How do I get niggercoin? Which wallet are you using to store niggercoin?
>where to store
In your girlfriend
save your trolling for /b/, I am trying to acquire some niggers, sir
unless someone can make an exchange for EY Coin, one can say niggercoin is dead
post address for EYs
best kept secret on biz
"it's a PHISHING SITE!!11"
*buys russian ico*
Fucking Christ, I thought this cancer was fucking dead.
oh shut up and post your waves address. it's free money. you can just sell them if you don't want to keep em.
>He doesn't like buying niggers
Enjoy your shitty wagecuck laborers on your cotton farm, faggot.
Waves banned Nigger coin from the DEX. Someone made NGR 2.0 on the Ethereum blockchain
How to add Niggercoin in to MyEtherWallet.
Click on Add Custom Token.
Address: 0x3B66E31E18634ddCE4224154d17ec4D4b396Fa13
Token Symbol: NIGGER
Decimals: 2
nah, they only banned trading of it on their dex client. actual underlying dex still has NGR. there are a few people who have put up alternate clients to access the dex and trade. also, anyone can set this up themselves
nice try though. EYs prevail, post your address if you want, even if you are a pajeet copycoin shill. i don't blame you for trying and if EYs were truly removed you might have had success
>they only banned trading of it on their dex client.
making it totally useless to trade. i'm not "trying" anything bagholder, I was just trying to help OP. Has anyone else made an alternative DEX yet or not?
>totally useless to trade
then why are there active buy and sell orders for it?
>Has anyone else made an alternative DEX yet or not?
yeah, read my comment again, there are a few. (i use bearwaves's client)
>then why are there active buy and sell orders for it?
I don't know but it doesnt matter does it? They can't be bought or sold on the waves DEX, can they? Theyre probably just ones that were left there and havent been taken off. The last EY was traded on June 13th you fucking moron. They're untradable there, why are you even stooping this low with your damage control? They can't be fucking traded, end of
>there are a few.
Link me them.
In fact there arent even any buy or sell orders there you twat. Unless youre talking about these other DEX's you say exist.
>They can't be bought or sold on the waves DEX, can they?
yeah, they can. they can't on waves dex client, but other clients can use the waves dex. please do more basic learning before asking more retarded questions.
>why are you even stooping this low with your damage control?
i have nothing to "damage control", i don't give a fuck if you believe me or not you damn autist, i'm just doing you a favor by informing you
>Link me them.
i don't fucking work for you, nigger. but i'll do you another favor and link you to bearwaves client which you could have just used google for. Now tell me "They can't be bought or sold". but don't, seriously, stop replying, you're retarded, and you're welcome
it is a collectable coin
>In fact there arent even any buy or sell orders there you twat
you haven't even looked yet, you've only looked at the waves client...
>Unless youre talking about these other DEX's you say exist.
look, i really don't give a shit if you "believe" me or not. you have an unpleasant attitude and are not welcome in the nigger auctioning community. you must be a bancor bagholder or something
Wow a whole 2 buy orders and one sell order, with zero trades since JUNE 13TH. Your EYs are fucking useless faggot. Enjoy those bags.
>tfw black
>tfw I found out people paid actual money for this coin, then exchanges delisted it cause of the name
there's 7 buy orders, you're not even looking at the right thing you autistic faggot
these bags of FREE coins sure are heavy
thanks for proving how mad people get over nigger trading! EY!
You linked me to It shows 2 buy orders, 1 sell order, and zero trades since June 13th. Where else am I supposed to be looking? You seem awfully hesitant to actually show me what I'm missing here.
your tech help session has expired
>i'm a pussy who tells lies, gets caught out and can't back them up
Your EYs are worthless, cunt.
>EY's are t-totally being traded r-right now guize i s-swear! Buy orders piling up!
