I just ordered 2 ETH and .3 BTC to begin my crypto adventure. Should I bother to do anything with them until after July 1?
I just ordered 2 ETH and .3 BTC to begin my crypto adventure...
just HODL them sonny. You invested in the only two coins with a future. Maybe a little in LTC wouldn't hurt as well.
1. Be very cautious of Veeky Forums. It's over run by trolls and shills that want you to throw money at alt-coins
2. Just sit on it for a while. Don't fuck eith alt coins until you've watched the market for a few months.
All in on ANS. Thank me on friday.
July 1 is likely to be a fucking bloodbath, why did you buy in now?!>
Dont mess with altcoins until you feel you're ready. With the quantity you have you won't be able to make significant gains that would outpace ETH or BTC. If you want later on start trading back and forth between them. ETH is hovering .12 - .14 BTC. You can make a little bit off those waves
Why would that be?
He could get lucky on a shitcoin moon mission
What's happening on July 1? Did you mean August?
Golem, sia, decred and myst.
Some iota just in case.
10% to trade shitcoins
You can thank me later.
I thought OP was having us tricking newfags into thinking aug 1 = jul 1 but everyone in here just seems to be trying to help OP so i'll help now too
Replace GNT with lsk and you're good. DCR at an especially good dip for the buying now.
Yes, sorry, I meant August 1. I'm thinking about trying to make conservative moves before that date and have moved out a little in case of an opportunity where the shit hits the fan and I can move back in after a big fall.
It's looking like the argument will be ogre by then
You see on august 1st, There is a chance Bitcoin will experience a chain-split. A segment of all Bitcoin users is committed to activate a user activated soft fork (UASF) as described in Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 148 (BIP 148), this will split Bitcoin's soul on two, creating an evil counterpart, during the soul-split Bitcoin will find itself weak therefore it wont have access to its full powers, This could lead to an event known as the "flippening", where an altcoin magnificently rises and takes Bitcoin place as the ruler of the CCU (CriptoCurrency Universe), there are few contestants who might rises, but everybody believe DigiByte (DGB) is the most suitable coin to rule, mostly because on july 31 DigiByte will gather complete control over its powers, giving it an unlimited power over the blockchain-force. There's has been rumors on others rogue coins such as Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Ripple (XRP) supporting on DigiByte actions. Some others believe Ethereum (ETH) could take Bitcoin place but beacause of DigiBite superiority it is very unlikely to happen, also due to the fundamentals given by its creator Vitalick Butterino (God bless that fine young man soul), Ethereum only hopes for a peaceful "flippening". An accurate coincidence; the picture on your first post it's a painting know as the "Destiny Agreement" painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1490, "Where both know there will be an new ruler but no one knows who will be", a masterpiece if you ask me. Finally, we can only pray for our wallets to be fine on the upcoming events of august 1st..
LMFAO yeah, as if it will be DGB. Delusional.
>until you've watched the market for a few months.
don't listen to this fucking faggot OP, fastest way for you to learn is for you to fuck up
go fuck up with a small amount of what you have and ACTIVELY LEARN and you'll be good to go in 1 week
thats how long it took me to realize what was happening in the market, though admittedly I'm the best
don't listen to this faggot either, doesn't even realize that bitcoin is about to pump like a mother fucker after segwit2x got announced
Is this post just an elaborate DGB shill? If so, kudos on effort.
I find humor in the fact someone actually thinks DGB could do that too.
Also thinking about going in to buy and hold on XRP now that Abu Dhabi is adopting their software.
Yeah also everyone needs to experience a crash at least once to comprehend the panic situation
Some people may be HODLing Gods, but everyone feels a bit of panic when their portfolio drops 30% in an hour. There IS an urge to panic sell because you're scared of it becoming worthless
It's irrational but the urge is there, it's primal. And once you sell you'll regret it. Don't beat yourself up too much, just don't ever panic, ever