world's most powerful nation in the world.
So what?
Logically the world united as a single united entity would be the most powerful "nation" in the world too, but just as the United States being a unified entity hasn't solved the problems of violence, poverty, and pollution within the boundaries of the United State, the world being a united entity won't solve the problems of violence, poverty, and pollution within the boundaries of the world.

"Unifying the world" as a solution to the worl'd problems is commie-tier central planning, people won't magically stop eating each other in Liberia or shitting in the Ganges in India just because the capital of the world is in San Fransciso.

Yes, it seemed strange that the tone and opinion was so different but the context the same.

Sorry lad, hope can find wisdom at some point in his life.

>hat race is higher and what race is lower in statistics is no longer of anyone's concern.

One, stop thinking in broad races. Think more of dominant genetic lineages.

An Igbo from Nigeria is probably equivalent to Asian-White populations. Someone from Mandela's clan in South Africa is probably bad person to lead a civilized nation.

Identifying strains amongst populations help make far more sense of the world than "White, black, jew, mexican, etc."

>the world being a united entity won't solve the problems of violence, poverty, and pollution within the boundaries of the world.

No, giving up our attachments to this worlds things would though. All of those stem from greed. Be charitable, and only keep what you need (water, food, shelter). It really is that easy.

>You're retarded and autistic for believing race is even slightly relevant to how you can relate with other people. The fuck are you gonna say to a Chechen? "We're both white so we're cool xdddd"?

>grasps the fact that a Chechen is not the same as a German
>still can't understand everyone getting along as "humans" is a pipe-dream

Is there like a circuit breaker or something in your head that trips and prevents you from realizing that races are real?

No. People will always hate each other. That's human by itself. But having a common flag, a newly discovered human identity, a fuck ton of tax revenue for better education and a common president/emperor to complain about will make easing tensions between the peoples easier.

A hateless world is an utopia. A less hateful but a lot more powerful world is a hopeful future.

>still can't understand everyone getting along as "humans" is a pipe-dream

only due to humanities greed, not their race. they may use their race to further their greed, or declare their greed for their race, but in the end of the day, its all due to greed.. Not race.

>giving up your property is a solution to people
not having property

Hippies are a disease.

>is the world's most powerful nation in the world.

And still full of crime, pollution, misery, poverty, and cultural stagnation!

Only if aliens attack and there is suddenly a bigger arena to play in than earth.

Nothing but further divisions. If they've got two legs, two arms and a well-functioning brain then they're good to go.

If you take someone from Mandela's clan, educate him in England, let him work in Japan for five years, and then assume the impossible scenario that his cultural ties to his people were almost completely undamaged then would he still be unfit? Because of the womb he came out of?

I agree that race is retarded for most purposes, culture is a much better concept.

>a newly discovered human identity,
What "newly discovered human identity" jackass?
You think nobody has noticed that we all have two legs and two arms before? If their common flag, "newly discovered" Austro-Hungarian identity, "fuck ton of tax revenue", and common emperor to complain about didn't make easing tensions between people in Austro Hungary easier WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT MAGICALLY BE DIFFERENT ON A GLOBAL SCALE?

because I don't want more suffering in this world due to man's greed? Your cause for MOAR, and "needing" things which you don't, is the reason the world is in turmoil.

Violence? Greed.
Pollution? Greed.
Oppression? Greed.
Poverty? Greed.

and yes, I know it'll offend your brain, but having property = greed.

We are all one, and when a group, or individual, wants to be above the others, or take more than their share, it shifts the balance of this world.

I don't understand how you don't see greed as the plague on this world, but instead choose to see those who require little, and give more, as a disease...

They are real. They're biological differences.

That's it.

>We are all one
No we're not, and no you cannot crash on my couch Rainbow Moonweed.

Sure, through economic inter-dependence, globalism, popular media, or existential cooperation. Although there's not much stopping the world from Balkanizing (again) and going to hell.

You misunderstand the situation of the Austro-Hungarian empire on levels I've never seen before.

The flag and identity. AUSTRO. HUNGARIAN. Austrians and Hungarians. It's on the bloody name! There was no common flag or identity, except for those two. Serb? Bosnian? You're property of the Austrians. Oh, and now of the Hungarians too.

Ever heard of the United States of Greater Austria? You didn't, because some ultra-nationalistic cunt killed the guy who wanted to do it before it could be done setting off the Great War.

I mean, I understand the anger from being politically mute for decades or centuries but the timing was fucking awful.

On the issue of human identity, slap a fuck ton of propaganda and we're good. It isn't that hard to figure out that maybe your Bosnian neighbor isn't really that different and probably deserves the same as you do. And if you've got a flag to answer to, or better yet to fight for, when hoo wee off you go with your new Bosnian best friend.

Society promotes groupthink, are you a member of society? Veeky Forums promotes groupthink you pleb

I actually don't agree. Those with higher capacities deserve more if done through their own merit. Greed and ambition have a thin line, but a recognizable one. Greed is an uncontrollable monster. This is coming from a Mexican, our politicians are corrupted to the core by pure rotting greed. What do you even do with so much money? Why do you need that much money? That's when you can easily differentiate greed from ambition.

The future is going to be just like the past. Violence and greed. There is no beginning where everything sucks and an end where everything is perfect. It's just a never ending cycle of the same stories with different players.

Humanity will not always be trapped on this one planet. Just as we left the first continent and spread to others and became various races and civilizations and identities. So to will we spread from earth and take on new and various identities and biological futures. The process will be may be more rapid than you think depending on how different the environment of the new worlds are from earth.

Those people after a few generations will rally around their identity as people of that planet and not earth, a place they have likely never been. Just as most humans do not consider thier African origin as thier primary historical identity. If they did this whole debate wouldn't be taking place we would already see ourselves as all descendants of the same people. But we don't we fight about much more recent historical identities. And the manifestation of those things as race, nationality, whatever.

So no, in ten thousand years when purple colored 3 meter "humans" from the planet Sagitari Beta 2 are told they are subject to the political process and control of Earth because they are humans they will say "bring it pale skins" and bring out the quantum phase shift weapons.

I would certainly tell my fellow German "We are both descended from a family which still has an imperative of biological value to us, we ought to be friends because our genes must live on as is our natural value of life and time."

And the German, as a generally civilised person, would say "fuck off".

"were almost completely undamaged then would he still be unfit? Because of the womb he came out of?"

Not because of the womb but because genes help code for things like symbolic recognition, speed of thought, a proper 'unity' of sensual information that doesn't overwhelm or underwhelm.