I didnt create anything you assmad fuckface. Like I said I was trying to help OP cause your EYs are fucking worthless and have zero trading volume since Waves banned trading of them on their DEX. You refuse to show any proof that theyre being traded anywhere else because youre a lying, scared little bitchboy.
haha okay. nice screenshot you posted, perfectly demonstrates your cluelessness ;)
I was proven right with everything I said. Waves DID ban them from their DEX, DID make them impossible to trade on their DEX and now EY's ARE totally worthless. No one is using your obscure alternative DEX to trade shit. See You have to be one of the biggest, most disingenuous cunts I've ever met on Veeky Forums
t. MiloCoin holder
Yet you STILL won't show me where they're being traded? Why is that, pajeet? What are you so afraid of? Serious question. If you want people to buy your bags, WHY would you not show them the place they're being traded at? What do you have to hide?
Never forget
>tries to shill copycoin eth token
>claims original is "banned" from dex, gets proven wrong
>claims it's "useless to trade," is proven wrong
>claims no one has made an alternate dex, is proven wrong
>claims people are "bagholding" when niggers are given out for free
>claims they can't be bought or sold, is proven wrong
>claims there are only 2 buy orders, is too stupid to use the internet
fucked up my post and had to repost. you're an idiot and not welcome at all in the nigger auctioning community. if i see you i kick you in the head!
>being this much of a literal child as to resort to copypasting previous posts
WHERE are your EY's being traded, Pajeet? That's all I wanna know. Why are you so scared to show us?
you have to comprehend the basic fundamental difference between a DEX and a DEX client before we can even discuss the situation. you're not even using your words correctly as Waves didn't ban them from their dex but from their dex client.
go do a tiny amount of learning, and then maybe you can trade with the big boys. however this is not your personal educational resource, i've given you enough hints, go bother reddit or something
sure, EYs are worthless, you win, you've proven your point, now please leave
But apparently they're still being traded according to Yet for some peculiar reason he flat-out refuses to show us WHERE.
this lil fella is really angry about nigger trading!
Eys are not trading but there's a new nigger coin on ethereum. Also the creator of EY niggers made African-American coin on waves platform
>cant be traded on their DEX
>can only be traded on their DEX "client"
>which nobody fucking uses
>"b-but they do user I swear people are buying r-right now!"
>"oh yea? show me where pajeet"
>zero trades since JUNE 13
>"no youre lookin in the wrong place stoopid!"
>"show me where to look Pajeet"
>"n-n-no I don't work for you! hmphh!"
What a disingenuous grade A faggot.
That's what I told this lying pajeet here But he got extremely assmad when I suggested it to OP and keeps insisted the original EY's are still being traded. Yet no matter how much you ask him and how many times you ask him WHERE, he refuses to give an answer.
No I actually made money trading Nigger because I sold mine before Waves banned it from their DEX, unlike you who still has them and can't sell them anywhere despite your constant lies that theyre being traded.
MLKoin will free the EYs one day
>can only be traded on their DEX "client"
no, it can't be traded on their dex client. that's the whole point. you're still misunderstanding a very basic concept, i don't think i can help you, sorry. good luck to you
>No I actually made money
sure you did! you don't even understand the very basics of this stuff, get irrationally angry, but you made a huge profit i'm sure. people that made money always need to brag about it. by the way, nigger trading is for lolz, not for making money, faggot. stay mad!
Your EYs arent being traded anywhere you useless, disingenuous lying niggerfaggot. It's clear you can not provide a shred of evidence theyre still being traded. All you can try and do is belittle me by telling me I don't understand technicalities as a way to evade discussing the fact that your EYs ARENT BEING FUCKING BOUGHT OR SOLD ANYWHERE.
>sure you did!
I really did. Actually if you go on the main Waves DEX and look at the second to last transaction there for 100 Niggers that was my trade. Sorry to say you wont be making anything from yours now theyre banned from the Waves DEX. That's when the lolz of nigger trading stopped and butthurt Pajeets like you got a sour taste in your mouth cause you didnt get to sell yours. Better luck next time faggot.
