I didn't even think this was possible.
Holy shit this is going to be big.
I didn't even think this was possible.
Holy shit this is going to be big.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is fucking insane.
My transaction went through, when do I get it?
7 days from now.
Mine fucking didn't. What do I do?
If I resent a transaction, does the new one override the old one? Is that how that works?
Bought 1 Eth worth
Am i going to make it at last?
Dude idk lmao. I sent at like 12 pm central and went to the gym. Transaction disappeared but next think you know it went through like an hour ago.
Fuck this shit
Laughing at all the goyim who invested in this shit
enjoy your overvalued shittoken LOL
I thought Bancor was a shitshow
I would have put more into Bancor if not for this garbage, didn't even get in
>most heavily FOMOd thing in the history of the world
I will enjoy it.
bro even if the product is utter shit every single ICO has exploded in price, this is a quick buck.
Doesn't this just mean that there will be more people that ever wanting to sell their tokens?
Let em stay poor lol.
>watched the Status promotional video
Fucking LMAO
If this isn't a shit-coin I really don't know what is.
What the fuck is it? An instant messenger except you can send ETH? Why do you need the Status token for?
>Holy shit this is going to be bag.
Think about it. Institutional money has not even entered cryptos yet. In my opinion, we are not even at the beginning of this whole thing. It's going to be bigger than we think.
Whitecoin example is that people will use tokens to pay for push notifications. That is how the ico token holders profit... are people retarded?
Finally, someone who understands me.
This is JUST a FUCKING MESSENGER COPY. Their tickets are like FACEBOOK MONEY, you know, that kind that NOBODY uses. Their app is a cheap ass copy of (insert messenger app here) with a built-in browser to use DApps. That's what Social is.
This was the biggest ETH ICO scam... I mean just ICO. Not because it was good, but because EVERYONE IS GETTING IN on the scams. I mean, take a fucking look at the graph. That growth has been fucking exponential.
So what does this mean for ETH? Lots of people buying Status will make ETH go up or down?
Up because they're tying all this ETH in some wallet. Less supply for the same demand = higher price. Compare the ICO dates with price increase, it'll almost always match (not today because btc is going up)
I hope they dump that shit, I want to buy other ICOs soon
Wow i just realised bancor need to cancel their launch. This device centralises ethereum too much. It literally promises to "control the price of ethereum tokens?" What are they planning to do? Use the eth they raised to manipulate the price of eth tokens via their contract? There is no need for this device.
I just need one of these shills to clearly explain what bancor is useful for?
Noone can give a straightfaced explanation of how token holders profit from any of these ico services.
Bancor is USE LESS. They sold it as a revolutionary device, but it's just 40 lines of code. It's a terrible thing. Read this article and be glad you weren't cucked into buying the shitiest ICO until now (not counting with Social)
What site are you using for that?
First of all what's the token even for? It's not a share of the company, it's not a stock. An instant messaging app shouldn't even need a token since all of them are FREE and you could just send eth by asking the other guy his address. Are people just buying letters?
>still posting FUD that the author admitted he wrote without doing proper research after he got BTFO on reddit
WTF does FUD means? i see it all the time here
get out
Sure senpai. Do you really think everything written there is shit?
Also, creating reserves? What's next, bitcoin becomes the central bank's currency? We'll have the SEC on our back? This isn't what Satoshi had in mind. It's shit like that that'll lead us back to the $.
lol 300k eth ceiling for a fucking mobile app in its infancy.
How to add SNT to your My Ether Wallet
press "Add Custom Token"
Address: 0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e
(copied from etherscan.io
Symbol: SNT
Decimals: 18
pls send btc master coin tips to:
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
I'm working on a solitaire game that requires its own tokens. 1,000,000 eth guaranteed at the ico!
I got 41 sgt for a abounty. how much will they be worth lol?
10k for 1 eth right? hmm...I better sell asap when it hits an exchange..
Who gives a shit if it's crap, it's all about the fact that there will be lots of greater fools ready to buy in later. Besides a portable DAPP browser with a messenger sounds convenient, I might use if if it's functional.
Fuck this shit I quit.
.... jk I can't quit you guys.
My contribution is in limbo
>doesn't say failed tx on metamask
>says tx can't be located on etherscan
You'll use it, just like you probably use Facebook Messenger. But you wouldn't pay to do so. And yeah, I agree with you. There'll be greater fools until there are none. ICOs will be exponentially overcrowded until nobody but the insiders can get in.
that dude lul
We all are, my man. Nobody knows.
