Wars, genocide, terrorism, are humans just naturally evil and destructive...

Wars, genocide, terrorism, are humans just naturally evil and destructive? Doesn't history prove we're violent creatures?

Yes. No better than animals fighting for territory and dominance

The most violent.

It's why we own planet and most other Apex Predators are endangered species.

Humans have ideology and belief systems which just enhance our ability to want to do acts of violence against others.

Yes. Strife is a hallmark of life.

Killing is our greatest talent.

I think the biggest weakness and also the cause of human destructivity is our consciousness. We don't have a natural instinct to kill each other. It's power, jealousy, greed etc. that makes us kill each other. The mind can make mistakes. It can be corrupted and intoxicated. Well if I had to sum it up: our own humanity is what makes us do inhumane things.

We're primates. This isn't a controversial statement.

Violent, yes. Evil and destructive, no.

>Humanity is inhuman.
This fellow is extra confused.

How about what you call "humanity" is pure ideology and our actual humanity makes us human and it's not what ideologues think it should be.

Sin is what causes violence and death. Turn to Christ.

The human race consisted of the strongest, most cunning, resilient and efficient killers up until relatively recently when big cities became the thing. Then everybody had to put away all their animal instincts and act like what we all today define as "human" in order to get along with other people you hate in such close confines. The things that we shun and abhor today are just the way things were in the past. Murder, rape, infanticide, all that shit was just part of life.

The amazing thing is how we spent two million years getting to that point and then within the last 300 or so we're supposed to just forget it all and act like something that were not. Never forget that society is an artificial construct. It's not the way humans are supposed to live at least in terms of our evolution. Which is also why I find it funny that people are diagnosed as mentally ill when they embrace what their DNA tells them to do. Also sanity is a false social construct that has no basis in reality and its parameters are confined to how closely your actions resemble that of the mass majority of people in any one geographical area at any point in history.

tldr: you can't negate Millennia of evolution and learned successful behaviors in 300 years give or take.

Which is why we still have things like a rape, mass shootings, serial killers, all that shit. These people are born into an artificial system that says the things are genes are telling them to do are wrong. Which of course they are in terms of living in a successful Society, but not in the "wild", as it were.

Humans are social creatures. Morality is an advantage.

We're mean as fuck but still easily the nicest omnivores to exist.

Nature is brutal, and humans are a product of that. Ever act that extends above that is a miracle and breaking the norm.

it proves that collectivism is inherently violent

most atrocities committed in history were committed for a "good" ideal like freedom, democracy, religion, etc.

>are humans just naturally evil and destructive

As opposed to which other sentient species that built a civilization?
I mean we are comparing humanity to something when we make this claim, right.



Humans are just self interested

That's literally the definition of evil.

Would you spend 10 bucks and save a life if nobody ever knew about it (zero benefits)?

No would be considered evil.
>inb4 donating to children in Africa
That's not what I was saying, that's too vague. I mean if you really knew that the 10 bucks would 100% without any doubt save the life of let's say a person your age and without it he would 100% die.

If it was a one time thing, then yes I would do it.

But if it was an endless option to keep repeating, then no I wouldnt


We're also capable of great compassion, sometimes in our own interests and sometimes completely against it.

The fact that we struggle and attempt to rationalize why we do certain things while at the same time trying to prevent what we deem as """evil""" shows that we're not entirely """evil""".

Congrats, you aren't evil.

An evil person would say: I don't know him, he might be a bad person who deserves to die. I'd rather not risk it.