/ANS/ - Antshares General

This shit is about to take the fuck off. Chink magic is real

It's just a matter of time indeed. I'm glad I was able to buy more on the dip.

its dropping on Yunbi

might be a good time to get out while its up a little

thanks for buying my bags

back at 391 lads

>sell me your bags now at 360k user
>it will go dow to 250k user

lol back down to 370

Buy the dip, and sell when chinks wake up. Repeat till conference. TO THE MOOONN

This is it, if you didn't buy yet you completely missed it

oh fuck, the Queen awakens

take down your walls bagholders

intraday charts again for those who might care. gmt+1. right now it's 20:10. it's 02:10 in beijing

Guys, you need to dump this coin. Don't hold and just let it free fall. You could then rebuy for much cheaper. DUMPPPPP. please dump so everyone can be much happier

The chinks are ruthless though and literally just sell like mad whenever they see green

Why the fuck would they bother doing anything besides cutting their losses and whitey's expense?


bought 7 of this fuckers


dont listen to this whale, fucking hodl


Anyone chuck an ant my way?


And here we go


Why would you not want to buy in at a third or half of the price instead?

450k sat in 45min if digits

Is bittrex BTC/ANS offline?

checked, time to get fucking rich!

kek has spoken

So pump already over

lets go

He's here.

you mean 45k?



go jerk off for 2 days until the conference

check-in to make sure the conference wasn't shit

if it's shit you're probably fucked

if it isn't just hodl for like 6 months and see how high this shit can go

stop trying to time this shit, it's a complete waste of time


hooray for the noonmoon



why did this shit moon so hard yesterday? it's doing literally nothing today

>jerking off for 2 days
rest in bepin, senpai

Who's the largest hodl here biz?

Hype because of upcoming conference created a link reaction. To be fair it was blown out of proportion, too many people want to get rich but a lot more will be left as bagholders for those already got in early.

100 sats during the tea break of the conference

Hype because Microsoft and Alibaba co-op

When's it gonna moon

Should I use my last 10e worth of bitcoin to buy 1 more?

oh bb pls let go

>When's it gonna moon
in 35min

but what did you buy at

I'm hodl until there's a big dump, I'm still well into the gainz.

Dump it so we can all rebuy.

Can you send me one or two, please? Poorfag here


>ETH dipping like crazy
shit should I stay with ANS or jump the ship

Fuck off and stop begging you cuck.

700 here, since 0.0014

There is no way anyone who gets in pre $15 will be a badholder. at $30 it would still have a smaller market cap than NEM.

I gotta start somewhere if I eventually wanna stop being a poorfag

i think its dead ... :(

its free falling again

>people actually selling this at a loss like a cheap shitcoin

Reading this archived thread in a month is going to be hilarious.

Um guys

sent ;)

What's your target for profit? Personally going for 5.5

This, only a autistic retard thinks this is a shitcoin

I'm going for the moon

sell order set at 0.00425000

just fucking kill me now.

Thats also what people said about DGB.

Nigga why even bother, it got to that several times already.

So when do I buy? It's already fucking 0.00360000

This is my first day trading crypto and I own 5.076 of these now
How did i do?

>Getting tempted to sell now will still double my money at least
I-im just gonna close bittrex

>all these red arrows

Why 35?

i get out with a decent enough profit without waiting weeks, it'll dip again and i'll buy back

riding these microwaves to squeeze out some extra.

Send me some senpai so i can keep HODL.

Kindly asking for a few too, lost so many on a bad sell yesterday and truly hope to make amends :(


brb going to buy a bottle of wine and drink it while listening to music and refreshing my blockfolio

Fucking same user.

what's happeining is a accumulation phase

Is DGB endorsed by a government of 1.3Bill Azns, cooperating with Alibaba and Microsoft?


first time i invest into coins, have 3 of them, won't cry if I lose

Got in, thanks for posting holy shit nice find.


uh is that 5 or 5 thousand?

I don't know why people are so desperate when the conference is still 2 days from now.

When's it gonna stop dipping I wanna buy in

its tomorrow not two days

Someone start a new thread where begging like a cuck who just watched a BBC wreck his wife and marriage isn't allowed.

Except DGB plummeted after the conference, when they didn't win the award. ANS's great day is thursday.

because the dump came early user

Let it dip until the 20s. Gooooo.

Five m8, im testing the waters.
I have alot of liquid capital and im looking for somthing to do with it desu

Guys is this shit coming back up
i bought at 420k

You see, if it didn't tank to 7$ over night, than it is bound to shoot back up par 450k sat, you just have to HODL.

BTC is rising, all altcoins drop as a result.

I need 1. Only 1


*sniff* *sniff*

I guess this is it lads, I sold and barely avoided a loss...

I'd recommend EVERYONE here to do the same.

The hype is dead, it's over. This coin will tumble down to the ground.

Heh, just the place where a mere ant belongs.

no. sell now.

>Except DGB plummeted after the conference
Which is exactly what I am expecting ANS to do as well.

buy high sell low