Today, the first connection made between the 2 chains was successful. Once these nodes go live we are looking at 3 to 5k instantly. You can go to github and see for yourself. Vanfly just posted this today:
Proof XBY nodes going live very soon
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is the text vanfly posted:
Right now, Borz is working with the Project Manager to get the first NEW STaTiCs online and today they successfully made the connection between the 2 chains. What this means is that as a result of us realizing last week that the Community Patience level was too low and more FUD was on the way, we asked Borz to get the STaTiCs online ASAP, rather than just focus on the NEW Zolt Chain as had recently been decided.
So, the new chain is being worked on again (along side the new chain) and things are progressing very well. With the bridge between chains now established, the GUI will come next and then everyone will be able to register and see their STaTiC nodes. Yes, that is right, first STaTiC nodes are coming soon...
For now, the source code is loaded and if anyone wants to test the connection between the 2 chains, please go ahead if you know how without the user interface!
And the scam continues
Xby is like a turd that won't flush.
Expect this will go about as well as the hack job website you retards spent months building, could be the final nail coming, wait to buy at 1 sat
can't wait to show all the haters wrong i got 750k
ill be crusin in that bentley soon
You sane retards were probably screaming scam with Ethereum and Ripple as well. Stay poor. As soon as tech goes live, Bittrex is next.
No one wants to join your cult.
Incoming pump and dump just like that poster said. Scamscamscam
Yes, we know your life will be ruined once XBY tech goes live Dutch. It must be very hard on you being so incredibly wrong.
Reminder that Bitmox was a false flag ICO where CC and Borz bought up all the coins themselves. Check the forums and see if you can find anyone that actually bought into the ICO, you will only find CC and Borz in all the threads, and they mysteriously come in and save the day by taking over the coin. They pretended to get scammed and then miraculously the coin is saved by an autistic Hungarian savant with his marketing buddy. Makes for a great story line, right? You gotta make sure you don't miss out on your static nodes! Hey, have to buy more to get your static v2 node! Classic high pressure sale tactics, and they are going to string you idiots along until one day your hands are going to be so full of bags and they finally pull the rug out from under you. Don't say you weren't warned.
lol...go back into your corner with your tin hat on and your silly conspiracy theories. CCrev is a lot of things...but a scammer he is not.
So they are going to turn statics on, but it won't be on the new Zolt chain?
So... it's nothing?
will be on new chain
Yes it will be a nice shiny GUI for the coin to be pumped and dumped again on your sorry asses
Dutch gave fair warning, now its Seedit and others coming out and warning about the scam
But go ahead and gamble, I'm sure the coin will pump again
But eventually there will be a mega dump of epic proportions and you will lose it all
I don't want to see you whining when their whole scheme becomes public knowledge. Bittmox was 100% a staged event, there is no way a genius programmer falls for some absolute garbage shitcoin ICO on CCEX and buys millions of it. I warned you guys of POSW,DGB, Swarm City, now I'm warning you about XBY.
Not sure why you replied to me there.
I was expressing skepticism about the amount of actual meaning behind this announcement.
From the sounds of it, it's like:
"Oh shit CCR, we're losing people left and right we gotta find a way to keep them and pump that price up"
"I know, we'll just lock the nodes in and use it as an excuse to delay the tech for another month"
That's exactly it. It's all about hyping up everything that happens as a "milestone". Thats how they've been doing it - its all built on speculation and promises of "big things" to come, but no one is allowed to question it or make leadership changes. Of course they cant, because the guys running it don't have anything substantial. If they were serious they would have had a 3rd party developer with a good reputation check Borz's code and his work. But that's not going to happen because it's a scam. And its even easier for them to pump and dump because they have big holders "locking" their coins in nodes with more promises so they dont dump either.
They are gonna keep on doing this for as long as they can. Hype up a release > pump the price, dump a little bit, buy em up cheaper, repeat. It's smart.
i have information which completely discredits this theory of a staged bitmox
can't disclose it though since it was shared on the static owners private slack channel and the information shared on that channel is supposed to be kept confidential
yes i realize i look like a huge shill right now haha, just know that you will never find evidence that borz was involved with the scammers behind bitmox, but by all means keep looking, i'll be waiting
if that's true surely you should be buying xby now for the inevitable pump?
i suddenly feel less bad about my situation, hey if it moons i make gains and if it's a scam i also make gains selling at the highs, cheers borz
Haha yeah sure whatever you say.
I do hold XBY for the pump. Even if what you say is true and its not a staged bitmox, the project is never going to work. There is a madman in charge and Borzalom insists on working with him and clearly has issues of his own. It will collapse due to the fact that Borz barely communicates with the community and he does so through his mouthpiece instead.
