>perfect kings don't exis-
Perfect kings don't exis-
welcome to the club
OP pic not related.
monarchs get out
>gets shot
>teleports behind you
nothing personell... knægt.....
monarchies are only relevant in ages of severe barbarism
Your taste is shit
*Conquers your kingdom*
Oh yes, they do.
Do not despair!
mememperorboo strikes it again
t. Henrik Larson
OP just played a swedish paracocks game for the first time
Gustavus Adolphus was a talentless hack.
>win the 30 years war
>Implement strategies that are still used around the world
Cuckstavus Adolphus you mean?
>Invented modern warfare in the 1600s
>Saved Protestantism
>A hack
>No one has even mentioned my nigger Petey (the great)
Come at me bro.
Before I come at you
Step aside children, your better has arrived
Kings? Heh, cute
>win the 30 years war
he didn't, he died like 15 years before the war ended
Didn't he kill his son?
>win the 30 years war
That was France
>Implement strategies that are still used around the world
such as...?
inb4 some deadliest warrior tier nonsense
Mindlessly brutish, yes. Actually talented, no.
parroting the same bullshit as the other guy, congrats on buying euiv on sale kiddo
>saving protestantism
>implying that's even remotely a good thing
Many of the Swedish tactics during the 30 years war were derived from Dutch doctrine. The original Swedish army that invaded Pomerania was influenced Dutch military advisors hired by the Swedes.
That's like saying Winston Churchill conquered Fredrick the Great's kingdom
>such as...?
Swedish brigade, first and only strategy to antiquate Tercio formations. Practically reinvented combined arms. Introduced the military industrial complex. Sorted regiments after region. 'whites of their eyes' doctrine.
That was Ivan the terrible.
All Oxenstierna had to do was keep up the pressure.
Derived from dutch and perfected.
Catholicism is corrupt and it isn't even christian. protestantism is supperior in every way
not an argument
>That was France
Nah mate. France payed the swedes to keep up the fight. France couldn't have done jack shit were it not for the swedes
>win the 30 years war
>Saved Protestantism
Look at him! Look at him and laugh
Most of the french operations were along the Rhine, and there they fought without any swedish assistance whatsoever.
Of course without swedish successes elsewhere, the whole united imperial effort could have been placed against France, but then again that can also be said about the swedish fronts.
getting btfo by the germans and poles makes you perfect?
peter also put his son to death in a more official manner for trying to overthrow him
You can't argue with Swedes, when it comes to 17thC. I don't know, where it comes from, but it would be easier to have rational conversation with radical Islamists, than with random Swedes, about >empire. Well, at some point it will backfire at them, and there will be similar backslash, as with Wehraboos, Weaboos, etc.
you can say the same thing about every nationality desu. frogs on this board consider themselves to be the founders of western civilization and bongs still think that the world revolves around them. not to mention poles and their autistic screeching
Don't forget the Germans autistically believing the entire world was against them and that WW1 was a war where every party was equally guilty.
>that WW1 was a war where every party was equally guilty.
You're right, the fucking Anglos are to blame.
T. Tostig Godwinson
Gonna show your Anglo-Saxon women the BNC
He was better, but his fucking allies didn't show upt o fight. Then the fucking swede shows up
>30 years war
>The HRE gets r-r-r-e-k-t
Shut it, Hans.
That's a big claim
shit taste in women.
meine König!
Excuse me, divine rights of kings coming through.
Sebastian was shitty.
I agree that Manuel is criminally underrated tho
>le prussia XD
I wonder when if they shat what they used to wipe their filthy asses.
shoo shoo slimy frog back to your swamp
A proud French Crusader King.
super fuktigt.