How do I convince my normie rich parents to loan me 100k for coin trading???

Hey Veeky Forums bros, help me out. I'm out of my wits. I only have a minimum wage job so between rent and food I got no saving at all. Meanwhile my parents have 1M in stocks and about 2M in fucking bank. I have been telling them about cryptos for months and they keep laughing at me. They think cryptos are some sort of video game coins. What do? If only I could have got them lend me like 100k... I'm frustrated thinking about all those gainz I could have made! Don't get me wrong I love my parents but they are just so damn stubborn!

They probably wish you were dead

they are right you are a disgrace to your family

Both of these

tell them I did exactly that and made millions

if they actually loved you they would have given you the money. maybe they think you are some kind of retarded loser

>I love my parents but they are just so damn stubborn!

Grab some money you made from working, make some profits with it and pay it out. Then show it to them and ask them to get you a small sum. If you are good at it, ask them to increase it step by step, always with slowly withdrawing some profits.

Trading with 100k is different than trading with 1k. Keep that in mind.

This. Listen to this.

Show them something concrete. Facts. Charts.

don't. you'll probably begin day-trading and lose it all.

start with your own money instead. mow some lawns and sell some papers if you have to

Thanks that's actually a very good advice! I'll do that! Just hate to miss those moon missions lol.

use your own money, kid.

I did and they don't believe some articles from Internet.

The user here pointed it out quite well and answered a metric fuckton of stuff here on Veeky Forums already:
Better ask him about it.

Use the bank's money reeeee

Do it like every other poorfag does and quit acting like a higjborn biatch. Make the $ yourself and then laugh at them all the way to the bank,

Get them to loan you 100 usd first.

Promise to pay them back in 30 days. Keep a spreadsheet of your transactions and jusitifications.

Then show them the profits and ask if they would consider a 1000 usd loan with a share of your profits over next 30 days.


Screw you both. They love me that's why they don't want to just hand me the wealth when I'm not ready.I know in their mind they're only trying to protect me but sometimes I think they have overdone it.

>M-mommy, I'm ready for your wealth now, p-please give me 100k right now or I'll poopie all over your expensive house, I'm a grown up now damn it

Sorry I don't live with my parents anymore!


So hire an assassin and inherit the money.

Are you underage or did your parents abuse you?

I was just being silly

Try it slowly, my friend.

Write a proposal. Get someone who already made a lot of money from cryptocoins to convince them.

Or blackmail them

This. Even your parents don't want to drop 100k on some shit that could blow up in your face. Start small and work your way up. Start at $1000 though. That's enough to feel like serious money but not so much they'll care if you lose it. $100 isn't even go play at the casino money. Once you know what you're doing, and can demonstrate your method, at most borrow 5-10k with the intention of doubling/tripling your money and then pay them back.

If you can actually pull it off and they're smart they'll see what you did and ask you to grow some chunk of money. Otherwise, thank them for the seed money and grow it on your own from there.

Thanks that's a solid advice

My parents are scientists not businessman so they only believe hard facts and they are not very good at investment

And a scientist can't understand a blockchain? Or are they to old and refuse to understand.

>they don't want to just hand me the wealth when I'm not ready
because you're actually not ready for 100K you mongoloid.

So you're so fiscally irresponsible you moved out to a place you could barely afford to the point you have no savings, the best job you could manage is minimum wage, and you wonder why your parents are reluctant to give you a small loan of 100 000 dollarinos. Hmm.

Most probably you would wound up wasting it in some retarded shit token, your parents are doing you a favor

Wait how much did your parents pay in taxes? They're millionaires? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Earn your own money faggot

you're the reason everyone hates rich kids, you entitled, useless piece of garbage

Hey, I asked my parents that have more than that for $3k, despite already having made 14k from 2.5k in the past 3 weeks but I was shutdown and they put a down payment on a new range rover.


if your parents have that much money, ask for 10 grand to supposedly lease a car or some bs, they wont pay that much attention to 10 grand, and then use that.

Ohhh Boo Hoo they wont hand you a 100 grand

Blockchain technology is honestly not that impressive, and most of the current price action is driven by FOMO. That's not to say there isn't money to be made, but this shit is extremely high risk, so much so that most people, especially those who are already set, don't have much reason to try and ride the bull until their skull gets crushed.

By asking them for 10k instead of a freaking 100, lel. Then you just 10x that in a year and return the loan looking all smug.

Show them the Deloitte report that says 10% of the world's GDP will be crypto by 2025. Then ask them if they want to diversify 1-2% of their portfolio into crypto, under your management.

>Hey, dad? Can I like, borrow a hundred-thousand dollars to buy fake virtual internet money?

What is this Deloitte report and how credible is it?

you dumb nigger, you're probably going to go buy fucking antshares or ETH at ATH and fucking lose it all instantly

where's that user that convinced his poorfag parents to give him 5k (his parents life savings) to blow on Digibyte at 2600?

fucking rip

With your mindset you're bound to end up losing everything

Your parents are right to laugh at you

Nope I was going to buy btc and eth most and hodl

Nevermind. You're too stupid to do anything but lose your parent's money.

Play the next level crypto currency trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

Barron you need to be 18 to post here

>holding eth
also btc wont go above 3k anytime soon
play with your own money

Tell them to come visit us here on Veeky Forums that would surely change their mind. Also you sound underrage why the fuck dont you make your own fucking money and invest? Stupid richfag nocoiner silverspoon etc..

>buy fucking antshares or ETH at ATH
>or ETH

thank god your parents didnt give you money

why the fuck do you want 100k to start with anyway? how fucking entitled

go to r/personalfinance and post your budget, 1 btc says you are wasting expenses

If you were any good at coin trading you wouldn't need 100k. Try asking for 1k and turn it into 10k. Then turn the 10k into 100k and you'll only have to pay back 1k to your parents you stupid needy fuck. As a matter of fact, get a job and SAVE 1k so you can do it all ON YOUR OWN FAGGOT!

WTF are you talking about? That was like 2 or 3 months ago.

I have a job shitty one nevertheless and I'm in graduate school.