What is the most despair-filled age in history where men felt weak and hopeless?

What is the most despair-filled age in history where men felt weak and hopeless?

Industrial R"evolution" to now

Right now

anything comes close to that?

i just wanted to see some light at the end of the tunnel, even if it was from eras before.

one of China's apocalypses

donald j. trump's victory and subsequent presidency

WWII and the cold war, especially in the Soviet Union. Russians and other demographics were living in an ideological hell for decades, and the west was in often on the cusp of nuclear war. Life was good in America, for the most part, but the threat of total destruction made the future pretty bleak.

>Zhu was a born into a desperately poor peasant tenant farmer family in Zhongli Village in the Huai River plain, which is in present-day Fengyang, Anhui Province. His father was Zhu Shizhen and his mother was Chen Erniang. He had seven older siblings, several of whom were "given away" by his parents, as they did not have enough food to support the family. When he was 16, severe drought ruined the harvest where his family lived. Subsequently, famine killed his entire family, except one of his brothers. He then buried them by wrapping them in white clothes. Destitute, Zhu accepted a suggestion to take up a pledge made by his brother and became a novice monk at the Huangjue Temple, a local Buddhist monastery. He did not remain there for long, as the monastery ran short of funds, and he was forced to leave. For the next few years, Zhu led the life of a wandering beggar and personally experienced and saw the hardships of the common people. After about three years, he returned to the monastery and stayed there until he was around 24 years old. He learned to read and write during the time he spent with the Buddhist monks.

This guy went on to become Emperor of China, founding the Ming Dynasty. Notice how comfortable and secure your life is by comparison. Now cut the bullshit; nothing is more pathetic than unwarranted self-pity.

But my people are being genocided.
Like, no there aren't death camps or anything, but the (((Jews))) are stopping me from bagging an Aryan q.t. starting a brood and moving us all to Africa.

t. Hillary

2008, when Barry Hussein O got elected and institutid a socialist communist fascist islamostate instead of freedom

WW1=>spanish flu=>great depression=>WW2=>communist takeover of eastern europe=>american global hegemony and agression

To be fucking continued when the Chinks start riding us as hegemons.

Mongol invasion or black plague

If he serves a full term as president this will be the right answer.

Great depression.

Now i know it's quite the buzz to either be fully for or against him, but for me i stayed neither for or against.

can you please explain why he'll be the worst thing to happen?

He is a rich Archpleb who now leads the strongest nation in the world. He also said the USA doesn't have enough nukes, which proves that he has no idea how destructive those are.

The Black Death.

Probably the black plague where 1/3 of all your family and friends died and as far as you know you can't do shit to help.

black plague way worse cmon

The 1st half of the 20th century

You just know its bad when people go from painting all religious themed art to all death themed art


probably the black plague or a really bad revolution or violent war. people have suffered forever its nothing new

That Danganronpa finale where the island shitters turn up and make everything Naegi sacrificed in the last 12 episodes completely worthless.

It must have felt like the extinguishing of civilization and a descent into barbarism.

You're in it.

I know this is some funny bait, but can you do your part to keep Veeky Forums safe from Poe's law?

>A- at least things can't get worse, right guise?
>Good thing our Celtic brothers in Ireland don;t take advantage of our weakness to inva-

Felt hopeless? I don't know. Perhaps the latter end of the black plague, in Europe.

The worst era in history was certainly the working class cities of Industrial Revolution England. Truly a terrible, joyless existence, from start to finish.

>>Zhu was a born into a desperately poor peasant tenant farmer family in Zhongli Village in the Huai River plain, which is in present-day Fengyang, Anhui Province. His father was Zhu Shizhen and his mother was Chen Erniang. He had seven older siblings, several of whom were "given away" by his parents, as they did not have enough food to support the family. When he was 16, severe drought ruined the harvest where his family lived. Subsequently, famine killed his entire family, except one of his brothers. He then buried them by wrapping them in white clothes. Destitute, Zhu accepted a suggestion to take up a pledge made by his brother and became a novice monk at the Huangjue Temple, a local Buddhist monastery. He did not remain there for long, as the monastery ran short of funds, and he was forced to leave. For the next few years, Zhu led the life of a wandering beggar and personally experienced and saw the hardships of the common people. After about three years, he returned to the monastery and stayed there until he was around 24 years old. He learned to read and write during the time he spent with the Buddhist monks.

Damn what a change

According to suicide rates it was the Great Depression

The age of feminism.

>A-at least things can't get worse, right guise?
Good thing that we and our celtic brethren won't be ruled over by foreign inva-