I considered putting in 30ETH but the way the ICO was going, plus the retarded high hard cap, made me think the volume is going to be way too high. This is the biggest ICO ever for only 41% of the total coin supply. The Dev team gets 20% of all coins ever created put in their personal wallets.
I'd been not mentioning Status until this morning and then saw that they suddenly let the info about the ICO and the handling (suddenly allowing greater Gas prices, allowing multi-million dollar transactions despite the whole volume debacle apparently being a whaleproofing method) turned me off literally right before I hit send transaction.
Best of luck to the Anons the make some money, but I had to turn this ICO down. I wish I hadn't missed SNOM
Is it a good hedging strategy to dump half your tokens at the open and hold the other half longterm?
It's so high because people thought the market cap would be low
"Hidden" hard cap is now 50m over the soft cap
Typical Jew trick
In this ICO game, if possible, I'd secure my initial investment and ride the rest long term.
agreed brother
Sonm is a scam, look into it more
actually no you god dam stupid faggot, it takes 1-2 years to make a quick buck stupid dip shit fucking fuck toy nigger ass licker rubber chicken finger licking pussy faggot ass.
This shit will crash and burn remain near worthless then suddenly pick up again in the next year.
You think ETH will die?
it doesnt matter if it will or not. price will remain below or at ico for a matter of months.
Worth the 1 ETH to get in?
This is going insane, seriously...
You do realize the people who collected all those ETH will dump them at some point? (to pay for development, the working people... all of this for the 903498432th shitty messenger app that costs literally nothing to make)
Besides, once the tokens will hit the market they will be worth horseshit. That's already the case with BAT, and soon fucking Bancor.
Honestly I don't care if Ethereum hits $1000. I'll stay away from all this shit. Way too risky.
Only Bitcoin
No one will use this app even if it does get made. They are making you pay money to get push notifications on your phone lol, i mean what the fuck. No normie is gonna come to that over facebook just because mah blockchain, muh decentralised (but not really)
I think the stupidest idea for an ICO is Primalbase.
Blockchain for shared workspace. What the fuck is that? What's the point?
Vitalik has been working on it (as "advisor") but he had his name removed from the website for whatever reason. Even him thinks this is going too far.
Find Uncut Dope
Nobody gives a shit about central banks or satoshi. This things is going to make us money, and that's all that matters. You can avoid buying in because it goes against your ideals, but don't spread FUD about the project out of reasons that most people don't care about
how many lambos is this
Yeah you pay to send messages and do other shit, but they imagine providers stepping in who will cover your costs in exchange for personal information or whatever. I actually don't mind the idea, but the money raised appears to be a fucking joke, I don't think this is as fucked as bancor is but if 275 million is correct this is no 5x exchange ICO
i saw it here
No this is the most stupid idea.
See the thing about STATUS that I don't like is how heavily downplayed it is by investors like you and developers. I mean shit, the developers don't even try to hide their shill. For Status (Social app, technically) to become as big as the people who bought in think it will be, Social would need to overcome extremely popular messaging apps. Basically, they need to be able to compete against Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, and basically social media applications as well. Expect a dump from all the people that think ICOs are quick money. Probably will see it go 1.5x-3.0x (generous prediction) for a very brief moment before the bots dump the shit out of the coin. Then, you'll be sitting on a pile of garbage. Not even fudding, I plan to dump 32.154 ETH worth (using a bot for accuracy and precision) as soon as I see 1.5x ICO price. Gonna make a quick buck and GTFO cause the coin is definitely not worth hodling
You should already have them if it went through.
ETH transaction still hasn't come in to myetherwallet from bittrex.. been about 14hrs and cannot find anything with my txid
Market cap is now over 200M
It's a messenger app that can run dapps and also work as a wallet to pay or receive securely using messages.
The only ones doing this right now are the chinks with wechat nad it's shit and poorly implemented. Why nobody with already established userbases haven't done this is beyond me. The direct competition to this is the Token app by coinbase and KIN ICO that's being developed by the kik messenger guys.
What I don't get is why is this concept so hard to grasp for a lot of people. The ICO is fucking out of control, but the idea of status is not shit and if it had a way to get traction and people using the messenger app it would quickly make normies to get used to the idea of crypto.