ITT: leaders who died for their country because they stood against the (((enemy)))
ITT: leaders who died for their country because they stood against the (((enemy)))
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Who are you and why are you making Saddam Hussein threads on the daily?
Stood up to the eternal belgian and was killed by their puppets
Pic related
Why are their 50 hitler threads daily? There are 400 million Arabs, only 80 million germans
Now, let's get controversial.
The person Serbian libtards worship.
In the months leading up to his assassination (and the 3 prior assassination attempts), he became increasingly obsessed with the issue of Kosovo.
He stated that "our western friends are covertly working to create an independent Kosovo, and that is not in our interests". He always referred to the USA and the EU as friends.
"They support us only in the areas that are important to them."
In his last interview he stated that "the worst possible outcome is that Kosovo becomes de facto independent, and then they'd tie it to our leg like a ball on a chain and tell us that we can't progress until we've harmonized relations."
"Either we're going to respect national borders, or we're going to work on separate ethnic communities, and if the latter happens Dayton needs to be reworked (Bosnia), that is not my wish, that is simply what will happen"
He was shot a week later. All of the security cameras stopped working that day. The bullet pierced his heart and destroyed his liver. Mafia members were found guilty, but no political background was ever established.
What he dubbed a worst case scenario came to fruition. It was widely speculated that he wanted to divide Kosovo.
Politicians that like to claim they're following in his footsteps have only continued western ass kissing, but have lost their backbone. Not only that, he was a modernizing force, and they have completely failed in that department.
There is an interesting debate within the Serbian public, and it's who's the bigger traitor Djindjic or Milosevic.
Milosevic for letting everything that happened to Serbs in the 90s happen (also his responsibility for the whole situation), or Djindjic for being a "western agent".
One thing most nationalists hate about him is that he handed over Milosevic to the international court (on the 28th of june, no less)
he was a good boi
>inb4 muh ebil commie
user i just wanted to say this was an interesting and well thought post and Veeky Forums could use more of them
Thank you, i've been thinking about that topic last week (anniversary of the assassination and all that). I know it hasn't been 25 years, but i think the event is more important than it gets credit.
Hot button topics in Serbian politics are Kosovo and EU membership, while social and economic issues are sidelined. There is little nuance on these two issues, either you're for EU membership, or you want to cut ties completely, while parties are samey on the important issues.
I was kind of inspired by this satirical video.
Where you have the former government members, and current government members (opposition back then).
The current government is perfectly described, you can get the point just from the animation, but i'll translate their bit "One ass cheek in the EU, the other one back in the war." It's the nazi salute bit.
Also, the guy sticking out of the ass is the current main opposition presidential candidate.
this is a pol thread, and is in dire need of Nasser
It's a very civil /pol/ thread, so please don't poke it too much.
Because there's more than a billion aryans
Hitler gadaffi hussien jfk Joan of arc barbarossa
Inb4 someone acts like rivers aren't Germans enemy
Barbarossa drowned for our sins.
Why don't you just split Kosovo along ethnic lines and be done with it? The Serb parts go to Serbia and the Albania parts go to Albania. I realize everybody wants all the land for themselves, but this way is reasonably fair and doesn't lead to any violence,ethnic cleansing, or genocide.
Amir Khattab comes to mind.
fought the communist ruskies like no one else.
The Albanians are fidgety about that, it's pathetic. Just few days ago they declared all of the property registered under Federal republic of Yugoslavia, Republic of Serbia and Autonomous province of Kosovo and Methoija their property.
They're talking about the "territorial integrity of Kosovo", as if all of Kosovo isn't an infringement on the "territorial integrity of Serbia".
However if it were split the year he was killed Serbia would have gotten more territory (because Albanians chimped out at Serbs in the south)
The current "dialogue" between "Belgrade and Pristina" goes something like this
>they meet up in brussels
>talk a bit
>take pictures with eu officials
>say they've agreed on something
>go back home, and dig in their positions, break everything they've "agreed upon"
>there weren't any written agreements you see
It's a shitshow
why did papa adolf spend so much time fighting all the other aryans then