>Egyptians don't cluster with Euros
>Egyptian genomics show they're seperate from Euros
>Artwork depicts Egyptian neighbors as being lighter skinned
>Egyptians don't cluster with Euros
>Egyptian genomics show they're seperate from Euros
>Artwork depicts Egyptian neighbors as being lighter skinned
They weren't euros, and they weren't black either.
If by "Black" you mean West African or Niger-Congo speaker then of course not. If by "Black" you mean East African or Horner then it's doubtful Egypt by the establishment of the Old Kingdom didn't have East African to Horner founders along with the Levant ones.
Ancient Egyptians were more Levantine than Modern Egyptians.
Copts have at least 10% East African admixture.
It's worth noting that this guy forgot to say what the people were.
Right to left, Egyptian, Greek, Nubian, Lybians (Greeks in Lybia).
Go We Wuz somewhere else.
He's not "wewuzzing." He saying what ethnic groups the figures in the painting represent.
It's a Levantine.
>Greeks in Lybia
They're Berbers.
I know none of us here are expects on the matter.
But you really must take into consideration the origin of the nile, and the way in which it flows. That alone should be a simple guideline to understanding Nile Valley cultures which ultimately led to the composite culture of Ancient Egypt.
They were Egyptian.
They looked like Copts, or Berbers
Obviously the Ptolemaic dynasty was Greek and therefore white, but all dynasties before them were probably of Semitic and East African descent and by East African I mean the lighter skinned ones with Caucasian features like the horners. Let us be clear, there were NEVER any sub Saharan Egyptian pharaohs.
Trying to say that the lighter skinned men in the picture are Greeks totally isn’t We Wuzing.
Horners are by definition Horner and their phenotype is not through simple admixture models
What's funny?
Found the Afrocentric.
You're using obsolete genetic models that use Yoruba as the base for African biodiversity and some Middle Eastern Group
Plosone dispelled lt because the discrepancies and honestly the logic was obviously wrong.
Also afrocentricity isn't a derogatory word, only people who black the context of its use use it so flippantly as an insult
>still pretending Africa didn't have migrations from West Eurasian populations despite the presence of Berbers and South Egyptians
>doesn’t demonstrate how it's obsolete
>doesn't demonstrate how pickrell's paper isn't accepted academially
You're going full Afrocentric.
I've studied Egyptian art extensively and traveled their multiple times and I'd say the anthomadness poster is correct on this issue
It is probably the case that the people that most closely represent the racial type of most of the Ancient Egyptians are modern-day Upper/Southern Egyptians. The art shows a majority of brown/red South Egyptian types, maybe some Horner-types, and a notable amount of fair modern-day Copt-types (mostly women).
With this being said, we won't know for sure until a definitive genetic study comes out with both Upper and Lower Egyptians. But for now, the safest conclusion is that modern-day Upper/Southern Egyptians and perhaps North Sudanese are probably what most of Ancient Egypt comprised off with a dash of fair people to best represented by modern-day Copts.
Ancient Egyptian Mummy Genomes Suggest an Increase of Sub-Saharan African Ancestry in Post-Roman Periods
Krause et al.
Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we mtDNA and nuclear DNA from mummified humans recovered from Middle Egypt that span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the Third Intermediate to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more Near Eastern ancestry than present-day Egyptians, who received additional Sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.
You seem triggered at pointing out East Africans to Horners aren't actually "pure" "Africans"."
>anthomadness poster
Europeans aren't niggers they don't need to LARP to be great
Dynastic Race Theory has NEVER been debunked.
Original Egyptians were definitely closely related to Europeans. That justmakessense.
Forget about horn of Africa.
You forget the cataracts that blocked travels down the nile, and made it completely irrelevant that it was even the same river. Egypt ends at Aswan for a reason, because that's where the first cataract is, and that's the end station of travelling up the nile.
>Egypt is not in Europe
>therefore Egyptian natives are not European
Ancient Egyptians weren't white in the same sense greeks weren't white aswell.Herodotus describes Persians as being of lighter skin than Greeks.Yet everyone claims ancient Greeks were white, but instead, I think the proper term is caucasians.Same with Egyptians,Minoans,etc.
they inherited roma
That's old
The graph clearly shows we are predominantly Ethio-somali, Ethiopic, Nilo-Saharan with very small admixture from Arabs. Somali whose features are smaller than our own and were historically consider "more Caucasoid" are in fact near pure.
You don't know how to read graphs
*that's an old way of looking at populations, it's giving a false sense of positioning because it doesn't take into account recent admixture or ancient back migrations