Development will be so slow on this project by the time the project gets any kind of technical foundation, it will be behind the crypto curve and will be irrelevant.
Thats even assuming that what you say is true, which I'm sorry to say is not.
What t fucking coin, tell or gtfo shill
>Development will be so slow on this project by the time the project gets any kind of technical foundation, it will be behind the crypto curve and will be irrelevant.
Truth. Even if the project is for real, just due to the fact that the lead developer doesnt communicate with his own support base properly is bad news. By the time anything real manifests, XBY will be a foregone conclusion in the crypto world.
Wtf are you talking about? I am a static owner. I didn't see shit about bitmox in that channel. Nor is anything discussed there private lol. It's mostly just boring ass chatter. Gtfo.
> coin isn't a scam
> just wait
> disregard retarded marketing guy
> borz will deliver
Was not screaming scam at either ETH or Ripple, bought start of the year, XBY is nothing in comparison to what those had / now have going for them.
I've changed my mind about the megadump, it would expose the scam immediately, I think they'll just trickle it down until hypes cease to bring volume and it ends up about dead, disguising some sell orders amongst those of the bagholders, then announce another code rewrite or some long term bullshit and let it die quietly while the next scam fires up
Borz can't even deliver a working script for richlist
Anyone in XBY should at the least conduct some research into past known scamcoins to see how this ends. Even if the 'last price' would = 'gains' it is in reality worthless with no buyers, you need to be thinking about this reasonably and make a decision at a time when you are actually able to get out. One thing that has remained constant with this coin is a steady drop in volume, owners of multiple nodes will struggle to get out at all right now and need to rely on another hype pump to dump
I actually suspect a lot of the 'hype' and urgency to shutdown negativity is an attempt to help this last pump
Yeah they're being unraveled and appearing more desperate in tactics to keep it quiet, bannings over legitimate basic concerns is pretty extraordinary
Can't really blame them, they are kinda stuck. I can't imagine how many have their life savings on the line. Id be shilling the fuck out of it. Pic related
They're only stuck because they have nothing to show for the project, likely because nothing ever existed
>if it works I'll just cope by projecting that XBY will be forgotten about when the tech is ready
You can warm me all you want desu
But im still up 8x my initial money and there's still more pumps coming
Even if it is a scam its still retarded to sell now
If DASH, which pretty much anyone agrees on is a dumb premined scam coin, can reach 200$ a coin, then xby can sure as hell atleast hit 50-75 cents desu
If you're going by last price for that 8x you are not being realistic
Bought most from 100-130 sat
Someone else already wrote on tdmatt or tkblack or whatever the fuck his name is.
Borz is concentrating exclusively on getting the nodes online. One way or another, xby pumps to 3k sats in 2 weeks or less. Bet on it.
> "No premine"
> 650 million coins in circulation
> not 1 known investor of the supposed scam 'bitmox' besides CCRev or Borz
Who owned the coins after xtrabyte's inception?
Borz himself said during the Bitmox ICO the code was a copy and pasted code. Why did he then proceed to invest? Why did he then try and use the code for XBY? Things don't add up with those coin.
Just gui fanciness, no tech. Sorry bro, your being taken for a long ride
You do not exchange your coins with some blockfolio fairy that gives you the last price, you exchange them with somebody who is willing to buy them at an agreed price which has been a shrinking group of people for some time now, eventually there will be nobody and regardless of what price you aer seeing on the screen you will be able to sell zero.
>missing the point
he's saying there isn't sufficient volume for u to dump all your bags
just because someone buys 0.01 btc of xby for lulz at last price doesn't mean you can offload your 5 btc bags at that price
anyways i cashed out around 1500 sat and am laughing my ass off at the bagholders' denial as they go down with the ship
yea, the fact that they claim no premine but won't tell u where the coins came from is probably the biggest scam red flag
So much fear from panic sellers. Volume will be huge once nodes go live. Biggest lesson in crypto: weak hands always lose.
Meme trifecta
screencapped for when it becomes a 1sat yoshit coin
i'd purchase this coin at one satoshi... given that i can sell it at any time of course not that it'll become dead money, even if it stays at one satoshi forever, but hopefully goes to two at the very least or maybe even more.
there really ain't no premine, it was an instamine
instamine = the most legit way like a scammy ICO or something like that
we just have to "suspension of disbelief" badum tiss
>ba dum tsss
i don't need no posig i've got my other consenses
i wouldn't touch that crapeven at 1 sat desu
im the stupidest mofo to ever exist. At one moment im like, yeah xby is hella legit. next moment i'm like, it's a scam coin. then again legit then scam rinse repeat
bipolar as fuck
devil's circle has me gingerless soul.