ITT: historical figures you didn't know were Israeli but you do now
ITT: historical figures you didn't know were Israeli but you do now
>Claims Lenin was Israeli
>State of Israel didn't exist until two and a half decades after his death
gg /pol/.
>tfw he thinks having some rando jew in your family tree makes you jewish
>tfw he thinks being jewish makes you israeli
Is this what it's like being in /pol/'s head? Just one absurd logic defying leap of stupidity after another?
Being Jewish does make you Israeli. It's literally their law you cuck
Jew = Israeli. No difference
Like saying Deutsch = German
Tell that to all the Jews who are banned from Israel for speaking out against apartheid
>unironically using cuck as an insult
Jesus christ /pol/, what's wrong with you?
Dumb /pol/ poster
Like, ffs, Lenin argued against bolshevik members being in the god damned Labour bund because he was opposed to sectionalism/nationalism in the russian workers movement, how exactly do you think he'd feel about the horrors of the modern zionist movement?
>He thinks Israel's history begins with the formation of the state in 1948
Cute. Really, it's adorable how stupid and ill-educated leftists are.
You tell me, Vladstein Leninyahu
You tell me, VIadstein Leninyahu
Sure, there's Zionist settlement in historic Palestine going back to the late 1890s, but to think that there was a political entity/nation-state known as "Israel" that existed before the Nakba is just bad history and at worst anti-semitism (no points for guessing which one it is in this case).
So tell me again how a man who never set foot in Palestine, never considered himself to be culturally or religiously Jewish, and was politically opposed to zionism is "Israeli"?
>Implying the state capitalist dictatorship of Stalin had anything to do with the revolutionary socialism of Lenin.
Israeli=Jewish=Hebrew=Zionist=Christ-killer=moneygrabbing hobgoblin
It's all synonymous
Of course, how could I be so stupid. It all makes sense now. Thank you for uncucking me with your superior logic.
>thinking someone having any jew in their family history makes them a memeber of the nation state of Israel, even if they died years before that state was formed
why are stormfags so stupid bros?
this. Can you please seal the deal with a horribly mishmashed jpeg?
>not hating your own race makes you stupid
This is what leftypol cucks actually believe
You're missing the point entirely. He's saying that Jewish/Semitic peoples have historically existed since long, long before the state of Israel was even formed. Have you never heard of Judea?
I genuinely despise this guy. He's a fucking disgrace.