Holding onto 4K coins bought @ 103 SATs. When is this going to moon?

Holding onto 4K coins bought @ 103 SATs. When is this going to moon?

*43K coins

Within the month

By how much though?....50%....100%....?


>Cue Skrillex Bangarang

But...it keeps going down.

I feel like it's going to go down to 10 SATs

It's going down to 25 sats first

Then sell it now faggot.
Not that low.

Holding 800k since 1satoshi
feels good m8

Bag Holding:

What coins do you have rn?

BTC, ARD,RDD,ANT,Golem,XEM and Grid



a month ago. too little too late faggot

those are my bags

I bought at 77 sat i I think its not going lower than 69. Just hold user.

what SAT means?

>inb4 newfag/lurkmore. I did but didn't found any conclusion on the meaning of it...

It just bottomed out. On the way up now bought at 75sat holding 620k 1 cent will be pretty easy to get to. I'm holding until a dollar

>implying it ever gets to a dollar

It's the only coin other than bitcoin that does something. And being used today. Research it and get in early

i hate that feeling when so much shit is going to the moon except all the coins you own. im balls deep in rdd, xvg, ubiq, and xem. should i re-evaluate my holdings and start over?

But you most likely said the same thing about ans


Redd is solid all the others I don't know anything about

I sold my position on sys for this, my thinking was sys being a long term hold and nothing was gona happen to the price. Now its all in for RDD, i am truly fucked if this doesnt pull through. I wanted to stay in sys, but got pulled away from it with this shit. Fuck I hate you all, but ill hate you all a little less from my civic if this actually increases.

Hold and it's Lambo time

I honestly think you'll be fine in the long run.

Think long term hold. Don't let this dip scare you.

6 months to a year.

Get out now and put all in ANS it will return your money. RDD will continue to dip for now.

Look at the volume. Something big is happening.

I have rdd, xvg, gnt, xlm and bay. I'm in the red with rdd and xvg but they're really cheap now so I'm confident they'll go up soon.

i got in at 82 satoshis, should i have waited for this dip?

70-85 is holding, when it pumps, you'll know it

Bought in at 91 and 100. going to buy more now

I'be been slowly accumulating. Do your research and you'll realize "Oh, this coin will actually be used by people for something and their upcoming tech can very likely break Normie market"

Big gains aren't for the weak handed. Redd Id soon then mobile staking.

300k @ 60sats
No problems on holding since I don't need that money for anything else. I'm considering on buying 50k more.
Worst case scenario I will triple my money.

>Worst case scenario I will triple my money

then why don't you go all in if that's the "worst" case scenario?

I don't have more money user and I promised to not put extra money besides my initial capital for three months. I started basically with almost 2k and I'm hovering 11k right now.
Holding ETH, LTC, XVG, RDD, GNT, SC, REP and even some BAT and MYST.
Not a good time to sell most and GNT is doing great but it's a long hold for me, don't want to cash out anything from that coin yet.

This coin will probably only begin to moon either next month or the start of September. I'm assuming that reddid will only be released nearing end of september and not before. So it makes sense that people anticipating for the rise of redd id will buy before then. But after the release of redd-Id sell that mofo.

Google satoshi unit. It is like a very small fraction of a bitcoin. I think the smallest that "registers"