I have to go to a job interview soon. Very well known company and it's a software engineering job. Any recommendation of clothes to wear? Full suit is too much I guess. So I thought about a white business shirt and dark business pants + leather shoes. Is that fine?
I have to go to a job interview soon. Very well known company and it's a software engineering job...
full suit is never too much unless you're applying for a fast food or construction job
Full suit is overdoing it. I would wear a nice button up, nice pants, nice shoes, a nice watch, and perhaps a nice, matching tie if you have one.
And shave your fucking face.
Dress as formally as their other employees. Fit in.
That sounds good, thanks.
just wear what you think is appropiate and comfortable of course. It shows yourself and the employer how important the job is. The comfy aspect shows that you wont value appearances over qualifications, which is good for stem jobs.
This is a matter of principles, dont dress up for some dude looking to employ YOUR skills. you are doing the company a favour by offering your skills to them.
better than breaking bad.
Dress like Mark Zuckerberg. You are more likely to get the job if you walk in there looking like a hacker who's got nothing to prove.
How is this even a question - full business suit and tie ffs. Ignore anyone telling you otherwise - these guys are probably still in school.
Trust me on this I work as an IT contractor and do a lot of interviews.
Good luck.
A nice pair of Dark Jeans, a good polo, tucked in, and a tie. Make sure to button the polo all the way up (more professional).
Level 3 guy here
If you won't hire me if I'm not wearing a suit jacket, please inform me ahead of time so I don't waste my time coming to your interview.
Love the wearing a suit is overdoing it meme, this is why Japan is better than us we let the jew win
This. Come in with blue jeans, shitty walmart sneakers, and a crypto shirt. If the boss asks about it say you bought ethereum at 13$ and he'll think you're a god.
This. Its an interview. Full suit.
Lol, lots of answers from people in here that have no idea how a software company works.
If it's a start up or a "cutting edge" tech company, DO NOT WEAR A TIE. At most, suit, dress shirt, no tie.
If it's an old school coder-farm (IBM, Microsoft, etc.) or coding in a non-software focused company, go for the suit.
Just make sure your suit doesn't look like Goodwill tier. Get a decent suit at like banana republic for a few hundred, and go get it tailored if you have time. Make sure you cut the threading that closes the pocket, as well as the threads that tie the jacket vent together.
General discourse is dress a level above the conventional. Everyones casual come in business casual, their bus cas come professional.
I don't know why this is even a question. You dress like the other employees after you get the job. You show up to an interview for a professional position wearing a suit.
Seriously, if you will not hire me because I was wearing a dress shirt + tie + slacks, but lacked a suit jacket, please have the common sense to tell me ahead of time not to bother coming to your interview.
There's nothing on this fucking planet that requires fancier dress than a nice shirt with a tie and slacks.
I work at an actual software company. Coders literally wear pajamas. You'd be laughed out of the office if you interviewed in a suit an tie. But we're west coast.
Dont be scared of the suit
>I work at an actual software company. Coders literally wear pajamas.
So did I. My own company. If you couldn't be bothered to wear a suit to the interview, you weren't getting the job. I didn't give a flying fuck what you wore after you were hired unless you were meeting with a client. No suit, no job. But, that's me. I ran a business staffed by adults doing business with adults.
>t. minor league flyover state software company
>itt: cucks scared of a piece of fabric
Not big on suits and hardly ever wear them, but when you have such a visceral reaction to clothing you "laugh people out of the office" for dressing formal, perhaps there's some deep-seated issues relating to parent figures you should address
Is California a flyover state now? I retired at 42. How are you doing?
Fuck you beardlet.
Trim beard to make it neat but clean shave is for cucks if that's your natural look. If you have 19 year old pubestache by all means get rid of it though.