Copyright Infringement is theft

I am posting this on his because it's a philosopical board too, so read.

You are delusional poorfags who think that copying is not theft. Of course it is! It is unauthorized downloading, which is bad. People work for hours making their creations while losing their sweat and blood, and you are just give their creations (sometimes masterpieces) for free, so can retarded lazy niggers download it for free and whatever shit they want. People don’t get money when their creations are being downloaded for free. Everything should be paid, it’s the divine rule! If you don’t have money, get your ass off the chair and work hard, you retard! You will get enough money! If you are lazy, fuck off!
What people create is their intellectual property. If the products aren’t available in your shit county, let them be! Remember the holy rule: “Thou shalt not covet!”. Getting thing without paying people is theft and immoral. Copyright is the savior of the creators! It’s laws are very effective at making prosperous society! But you are just delusional commies who oppose these God’s laws, like you always do! What would happen, if you have pirated one of God’s creations? Think about it, piratefags! Look at yourself! You are retarded, underage poor nigger who lives with his mom in a shitty country that should be purged. Poor lose, rich always win!
If you try to justify your piracy habits, burn in Hell faggots!

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

Copyright infringement isn't theft because theft requires property to have been lost. This does not occur with intellectual property. There is a reason why theft and copyright infringement are two distinct things.

But it still doesn't give the creator money. So checkmate faggot!

>most of media is jewish
>jews are christkillers
>killing jesus=bad
>therefore jews=bad
>paying for jewish products=advancing the agenda of christkillers
>advancing the christkiller agenda=bad
>pirating and spreading jewish media for free so that no one has to pay for them=harming jewish agenda
>therefore pirating and generously seeding stolen jewish media=every christian's god given duty


Therefore, obviously, what constitutes theft is not contingent on compensation of the creator. Theft requires the loss and appropriation of property. Copyright infringement is a person's infringement upon a copyright holder's rights with respect to the intellectual property in question.
In otherwords, copyright infringement is not theft. Rather, theft is copyright infringement.

>People don’t get money when their creations are being downloaded for free.


And did you pay for winrar ?

Why does the Ancap frog have Stalinist symbols?

tl dr shit bait

Why even bother shitposting if you're not even gonna be logical consistent in it? I'm considering cleaning up your shit and post a coherent one in the same way you help a retarded person stop drooling.

Butthurt Academicuck

Cry more, faggot.

your argument is invalid

Because it's easy to photoshop bright colour for comedic effect

You realize that most academic authors receive a one-time payment IF they get paid at all, correct? Pirating academic literature is just ripping off the book companies that charge exorbitant amounts because they know students and academic libraries will be required to pay. It's not only justified, it is moral to do so as it is in protest of an immoral practice. LAWYERED

I love pirating, it's in me blood and bones yarhar! There be some good booty out there, if my crew don't plunder it another crew will Jimlad

Even if it is theft, why's it bad?
Certainly isn't bad for me, I can enjoy all the movies I want (with a fair number of exceptions, I like a lot of obscure cinema) at the push of a button.

>hurr durr magical beard man in the sky said it's bad, so it's bad
Fuck off

Copyright is a barrier to entry, and thus makes the market less competitive.

gr8 b8


There is no proof that anyone who copied a game would buy it, and as a matter of fact i've pirated shit and then bought it because i like it, Mr Robot was a fucking terrible tv show, didn't have to buy a dvd and get burned to find out.

The people who actually make the shit get a wage.

To trannies, you have 3 options:
To seek help
To move out

Spookiest thread on Veeky Forums right now.