You better get on the ship, its taking off this is the last warning

you better get on the ship, its taking off this is the last warning

COME AT ME 200k and hodling.

They are going to be so sad... but we warned them!

it's down 12.5% on bittrex


ya but where i bought in at im up so jokes on you. but i cant download wallet due to me not knowing how to work ubuntu and you cant find it on the internet so fuck me

Literally bought this piece of shit at 85 Satoshi and still somehow lost money. About to sell but it was only a few hundred dollars so I don't care if I lose it all and maybe it will moon someday.

i bought at 110 and just sold my 50k to buy GNT and ARK

>buys at 110
>sells at 70

Man that feel.

just been on reddit trying to figure out how to download a wallet to ubuntu and i see them using memes created here. i was laughing they all seem to be hodling

This shitcoin made me loose money twice. That crap has no future.

theres alot of people that do this.



i have not lost money yet on it just getting dem gains. but buy high sell low is the name of the game

are you lost? you seem like you belong on /b/......or /mlp/?

with the amount i had i was losing out on more secure gains rather than hoping this shit ever pumps again, not worth the wait, but what do i know you guys are all pros with your infinite crypto wisdom. Also people like me have to exist for this shit to work

that is true i do love dem gains. well said user. but just buy and hold when you get borad and enough gains sell

Don't be mad that you bought high and sold low, and looked at other gains and thought 'if only'.

Just get in and hold.

Circulation Supply 28 BILLION

LMAOOOO Fail coin is fail

You only lose money when you sell. If a coin has active development then it will pump at some point in the future. Don't be stupid weak handed faggots

you all in on bean coin. this is a long hold not a antcoin that will be dead in a mouth. if it goes to ath you triple you money at the price right now

i'm all in on bitbean unironicially

1.8 on redd

100k on bean, I want to believe my beans won't be memes but its looking like a long term hodl

lol how did i guess. to each his own im not shilling for this coin. just wanting to talk about it. good luck to you sir. but remember buy high sell low

It's for micro-tipping. This isn't meant to ever be worth $10 let alone $100+. Targeting a value around $0.03-$0.15 maybe $0.25.
And when it's currently at $0.0017 that's 20-150x.
Get in and hold. RDD isn't an overnight memecoin. RDD isn't for the weakhanded or the day traders. It's for those with strong hands who are in for the hold.


I'm planning to hold for two years.

I see $.03 by the end of this year, or maybe by Feb

then $.05-$.08 by the end of next year

>buy the news, sell the rumor

naw some other alt coins are out to dump. they will all have to go somewhere. when it starts to pump its gone

sorry boys its gone see you on the moon

lol @ all the people who sold because the april/may gold rush ended and all the coins were inflated we'll seriously regret in like 3-4 months
if the altcoin market doesnt totally die off altogether

i got loads of them trying to get a wallet so i can start mining them as well. should get around 600 rdds a day if i can get it to work. but i got to stop off and buy a lamdo before we go to the moon