You have 10 seconds to name a single religion that isn't interested in policing sex.
You have 10 seconds to name a single religion that isn't interested in policing sex
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Wtf I love atheistic hedonism nao!
the stuff they believe in thailand
I can't.
Now you have 10 seconds to list a reason this is a bad thing.
Now ask yourself what the advantages and benefits of doing it are such that it persisted.
I was a devout Catholic, a Deacon even, but op had shattered any interest I ever had in morality or ethics.
I hope to attend my first homosexual orgy with op as soon as possible. I am now enlightened.
>guaranteed 200+ replies
Op's teachings of wanton sex without consequences really jogged my noggin desu
Why doesn't everyone disregard traditional relationship roles and engage in a sexual free for all?
It's clearly been shown to be a superior and workable system
my braincock is leaking precum, how are you doing this OP?
Don't you want immoral sex without families?
Isn't that the only true way forward? For all morality is relative according to Marx.
Religion is the enemy of civilization lol, op has it exactly right.
it "works" on a small tribal level. by works i mean managed to perpetuate itself for a reasonable amount of time.
>All these angry christcucks getting upset over this innocent question, reading what they want into it
Ah yes, ops teachings of small irrelevant tribes is the only way forward.
I have this advanced civilization and hope for the day when I can be happily gangbanged by the most successful hunters.
I want to exist as a tribal rape doll it's the only path to freedom
>he assumes that any social system can exist without tackling the family issue
>he even thinks Buddhism has nothing to say about sex
>cant manage to have sex because wont stop talking about racist pseudoscience for a single second
>not actually a racist, just spent so much time trolling on the internet he began to believe all the baits.
>spent so much time online than outside, is completely terrified of social interaction or making himself vulnerable enough to have the penis touched
>harps on about having "traditional" values about sex despite being raised by hippy parents and Veeky Forums /b/
Fuck off /pol/
The lesson of four thousand years of social history is that sexual behavior, consensual or not, has consequences for others, that it often affects (and hurts) others in ways society needs to control, and that unregulated sex renders social bonds, especially in the family but also beyond it, impossible. We can regulate it through law or through socially enforced moral custom or both, but we have to do it somehow. History knows of no human society that has not regulated sexual behavior and forbidden some kinds of it, nor is there any reason known to social science to suppose that a society that fails to do so is possible. A "society" that makes no distinction between sex within marriage and sex outside it, that does not distinguish morally and socially between continence and debauchery, normality and perversion, love and lust, is not really a society but merely the chaos of a perpetual orgy. It is an invitation to just such an orgy that the proponents of normalized and unrestricted homosexuality invite America.
>social system
And there it is.
All religion has been about social systems.
Don't be wrong
That's all they are. Lies propagated for social control.
do you not feel a deity should be above bothering about such a thing?
>everything said by all religions is a lie
But that's very wrong. Don't he wrong.
>society needs to control
And there it is again.
>I have this advanced civilization and hope for the day when I can be happily gangbanged by the most successful hunters.
Some people are even recording the gangbangs, can you believe that?
Look faggot go to any inner city or 3rd world hellhole and you will find many people having children they cannot afford or support.
But you promote this right?
You have 10 seconds to name a single religious claim that isn't a lie.
The basis of any family unit is a father and a mother with children.
Your atheistic nightmare btfo
Don't you feel a deity knows more than you? You're like a little kid who's mad because he doesn't understand why his parents won't let him have candy for dinner
What's wrong with candies?
hmm next you are going to tell me religions police basic hygiene, food consumption habits, sleep, and all other matters of living
huh it's almost as if religions were devised to police stupid ape people
really atomizes my apples
>this user stands confidently on the backs of many successful atheist nations
Such as........... the USSR. And the People's Republic of China. And North Korea.
And he hopes to bring this success to a nation near you!
if it knows more than me I'm sure it would have something transcendental and enlightening to tell me, not which side I should butter my bread on.
>ITT: autists who can't handle social barriers
>social barriers
And there it is once more.
Interesting. Did not know she's left handed. Does that mean she's inspired by ------ Satan?!
I feel like the idea that we're more than just animals, and therefore shouldn't fuck at our whimsy like animals do, is pretty enlightening.
The most enlightened won't procreate. And the base teeming masses procreate highly.
Rome had the same issue
Posts ITT largely ignore birth control.
There is no reason not to fornicate constantly if there are no consequences.
Encourage the "enlightened" to donate sperm at least.
It's not workable.
Sadly the truth is western civilization is toxic to humanity. This is proven by every western birth rate.
there's some actually insightful stuff in, for example, the bible. it is pretty weak in comparison.
also apparently every memeing authority in the world has come up with some autistic rule related to this topic and none of them that I know of have provided a sane explanation.
It's literally telling you the best way to live your life and you're still complaining? Also
>implying you can even begin to understand the complexity of reality
The Deity probably is. Just as He would be above murder/death, usury, and even heresy along with hundreds of others. But perhaps those rules are there for our benefit, not His.
Tantric Buddhism
>I feel
Well spooked my property
church of subgenius
>Tantric Buddhism
>no ejaculating, not ever
try again sweety
Not sure, but there probably are some.
As for meaningless sex and hedonism, they are horrible things. They dissolve interpersonal relationships and social cohesion.
The Church of Satan.
Any left hand path religion plus gnosticism afaik
That's Taoism, brainlet.
You're dumb as fuck aren't you
Do I win?
Masturbation is an unpardonable sin in Zoroastrianism
If society can police sex (don't have sex with a one year old) why shouldn't religion? Especially if sexual conduct is damaging to the Spirit.
Though I agree with what another user said. The Abramaic faiths are interested in the purity of the layity in a way dharmic and taoic religions aren't. YMMV on it this is a good thing.
Don't mistake his as saying taoic and dharmic religions aren't conservative. They are as right wing as they come.
Too broad. Many pagans DO thing sex should be regulated. Both ancient and modern.
Sophia curses in the outer darkness those who eat a mixture of menstrual fluid and seamen. Obvious SOME forms of sexual conduct are forbidden by some sects of Gnosticism. I don't think any gnostic sect says "do whatever you want."
I don't like pedophiles telling me when and who I can have sex with.
Good thing most religious men aren't pedophiles or else your weak strawman would have some weight.
Wait, 'eat a mixture of menstrual fluid and seamen' is sexual conduct to you? Lol okay then
>I don't think any gnostic sect says "do whatever you want."
Well if Christian propaganda is to be believed...
Although it would be consistent with gnostic theology as they don't give a shit about the flesh anyway
I'll keep that in mind the next time a stat like 1/7 catholic priests in Australia have touched a kid, you moron.
See you at the next scandal.
Only source I can find says 7%, not 1/7 you absolute fucking mong.
The Cult of the Great Old Ones
Not him, but that's still a fucking massive number.
Its almost like controlling sexuality is essential for any healthy society.
Compare that to teachers, sports coaches or any other group which is around small children. You'll find that the numbers are much higher. Making your point false.
>Although it would be consistent with gnostic theology as they don't give a shit about the flesh anyway
"Not giving a shit" doesn't mean being a slave to sensual pleasures. Any good gnostic knows this. We want to escape this world, not reveal in it. Dulling our senses and making us spiritually weak.
Got any numbers?
>you will find many people having children they cannot afford or support
*Many religious people
Normal people use rubber.
>normal people
Being religious is normal. Being a fedora lord isn't.
>Everyone lives on middle East
grow up, hamburger
The only place religion is shrinking is the West.
And your point is that we have to build a wall, or...?
Doing whatever you want doesn't mean giving into everything senpai
Gnostics do not believe you can do whatever you want. that would be self defeating to their goal of transcends.
True but in the Gathas there is a condamnation of those who teach abstinence to men and women.
Bahá'í probably since its just Hippies!: the religion.
If you think about it real hard, a deity should be above creating humans to worship it in the first place.
Better give her the D. She can't handle a pen.
Sumerian Paganism
Buddhism to a lesser extent.
Any neopagan sect.
Consider my noodles twiddled
>waaaah why doesnt this infinite being fit my expectations!!!!?!!?
Leveyan Satanism.
But you can tell them when and who they can have sex with?
Nice hypocrisy.
t. reddit
Name 10 seconds to name a single human social order that isn't interested in policing sex..
>IBSkinner Walden-Two
outlawing the killing of unborn fetuses is not policing sex
muh consent classes
Also thin line between policing attitudes towards sex and policing sex. It certainly is guilty of former.
teaching people why it can be unwholesome =/= policing it
They actually have a penis festival.