Can i get a quick rundown on House Medici
Can i get a quick rundown on House Medici
Medicine is named after them
>oldfags liking pepe and not complaining about frogposting
>oldfags browsing /pol/ instead of complaining remember when /b/ was good
get off my lawn I mean Veeky Forums
Good one.
This. If you came here 2007 or later, you're not a fucking oldfag, and /pol/ is absolutely not part of oldfag Veeky Forums culture. Pepe most certainly is not, since it's part of the "ironic" phase of Veeky Forums culture.
To be clear, I mean smug pepe and the like of the post-"poo-poo and pee-pee" memery. Not the "feels good man" pepe.
>/pol/ is absolutely not part of oldfag Veeky Forums culture
Haha oh wow look at this newfag
He's a leftie cuck burnout who has a sad about the path Veeky Forums has taken a few years back. But he's right about /pol/ it's a pretty new board.
Regular pepe appeared somewhere around 2010-11 i think. Smug poo pee started spreading like cancer in 2014.
>He's a leftie cuck burnout who has a sad about the path Veeky Forums has taken a few years back.
HEY YOU TAKE THAT BACK! It may be accurate, but still.
Veeky Forums had always been posting about niggers and swastikas and faggots and jews.
It was satire back then, it was satire when /new/ was deleted and it's satire today.
And Oprah Winfrey won't ever understand this.
Ah, I was just covering my ass. I remember that "feels good man" image being around for a while before the current version, with the current version seemingly coming out of nowhere abruptly one day.
>seemingly coming out of nowhere
What's it feel like?
To be outside the curve, looking in?
I remember pepe spider pizza from /b/ a long time ago. But he wasn't even colorized back then and wasn't even a meme back then. It was just an image that showed up repeatedly.
I guess in our heart of hearts we're only just contrarians. As mass culture has changed, we've had to change to remain opposed to it.
It says a LOT about Western Civilization when the most hated and feared group on the internet is ironically shitposting about strong conservative values, traditional family roles and reigning in social degeneracy just to remain doggedly contrary.
This page. I wasn't even aware his name was Pepe at the time. This was the stage of Veeky Forums where you would either get trolled or told to lurk moar if you asked for a sauce. There weren't even reverse image searches except Tinyeye maybe. I don't really remember when Tinyeye popped up.
an relatively new elite family comes to prominence through its growing international financial clout and uses this wealth to defeat a rival faction for control of the city. the head of the family, cosimo, was the one who seized power and built up the family's fortune. he kept all the forms of florentine republicanism while in reality his rule and the rule of his successors slowly converted it into their personal regime. meanwhile they kept a lot of people happy through their patronage and extremely cautious erosion of the republic. they eventually got control florence's finances and used this to entrench themselves in power. in 1492 the medici bank, an international enterprise, collapsed and so with it the phenomenal wealth of the family outside florence. the famous lorenzo de medici also died that same year and his weak successor piero soon got overthrown under the circumstances of the french invasion of italy in 1494, which piero unwisely decided to oppose. in his place savonarola negotiated a peace with the french, in accordance with some prophecy of his, and the republic got restored. savonarola politicked for a few years but his clash with the church and his political reputation sank in the face of some reversals. Meanwhile, medicis and their loyalists nursed their wounds in the papal states and elsewhere, attempting a few failed expeditions to take back florence. by the early 1500s the supporters of the republic decided to appoint Piero Soderini as president for life so as to invigorate the republic in its war against Pisa (which had seceded in 1494 from the florentine territorial state) and the Medicis. The recapture of Pisa came at a huge cost and put the republic's finances in disarray. eventually, the republic got captured by the habsburgs who was in alliance with the medici pope who got elected, Leo X. Leo basically appointed some incompetent medicis to rule the republic for him, where they proceeded to use its revenues for themselves.
A decade and a half of misrule, and some favorable circumstances led to the restoration of the republic, which survived for a few years. the Habsburg Charles V would have none of it (as another medici pope clement VII was in power and in alliance with him), and besieged the city with his forces, broke their will, and reinstalled the medicis into power. around this time, the family line of the medicies which had produced Lorenzo the magnificent and his father (the son of Cosimo) became extinct, so a cadet branch of the Medicis replaced them. from like 1526 to 1535 there was a transitional period, with a guy named cosimo il moro (he was literally half black, some said the illegitimate child of pope clement vii and an african servant) who, sorry to say, was a lousy ruler who only cared about getting his dick wet. but during this time, the republican forms got thrown out entirely for hereditary institutions and the government became more monarchical. This cosimo got assassinated by some other looney medici successor who then failed to claim the throne. Another Cosimo, another aspirant to the throne, took power with the support of others and eventually got himself appointed the hereditary ruler of Florence by Charles V, and eventually, the "grandduke" of tuscany, the territory of which he mostly conquered over the following decades. It was this Cosimo's successors who would go on to rule until the Medici line came to an end in the early 18th century, replaced by the Habsburg-Lorraine family, a cadet family of the habsburgs
It's weird. Frankly I feel like a complete loser for still coming here. I miss the somewhat apolitical sincerity of this place; I blame chanology for killing the apoloticism, and smartphones for killing the sincerity, even though it probably wasn't like I remember it.
i agree on the smartphones, a handheld device connected to a source of near infinate knowledge, only to be squanderd on memes, porn, and social media.
You can't use memes as shibboleths anymore like you used to either to keep Veeky Forums exclusive, because of shit like knowyourmeme. ED used to exist, but you used to be able to tell if someone read ED because of how ironic it was trying to be.
I remember the smug Pepe being posted on Krautchan back in 2013.
In a successful assassination, the plot involved murdering a duke in his personal latrine. The Duke's guards stood watch while he did his business. The assassin comes along and claims that the Guards were summon in the palace and off they go as the Assassin murders the Duke.
>the republic got captured by the habsburgs who was in alliance with the medici pope who got elected, Leo X
That was actually Spain before the Habsburg came to power there. So still the (Aragon Trastamere??? i think) dynasty
yeah i think you're right