I've sent 4110 Antshares from my wallet to bittrex and it's been 11 hours with no confirmation, i have typed the txt Id into the AntShare block chain with nothing coming up? Have I been scammed or something ? someone please help I'll donate some ANS to whoever helps me solve this problem
I've sent 4110 Antshares from my wallet to bittrex and it's been 11 hours with no confirmation...
Don't trust "Made in China (TM)" currencies, especially wallets.
Input your receiving address on antchain.xyz
If it appears then your good, just takes a while sometimes
You are supposed to keep your coins safe in your exchange wallet, and disable 2fa so you can log in faster and buy at ATH.
Maybe ask Bittrex,they might be smarter than us. Ask on Slack.
Hi still no luck, it's like the transaction never even existed I have checked my wallet address that originally had the coins in on the AntShare website and it still shows the balance as 4111 but the wallet is showing 0 I'm so confused man
maybe try r/antshares if you dont get an answer here
have you sent the Ans to an Ans wallet?
The web app right? Does it show up as a recent transaction on the home page? You might have to rebuild the index, even if it says 100%
The block explorer is basically saying the transaction never happened
Dumbfuck! Test with 1ANS before you send high amounts worth $50k.CHINKED
Did you send your ANS to a ANS wallet or to a BTC wallet? If you sent to a BTC wallet, you fuckt
BTW, welcome to poorville!
Just give it time man, im honestly assuming it will take a while cause of the amount, given that it took me over a day to see a transaction show up for a test deposit. It makes sense that it will take a while due to the huge activity it's been recently getting this past week. Hope it goes through man!
if anyone comes up with a solution, I will donate antshares to you
I think there is something wrong with my ant share core wallet desu like I've pasted my AntShare wallet address on the website and it's still showing 4111 ant shares but the actual wallet shows nothing so I have installed a diff operating system might not work but worth a try.
If on webwallet, make a new wallet by importing your priv key. On desk, either click rebuild index or re-download the chain. Check the address on antchain.xyz. Does it still has the funds? If so, the tx never got pushed and you didn't transfer the coins
Then rebuilding the index is the way to go
I went from 344 ants to 510 thanks to this chrash, I actually got more money now then I had while the price was high
If helped: