Where did they originate?
How did they spread?
I personally think they were ancient snow dwelling peoples that developed small eyes because of blindness educed by light reflecting off snow.
Where did they originate?
How did they spread?
I personally think they were ancient snow dwelling peoples that developed small eyes because of blindness educed by light reflecting off snow.
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I agree with your theory, user
The Mongoloid race originates somewhere in Northern China around 25000 years ago and radiated from there.
They spread by human wave absorption tactics. They had high population growth in their homeland and sent out women to other tribes likes Negritos and pre-Mongoloid Siberians until they were biologically absorbed.
This tactic was particularly successful after they invented pottery as other races were very interested in it.
Asian people used to look similar to Caucasians before they evolved more. See: Polynesians, Jomon/AInu and northern Amerindians. All classified as "proto-mongoloid" by anthropologists.
Is there even a consensus about different eye shapes having evolutionary benefits? I heard Epicanthic fold might protect the eyes a bit from harsh winds but it might be false. Also, they are present in many different regions, from South Africa (among Khosai) to Finland. They might just be random traits that became widespread due to sexual selection (people finding one or the other attractive).
>that developed small eyes because of blindness educed by light reflecting off snow.
so why did the xhosans develop the same eyes?
I have a theory that chinky eyes are actually a common genetic defect caused by inbreeding which can arise independently anywhere.
I've noticed some Sardinians, Brits etc have them.
well I have a theroy that people were already different when they get out of africa
I think sexual selection drives fastest physical changes on an ethnic level.
When it comes to natural selection, some trait has to literally kill you before mating age. Not alot of ethnic traits seem to endure death in differing environments.
Skin cancer and melanin maybe? But I'm not sure if skin cancer happens before mating age
No they started somewhere in northern west India which is really cold during the ice age thats why their faces are so flat and their eyes are permanently squint due to high altitude winds from the Himalayas.
Why India? Doesn't make sense. India is the homeland of Veddoids not Mongoloids.
Obviously they are ayylmao's with no soul
my god that was retarding to read
the wind gave them flat faces?!
>their faces are so flat
No on the edge of India user, notice how west India has alot of mongoloids native to it.
No the cold temperature did.
Vedic people were Indo-European Aryans
Dravidian abbos are natives of South and Southeast Asia. They later got cucked by Aryans to the West and mongs to the north
Veddoid doesn't mean Vedic, idiot
Veddoid is a term to describe the pure unadultered aboriginals of South Asia, nothing to do with Vedic Aryans from Europe.
Dravidians are mixed with Neolithic farmers from Iran.
mongoloids descended from australoids
australoids being the bedrock/foundation of mongoloid/caucasoid race
mongoloids didnt evolve more, the australoids mixed with peking man type hominids and became mongoloids
it proves regional continuity of peking man to modern china
750,000 years ago Peking Man with Mongoloid features
"On the Relevance of the Regional Continuity Features of the Face in East Asia" also found that a form of facial flatness is unique to China (i.e. only appears there at high frequency, very rarely elsewhere)
Shovel-shaped incisors are commonly cited as evidence for regional continuity in China.
"It is the pattern of shoveling that identities as an East Asian regional feature, not just the occurrence of shoveling of any sort
a non-depressed nasal root, non-projecting perpendicularly oriented nasal bones and facial flatness are unique to the Chinese region in the fossil record and may be evidence for limited regional continuity
Multiregionalism doesn't work.
East Asians have a very small bit of Denisovan admixture, which is of course present in Europeans as well but in a vanishing fraction.
East Asians and Europeans are both a mixture of OoA humans and Neanderthals.
fucking wat
ok lets think through what the hell you're on about.
You are saying that because it sucks up there and you have to squint all the time, being born scrunching up your face and squinting your eyes permanently is a genetic trait that will get you to thrive more and mate more.
SO MUCH SO that we now have asia as it is.
if that's the case, you're a fucking idjut
>mixture of OoA humans and Neanderthals.
just a few years ago and academia considered neanderthal mixing with humans to be fringe psuedoscientific crap
mongoloids exhibit regional features of peking man and inhabit the land of peking man
caucasoids phenotype can be easily traced to their australoid forebearers (who once occupied terrirories throughout eurasia and even americas),
but mongoloids have a distinct peking man phenotype that is not can not be traced to australoid
>just a few years ago
They had a relatively valid reason at the time to think so since Humans don't carry even a single Neanderthal derived uniparental DNA lineage.
Autosomal DNA studies however have confirmed the Neanderthal admixture event beyond all doubt.
If East Asians had non-Neanderthal archaic ancestry beyond ~0.1-0.2% Denisovan it would be easy to notice as autosomal DNA can be deciphered with the current level of science.
and just a decade ago it was thought to be impossible by the scientific authorities
heard of floresiensis?
heard of boskop?
there are literally 100s of yet undiscovered species and subspecies of hominids
most wont get discovered even
to discount the real possibility that mongoloid alien phenotype is a result of mixture with undiscovered hominids is anti-scientific
Doesn't matter. East Asians don't have special archaic ancestry or else it would show up in *-stat matrixes.
You don't understand anything about the science involved and yet you claim that scientists are anti-scientific.
>10 years ago: East Asians don't have special archaic ancestry, its scientifically proven to be impossible, everyone just shut the fuck up and listen to my superior opinions
>in 2010: oh shit, we found a previously unknown hominid Denisova
>shit, looks like mongoloids have special archaic ancestry
>2017: but now i am TOTALLY sure that East Asians don't have special archaic ancestry, just trust me on this one
hear it from an actual asian, the poster is stupid to assume that all Asians have the same characteristic,
to say that I have a slant eyes is preposterous.
it's like saying all apples are red, when in fact some can be green,
East Asians don't have enough Denisovan admixture for it to be significant and Denisovan alleles aren't entirely absent from Europe.
The ones with meaningful Denisovan admixture are Papuans and Australians. They are 5-7% Denisovan.
>t. ainu
you are special apple, research your aboriginal past
you people need some education, it's making you ridiculous here on the net. if you just listen to your history class then you would not be dumb enough to make such stupendous assumptions on something you don't know, u dumb americans,
don't make china as the whole ASIAN
you americans, china is a fake country, literally fake shit comes out of there, those savages eat dogs and cats and shits sheesh,
>American education in a mainland chinese inmigrant: the post
Chinese and Japanese have no Australoid admixture. I don't think Polynesians do either. Proto-mongoloids are distinct from Australoids.
australoid haplogroup M are observed in Asia, specifically in Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Nepal, and Tibet
Haplogroup M2 [2] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M3 [3] - found mainly in South Asia
Haplogroup M29'Q found among Papuans, Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M31 [24] - found among the Onge, in the Andaman Islands[15]
Haplogroup M32 [25] - found in Andaman Islands
Haplogroup M33 [26] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M33a - found in India
Haplogroup M34 [27] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M40 [30] - found in South Asia[15]
Haplogroup M41 - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M42 [31] - found among Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M5 [5] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M6 [6] - found mainly in South Asia
Haplogroup M contains much more derived lineages than those rare ones which don't have their own letters.
All typical and characteristic of Mongoloid populations, particularly from NE and East Asia.
So much for you wacky theory that M is Australoid.
Besides, Aurignacian Europeans had M. They just went extinct.
>haplogroup M
you just confirmed that mongoloids derived from australoids
Never argued otherwise.
Europeans also descend from Australoid looking Eurasians.
Kostenki man had physical similarities to Australoids and yet genetically he is the earliest European ancestor that has been identified.
Only the Jomon are representative of a basal East Asian phenotype.
Polynesians are Austronesians with Papuan admixture,Amerindians have Ancient North Eurasian and Ainu have Paleosiberian.
Do you think this Papuan looks anything like the lady I posted? If Polynesians have any admixture from them it's very minimal.
Polynesians are primarily East Asian but their Papuan ancestry is far from insignificant.
The Jomon are the best representative of an unadmixed "Australoid" population with East Asian roots(as opposed to descent from Australasians and Andaman Islanders).
Looks like it's just a couple of Polynesians then, not all of them. Maori look close to Jomon/Ainu. They're just a bit darker due to the climate of where they live.
Are native americans mongoloid?
>Maori look close to Jomon/Ainu.
Shouldn't be a surprise,Austronesians are derived from neolithic cultures from coastal China(some of which are phenotypically Australoid).
What is more annoying is this individual trying to associate Australasians,South Asians and Andaman Islanders with East Asians because proto Mongoloids had an Australoid phenotype.
>eat dogs and cats
So do nords, what's your point
The northern ones are proto-mongoloids. You can see that they do have some Caucasian-like traits as the Jomon and Maori do as well. I'm not sure about whether the southern ones fall into though.
They are admixed with Ancient North Eurasians(30-40%).
Ancient North Eurasians and other West Eurasians may have some basal East Asian ancestry. academic.oup.com
You include the fucking aboriginal Americans? Why not include the fucking Indians then?
>Lahr said that the other hypothesis is that Mongoloids originate from Southeast Asian populations that expanded from Africa to Southeast Asia during the first half of the Upper Pleistocene and then traveled to Australia-Melanesia and East Asia. Lahr said that the morphology of the Paleoindian is consistent with the proto-Mongoloid definition.
Native Americans share genes with Europeans, particularly the Aryans.
It's a folk legend of the uninformed that they are Mongoloids.
Ancient North Eurasians were not white.
No one knows when and where the Mongoloid phenotype emerged.
What doesn't change is that Amerindians are heavily admixed with Ancient North Eurasians.
There's a dearth of ancient East Asian DNA with isolated population such as the Taiwanese Austronesians(East Asian lowlanders),Sherpas(East Asian highlanders) and Ainu(Jomon) and Ulchi(East Asian's from Devil's Gate) providing clues to the internal split of East Asians.
Amerindians cluster closest with Siberians. They aren't anywhere near Europeans.
ANE are the source of at least some of the genes which White people carry so they are one of the founding fathers of White people.
ANE is pretty much chink admixture. Yamnaya were mixed with chinks. The "Europeans" closest to them today are the heavily mongoloid influenced Saami.
whites were founded by cro-magnons long before ANE
>I don't understand something thus I call it chink to discredit it
Doesn't matter since those guys sucked balls. Modern day White people carry the genes of ANE. Sardinians ain't white anyway.
>They aren't anywhere near Europeans.
Why would they be? Europeans only derive part of their ancestry from Ancient North Eurasians.
>ANE is pretty much chink admixture.
ANE is descended from the West Eurasian split of non Africans.
>hurr Siberian mongoloid admixture isn't chink
Let's try to imagine a population which contributed significant DNA to both to the Eurasian looking Kets and the hyper-Caucasoid looking Chechens.
>no Siberian mongol genes here, pure Aryan master race
Not strictly connected to ANE idiot or else Scots would share alleles with Han Chinese wouldn't they?
The ANE natives of Siberia became intermixed with East Asians over time, beginning around 10000 years ago.
>Modern day White people carry the genes of ANE
a subset, ie russians and finns
also thats like saying
>Modern day Yellows people carry the genes of Australoid genes
All ANE carriers. Mediterranean wogs also had more ANE in the classical times as their Indo-European blood wasn't as dilluted yet.
>all of them occasionally exhibit chink phenotypes, specially Russians and Finns
well that's why you look at subclades, the more a lineage spreads and mutates the less it is linked to a specific ethnicity
African R1b is a totally different branch from European R1b
you had almost fully WHG Latvians in the mesolithic carrying R1b so by that point one could say it was already pretty much west Eurasian
>Modern day Yellows people carry the genes of Australoid genes
R might have had some remote origin in paleolithic SE Asia but still EHG were just as "West Eurasian" as WHGs.
Besides, WHGs weren't the original Europeans anyway. They replaced the Aurignacian descendants.
Lochsbour had only 5% Aurignacian admixture IIRC.
WHG and ANE/EHG must be seen as something related to each other and equally unrelated East Asians, and almost equally unrelated to Aurignacians.
you have more viral ancestry than asians have denisovan ancestry
shut the fuck up retard
well, your theory is correct
can i get names for different branches of their race
like how caucasians have white, med, arab peoples
what does asian race have
>t. locust insectoid
4th from top looks latina, and qt af
>Med and Arab
Asian here, not scientific, for most common social use divided around:
North east Asian: North China, Korea, Japan
South east Asian: South China, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
North west Asian: Uighur, Kazakhstan, Kyrgistan, Stans etc.
Amerindians, Eskimos, and Pacific Islanders are included scinetifically
Traits don't have to kill you to die out. It could simply be that a certain trait is beneficial and allows those that have it to breed successfully
especially in humans
humans are too smart to really be pressured by the environment too hard and differences are mostly due to sexual selection, drift and bottlenecks
India didn't exist back then.
>Northwest India
What did he mean by this?
The only "Arabs" that look like Meds are the ones that live close to the Mediterranean sea unsurprisingly.
>4th from top looks latina
Well yeah, since she is from peru
I work here and some native Japanese especially in the labor force really look un-asian. Almost like Polynesian. But very rare lol
What's with the WE WUZ WHITE Japanese posters these days? Is this Japanese autism?