Like people who would hunt down and murder most of the /pol/ kiddies today? Genuinely interested.
Are there any historical examples of left-wing deathsquads?
Other urls found in this thread:
Plenty in South America and more than enough in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia
The cheke or whatever they were called were left wing deathsquads in the Russian revolution.
North Korea? Every secret police of every leftist regime ever? Look at any regime in Africa that was socialist during the cold war, throw a dart.
The fact that OP is unfamiliar with any historial leftist murder squards is a sad reflection of the pro-Marxist bias in contemporary academia.
republicans in the spanish civil war
You basically posted one.
Nothing is more sweeter than fascist scum getting what they deserve.
or that he's just dumb and almost everything he knows and communicates in is memes just like pol
>NSDAP is fascist
retarded college leftists can choke to death for all I care
I dont think retarded college leftists should die but I do agree that the NSDAP isn't really fascist.
What actually is the difference?
>muh supercool distinctive acronym
No matter how much you try fabricating history in order to conceal your shameful defeat, the world will always remember you under the umbrella term of fascism.
>he's proud of spreading misinformation and pushing the no information culture on children for virtue points because he's swallowed ideology
again if these people died in a fire I wouldn't care even a little
Literally no one cares about your special snowflake names except autistic stormfags. You're all the same to everyone else.
Well he didn't learn his memes from /pol/ so that only leaves academia.
I legitimately want to know the difference. They're both totalitarian nationalist movements that emphasize militarism and industrial modernization; rooted in reaction against the rise of industrial capitalism and the then-looming specter of socialism. Oh, they were also both predominantly movements driven by ww1 veterans.
and no matter how much you complain about it leftists like you will always be referred to under the umbrella term of "commie".
Good. Calling leftist a communist is the greatest compliment you can give to him.
>I legitimately want to know the difference.
>They're both totalitarian nationalist movements that emphasize militarism and industrial modernization; rooted in reaction against the rise of industrial capitalism and the then-looming specter of socialism
I don't know if you realize this but up until you brought up socialism you were describing the Soviet Union, and arguably even after adding the socialism qualifier you still were, considering the Stalinist intolerance for competing strains of Socialist thought.
You're the one still using a meme acronym that's more than 70 years old (NAZI). How does it feel to not even realize your mind is now and has been completely subverted for years?
Is that why they get so butthurt and always start claiming they're just socialists when you call them commies and tie them to the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot?
I wont argue against that in form, but the ideological underpinnings of Stalin's Russia were still rooted (in theory) in Marx's work: the end goal was still revolution (supposedly), rather than establishing some sort of stable social order that was meant to stand the test of time.
>leftists actually believe this
by that logic, calling someone a fascist will be a great compliment after the current orthodoxy dies.
What, is it too offensive for you? Are you going to cry to your safe space board now?
You're just the reverse SJWs and not much more.
A communist is something all true socialists strive to be.
It won't.
Marxism is FAIL Socialism desu. Hitler btfo German commies, but you can't spell National Socialist without Socialist.
I'm a socialist and I don't give a flying fuck about communism. My opinion on communism is, it's nice if it happens, but I don't want pursuit of communism to get in the way of making socialism work. If you were a Marxist, you would let fully developed capitalism turn into socialism, then let socialism develop into communism instead of trying to jump straight from barely industrialized capitalism to full communism. Fuck you guys.
I have more in common with nationalists than "communists" much of the time.
take your homophobia and go back to infinitychan loser
Oh go LARP somewhere else you edgy little turd. I just want to know what the fucking differences between fascism and national socialism are.
We can't say it's the socialism, because Hitler ultimately wound up gutting both that and any pretense of democratic principle from the movement. About the only thing that comes to mind is anti-semitism and inclusion of racial doctrine, which I don't think is really enough to distinguish them from fascism.
NKVD, Khmer Rouge, Cheka, really any communist sekrit police
>but I don't want pursuit of communism to get in the way of making socialism work.
Making socialism work is the pursuit of communism.
>you would let fully developed capitalism turn into socialism
That will never happen. Accelerationists are idiots.
>downplaying the significance of blood in the nazi mindset
state incorporation of the ancien regime hierarchy, church, industry etc.
unitary volk
>the pursuit of communism
the attainment of power by unscrupulous and conspiring individuals by means of utopian lies and violence
Dunno why Veeky Forums sports a tremendous disdain and lack of interest regarding to latin american history, wasting more time debating about wheter Africa has history or not; nevertheless, there are lots of examples of left-wing death squads there.
>About the only thing that comes to mind is anti-semitism and inclusion of racial doctrine, which I don't think is really enough to distinguish them from fascism.
Why not?
The inclusion of a racial element is a huge variable that adds an entirely different dynamic to a society. A racialist totalitarian society that annexes regions in Africa would never view Africans as equal citizens to be assimilated, a totalitarian society that does not abide by a racialist dogma on the other hand, would. This difference would have huge effects on the courses their societies take through the future.
>Dunno why Veeky Forums sports a tremendous disdain and lack of interest regarding to latin american history
Too much Spanish.
>Making socialism work is the pursuit of communism.
No it isn't. Communism is the pursuit of communism. Communism comes after socialism. Socialism is it's own thing.
>Accelerationists are idiots.
You're the accelerationist trying to skip phases of society. Every single time you think an autocratic system is the most efficient way to speed through socialism and make your socialism barely socialist. You present communism and socialism as an alternative to capitalism instead of a post-capitalist phase.
And what about Africa or the middle east or east Asia? Too much of what?
