I'm back Veeky Forums

I'm back Veeky Forums
here's my pick for the next 9 months


don't tell me I didn't tell you about in 9 months from now when it's gonna be 40x its current price.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

Also as usual we'll be adding your screencaps to the pic as we did with ICN 8 months ago.


Bro you are going to ruin your rep shilling Monaco. Put me in the screenshot too. We'll still ha love respect for you when this thing tanks but you own up to it.

Hahaha he says Monaco.

Explain why they're better than Tokencard. Why should I believe you?

Buy where?

>shilling scam on Veeky Forums

right on

you should do your own research, I', just giving a heads up, and taking screencaps

Token card sounds ghetto as fuck
Monaco. That's sounds rich as fuck. Hmmm I know of a certain place called Monaco where some very wealthy people live.... would be cool to have a Monaco card to show off that wealth.......hmmmm

Digits dictate if Monaco is a scam or not

dubs for yes
more for confirmed

"Extra fees?Worry not, got my monaco with me."

No dubs of trips or dubs it confirms singles go mingle. But in all realness-this coin has tons of potential.

:) might have to take a trip to Monaco with all the gainz I'll get

Suck my dick let me have my glory in the screencap.

Tokencard is more normie friendly

why does every coin website have that same moving matrix shit in the background?


okay expert

where the fuck do we buy?

Monaco's is actually much more normie friendly than tokencard and it will get promoted on airports for regular travelers.

t. ICN and Monaco ico bro

"Missed out on $2 ETH?
Don’t make the same mistake twice."

Wow, I love a token that uses blatant FOMO to get me to buy it.

where the fuck do we buy OP?

i was thinking the same thing. seems pretty unprofessional. im not saying it isnt a good buy but i don't like seeing that on their website

Still isnt available for trading, but it will be soon. Shit exchanges (livecoin, liqui etc) first and good ones in the future.

I don't think it hit exchanges yet anonanom

How is this remotely interesting while the market is so volatile? Seems like a long shot.
But could turn out great if marketcap raises so high that the swings become smaller.

Price estimates for when it hits exchanges? It will most definitely be below $2.88