Bancor: "Best coding seen in Solidity" - Nick Johnson (Ethereum Foundation)
Bullshit, I'm going to believe the fud article and /pol/ posters instead and sell at 0.01.
Bancor: "Best coding seen in Solidity" - Nick Johnson (Ethereum Foundation)
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it's all FUDders, m'lady. please buy more BANCOR, very good project for russai
Confirmed Bancuck in panic mode, gtfo we don't want your bags
40 lines of code.
Made at a hackathon.
this thread is a thinly veiled attempt by bancor-fudders, possibly emin himself, to put bancor stakeholders in bad light by engaging in constant, poorly formulated damage control
these actions will not be taken lightly
what benefit do fudders get? can i get paid for pointing out all the red flags of a scam?
Don't sic Mossad on us, bubbeleh.
Can't wait to see that trash tank.
you get to buy the coin cheaper
bancor holders think that people saying bad things are just trying to lower the price so they can get in themselves? they secretly like it and don't think its a retarded russian scam?
oh you mean the coin that bancor can just delete at any time? or that they can arbitrarily create new ones without any justification?
Never bet against /pol/.
they evidently don't think at all if they bought bancor
you need to leave, /pol/
These devs are unusually scummy and dishonest.
But I need to share the blame. It was my own FOMO that made me invest in something I didn't fully understand.
>it was HER TURN!!
what does this even mean? fucking /pol/tards
>hey /r/RandomAntiTrumpSub, check out how bad I burned this drumpfkin on Veeky Forums
3.5 million dollars per line of code
you should be thankful goy , it's still not as many jews as died in the holocaust
my god can't you see the obvious fucking scam
this is like scam 101, using a soft white girl as their poster child, this is pure, raw scam
When is Bancor's "point by point" debunking of Emin's article going to be posted?
Bancor's twitter said it would be posted "tomorrow" and that was yesterday.
this is cult 101, get the fuck out of banc
you think these dreamy cloudly headshots of her just happened by coincidence??? this is pure calculated SCAM
Only racists are against bancor. We all need to show our solidarity against hate and continue to buy.
Are they going to reopen the ICO?
>Bancor, a token full of back doors
Scam. if you buy those you're an idiot.
>white girl
>he thinks jews are white
this is the type of person that thinks the dress was blue and black
>Only racists are against bancor.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Bancor jews try to pull this card soon
>All of this FUD is just racist anti-semitism
>Muh holocaust
i'm all for discussion of jewish scams, but this is a russian scam, not a jewish one.
Oy vey
How is it a "russian" scam? Literally everyone involved are israeli jews
it literally was. also dead meme.
You don't get it cheaper, and not more expensive. Shilling might work for some lesser known coin, but I believe pumping or fudding is just ineffective at this point.
The value is based off small amounts of eth, you can make many inexpensive tokens if you want, but it could eventually get expensive, and there is a chance nobody will buy them so you'll have to liquidate them back into ETH.