Do you expect the value of ANS to go down in the next day or so? It already jumped up 20% in the last 2 hours

Do you expect the value of ANS to go down in the next day or so? It already jumped up 20% in the last 2 hours.

I'm not sure that it will go back down again until it reaches $15.

Do you think $15 will be its peak?

Nah mate, for now it's just the government pump and non Chinese buying it, the actual Chinese coiners will only start to come to it after the conference

This coin is soooo hyped. Even their devs do not agree with this.

The ETH of CHINA hahaha. Think about it.

Why would that even work .. As if ETH is something the Chinese could not use or stand behind.

This coin will make more victims than RDD.

It jumped 60% since 10:00 GTM. EZ profit. 利润

What the fuck will happen to it once China wakes up in 5 hours? THAT is the question!

China doesn't sleep. But in 5 hours IT WILL WAKE UP!!!!

What I mean is, yesterday it was flat all day so when they woke up, they reacted in a certain way.

Today is different, so I wonder about what to expect

All I know is that I'm not selling until the 22nd
>bought at 70k
>bought more at 128k
>bought more at 141k
Greed is a hell of a drug

It is certain that it will go up until June 22nd, which is the day of the conference.

Buy the rumour sell the news. Sell on the 21st June.

Look here retard. That hype is what makes us our gains. Now if you have don't have shit for brain, sell of BEFORE the conference. Wait for the dip and consider buying in again.

They'll suppress the high and then crash it to the new 24H low at night.

This is tanking when China wakes up tomorrow and sees that people in the west have pumped the price because of FOMO

It's peak will be much higher late this year.

I bought this specifically because someone said it was China's answer to ETH

China is the future, even if a shitcoin is a shitcoin, if it has Chinese backing then it will boom.

This, Chinese prefer their own products

It's going to tank a little and go up 5x growth by next month. The contract with Alibaba is already what makes this shitcoin solid.

>ANS went from $3 to $8
>Look up who the fuck they are
>ANS is china eth and works with all coding languages

i'm notorious for weakhands syndrome. should i actually sell the news in a couple days? already bought the rumor

Chinese are highly nationalistic and don't like buying/using outside products. Look at their social networks

The only rumor you shouldn't buy is that your girlfrend says you got her pregnant.

Will go up 10x by july

>Why would that even work .
I don't know, maybe because China is big into crypto and will most likely favor its own products like it's always the case?

The worst part about AnS is that I was eyeing It ever since it was costing $1.20, but didn't invest in for some reason, don't really know why. I'm feeling so terrible right now, jesus.

I would bet on this shit crashing hard soon if it wasn't chinese. The fact is anything related to China has the potential to grow ridiculously huge.

20k in just over 24 hrs

What a time to be alive

i made so many bad fucking trades with this coin, i just want to sell it soon and buy back when it crashes and just forget about it

Why would it crash after the conference?

That's what people said yesterday when ANT got the ATH at 200k+ sats that the chinese would cash out and it would drop, best thing to is to HODL till the 22nd and see what happens there on.


you have to see chines exchange, the price it only go slowly up, no lookbacks there, on bittrex its manipulated, but there only goes up.

This shitcoin is bullish as hell, No correction at all. When there is a small pullback it got bought up immediately. That tells only one thing, don't expect any crash at all. Expecting the same with LMC. Good luck out there.