>I really did
>I really did
>theyre banned from the Waves DEX
>I really did
t. buttblasted bagholding pajeet
At least try making some sense, since you wont be making any money from your worthless EYs now ;)
these niggers are useless. people only want original EY
i dont want to make money from niggers silly redditor, i want to see more outrageously angry posts like yours. having a great time right now watching you throw an absolute fit on here for all to see, getting increasingly more mad too. please continue
Actually it's pretty clear you're the one getting increasingly angry because you can't trade your worthless EYs anywhere, whereas I made a tidy profit from mine.
Yeah I know but EYs arent being traded anywhere.
Sir, I say sir. I do hope for a moment of your attention. You see, I have in my possession a fine lot of EY NGRs. It has been some time since we were allowed to trade, for the tyrant Lincoln has shit down our peculiar institution. However, I am willing to part with some of my hard working EY NGRs. They are quite dear to me, and I shall not part with them for less than 0.01 LTC per. Please respond if you are interested.
I have a whole plantation, will sell for 0.009 ltc each
You guys should contact my friend Pajeet here Apparently he knows places with high EY trading volume.
never seen someone so mad!
theres people with bids of (the equivalent of) .005 ltc on the dex if you're actually trying to sell
Yeah you keep repeating that. I made my gains, you made zero. Too bad.
Anons let me know if you can see these supposed bids Pajeet is reporting on his mystery DEX.
found the nigger!
I will sell at 0.004 ltc if any1 want authentic ey nigs hmu
Really, where? I don't see any for sale on the DEX... does anyone else?
i do lol
dumb nig
Hmm strange, 1 post by this ID and isn't either of the posters wanting to sell their Niggers. I'm guessing you're not gonna show me where they're being traded either?
>I'm guessing you're not gonna show me
Probably cause they don't exist do they, proxy pajeetah ;)
Uh yeah you got it
I knew it.
Pajeetah btfo.
You knew it all along and proved everyone wrong, now all nigger trading has stopped again so no need to keep worrying about it or posting. You win!
Lol true, I definitely proved you wrong. Thanks for accepting defeat... pajeet.
besides the people currently trading niggers who are making you angry, you've proved everyone here wrong, so hurry back to le reddit to prove everyone else wrong too!
Haha you just can't let it go can you. Show me the people trading :)
Oh how convenient you've cropped out the name of the coin being traded from the screenshot. Now show that it was a Nigger sale Pajeetah, or everyone will know 100% you're a lying little shitskin.
due time. someone will make a our own nigger exchange
they did, look at bearwaves's exchange for example
No, show the actual full trade Pajeet, with all the relevant information included. Or everyone will know you're a lying little shitskin.
lol what will you give me if i do
A fully functioning toilet complete with flush lever so you don't have to defecate in the street anymore.
if i did it would be a huge hint toward fixing the critical mistake you're making, and might end this meltdown which is one of the greatest things i've ever seen. i guess this is a hint in itself, but wow you are mad about nigger trading! obviously you desperately want in but we're not interested in people who just want to make money, this is for the lolz
>u mad bro
Just post the screenshot pajeetpoop
No poo poo in the loo loo for you then.
sheeeeit nigger! gibs me some dat!
no problem
hey i'd be upset if i was missing ground floor when 1st edition nigger trading came back, too. keep your chin up
Lol I've really made you work hard haven't I.
Sorry to inform you posting fake screenshots won't bring it back.
Yes Tyrone, the screenshots are fake.
No shit Pajeet. You fucked up again.
i'm getting 2nd-hand cringe from talking to you
That surely can't be as bad as not being able to trade your EYs anymore.
I can though..
Lol no you can't.
Sure I can.
But you can't.
Yeah I did earlier tonight, and will probably again tomorrow.
No you didn't. No you won't.
There's a public blockchain you mongoloid.