>the average Veeky Forumstorian can't read history written in Spanish
>thinks he's going to have an easier time accessing sources written in languages that don't even share the same alphabet
and thet people here create tons of threads about ancient greece, east asia, muslims, muh african kingdomz and so on
>ancient greece
Lots of sources written in English
>East Asia
Only on a surface level about easily accessible meme subjects like the Opium Wars and Japan
Almost entirely memes.
>muh African kingdomz
You're meming right now.
>kill most /pol/ kiddies
Most people would hunt down and kill people who didn't want their country overrun with third world browns and against gay rights and Muslims
>I don't know what the Night of Long Knives was
whup whup whup whup
Yes, the Cheka, formed right after the Bolshevisk' Revolution. A good variety of assholes, convicted criminals (which were seen as tsaristic victims), ex-members of the Tsarist secret police and communist hardliners if I recall correctly. They were the first to enact the Red terror, which Communism has come to be associated with.
Also, no, Stalin was not part of the Cheka but he would have fit right in.
Heroes every one of them.
Italian GAP during WWII
The French had death squads but it happened fairly late. It was quite laid back as far as revolutions go in the beginning. Some nuts managed to grab sufficient influence and then it became murderous.Due to cultural peculiarities they killed priests and nuns rather than bourgeois.
Mostly because it's just a slightly different "otherism" compared to the nationalism of conventional fascists. The Italian fascist state wouldn't consider them equals either because they're not part of the Italian state and culture.
Typically, left wingers have their killing done by a government agency rather than the military or private citizens.
You know, because they're left wing.
Do the Cheka really fit the description of death squad? Like they killed a lot of people, but they were a secret police organization (built on the remnants of the old Tsarist secret police, if I recall correctly) and thus primarily engaged in surveillance and investigative work.
But just to samefag myself, I suppose that's also a big difference if I'm going to look at their end-point. Since the fascists would aim at eventual assimilation into their culture and eventual suppression of, whereas the National Socialists wouldn't even bother because the locals speaking German and acting German wouldn't make them German in their view.
Alright, I retract my questions. I think that answers it in a way I find satisfactory.
Isnt pol (Trumpsters) just ultra-Capitalists, going by there figure head?
As a Facist i can agree with some of his polotics so far as being slightly right wing but he's no Hitler/Franco/Pinnochet is he?
If anything id say the closest he gets is Mussalini, and thats only because of how he acts/looks...
Red Brigades, Bader-Meinhof, Montoneros, Tupamaros, FARC etc.
They already beat people half to death on campuses of all things, give them the capacity and they'll do whatever they want.
Franco and Pinochet were not fascists
Those are just terrorist groups, their scope was bigger than to kill political enemies.
No Shiny Path? you donĀ“t like maoists?
but they had street sections dedicated to retaliation against death squads, that was the entry level (most were student recruits)
Fascism is a pragmatic and aesthetic stance.
well no, not by a large amount, i mean the Capitalist-Right wingers mostly yet they did kill there share of lefties so i imagine they get the title 'facist' purely by that these days.
Also national-socialist practices, if lesser so than there contempories (pinochets healthcare for all citizens, Francos Finacial insentives for Spaniards but not Catalonian's ect.)
No you retarded poltard, fascism is a political doctrine that appeared in Italy.
Franco was a right wing dictatorship with some fascist elements, Franco kept falange in place but merged it with every reactionary element in Spain, fascism is revolutionary.
Pinochet was a militarist right wing dicatorship
I'm not a poltard.
Fuck off, STEMsperg.
You have to go back to your containment board
I'm not from /pol/, you clearly are though.
what is /pol/ from what I said?
>fascism only applies to [this one time and place] in history and trying to draw anything from that is FUCKING STUPID
/pol/ mentality.
Fascism is a child of its time. Movements might try to draw from it but it is already dead.
So? A label can be adopted.
You can label yourself a dog but that does not mean you are a dog. You can draw from fascism and call it fascim but that does not make it fascism.
Classic response of someone who doesn't have the understanding to critique political ideologies and instead creates the fascist hold-all. By having a stupid, undeserved label, potential comparison is trivial at best. This is the half educated cousin of the vapid twats who label everything "Marxism".
It was considered fascistoid
> Socialism is it's own thing.
Socialism is to communism what semi-feudalism was to capitalism. Socialism is a transition period between capitalism and communism that has both communist and capitalist social, but more importantly economic, characteristics.
Your average person can probably not name a single death squad outside of einsaitsstyrka or w/e that German "anti-terrorist" group is called.
A dog is easily defined, fascism is not.
>i dont like what this person is saying but have nothing to say
Cheka in Russian Civil War
NKVD Special Detachments in WW2
Chinese Central Department of Social Affairs, later Red Guards
Khmer Rogue
Palestine Liberation Organization units in Lebanon
Homosexuality and Sharia law were banned in the Soviet Union.
we where recently blessed with a one man leftist death squad
Yes, plenty of them. In the USSR, PRC, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.
lol why do you think the Nazis had the SA and brownshirts? The commies were literally running around smashing skulls and beating up their opponents.
The Soviets were on a whole nother level.
The fighting in Germany was almost sport and when the cops came the Nazis and commies would team up on the cops for ruining the fight.
IN Russia they just fucking killed you.
>tfw leftists are persuading me to be more commie each day
I mean really, homosexuality and Sharia law, both banned? That's bretty gud.
>government agency
>rather than the military
become nazbol
No thanks, friend, I was only pretending to be retarded.