> All the German nations are reunited, also The Netherlands and Belgium (I'm Dutch), the language should be a mixture of German and Dutch. Scandinavia reunited with a scandinavian mix language, etc. etc.
This is how I wanna see Europe, opinions?
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it's shit, balkanize Germany
fuck the balkans
>that disgusting blob instead of Poland
Dude, if you want to restore Rzeczpospolita it needs Lithuania and Baltic port (read: Gdansk) much more than Eastern Belarus and Ukraine which are rightful Russian clay anyway.
>independent Moldova
Ebin GroBgermanium d00d XDDD
Poland has all the right to exist retard
Better map for Europe
>implying germany shouldnt own all of Europe
>rightful Russian clay
no such thing
Why not Sweden?
Because they can't
idc about sweden desu
>the language should be a mixture of German and Dutch
>merging Low Franconian Languages and High German into a linguistic mess
You can mess up your culture in such a forced way, but at least let us Bavarians alone uniting in a single state with Austria.
>our culture in such a forced way, but at least let us Bavarians alone uniting in a
no, were al germanic peoples.
got a better idea
>were al germanic peoples
Ethnical or what do you mean? If so why deface our languages like that?
>70k winning against 550,000 men
wtf i love sweden now
Find a flaw
Germany doesn't own all of Europe
Should force everyone to learn Swabian-german,the true german
Germany still exists.
This right here, though.
Merkel is working on that problem though
Fixed that for you
Can't argue with this.
fixed it for you
all subhuman germans should be exterminated
Whatever you think you're solving, you're making it worse.
leave Alsatians alone
>unite all the countries lol
>Slovakia exists
Bohemia is German clay though, also they need access to the Mediterranean (Lombardy?).
Greece should stretch all the way to Turkey, Normandy belongs to GB and there's no reason why Portugal and Spain shouldn't be united with France.
More like Germany is Bohemian clay
that Alsace Lorraine doesn't belong to you you boche scum.
Annexes Spain because jealous of sun
Scotland and Ireland should be one nation.
Northern Italy or "Padania" should be separate from the South.
The rest is fine.
balkans: fuck bosnia edition
Not bad, but Slovenia should be part of "Germany" or a combined Slovakia-Hungary-Slovenia
Should be part of German though, Istria and Trieste are rightful imperial clay.
you morons just never learn from Veeky Forumstory do you?
>trying to partition Switzerland
never worked, never will, never should
It's trash.
I too am a wheraboo, but come the fuck on with those German borders
t. pierre
>all the German nations are reunited
Except Austria apparently.
Honest question: why are germans always separated from scandinavians. They are all a bunch of germanic, tall, blonde and blue-eyed peoples.
South Germans aren't.
>They are all a bunch of germanic, tall, blonde and blue-eyed peoples.
ghastly really
bring back the HRE
I much prefer them to some farcical prussian super state
>Schleswig-Holstein not under rightful German rule
>East Prussia cut off from Germany by Poland
>Ulster is part of the Republic
>No independent Slovakia
>No independent Croatia
are you thick mate?
it's back to how it used to be, under the good ol' empire
There will never be a Great Britain that includes Ireland again.
Or so you think, where we're heading the Empire shall indeed strike back.
why are map threads full of krautboos
it's a great mystery, I like to think they possess a wicked sense of humor
Krauts cant look at a map without crying great Germanic tears that displease the gods of their ancestors.
If you need some REICHTIME thats ok, but as a Swiss I prefer to stay neutral.
As if William and Harry will ever have the gravitas to do anything but abdicate and abolish the monarchy. Unless, blasted, that's what leads to the rise of a true dark lord of the English.
because all orthodox armies are hilariously incompetent and don't deserve as great a city as istanbul
Baltic states existing, Poland being that big (and owning Danzig), and Ireland not being British clay
Made me laugh harder than I should have (no connection)
Goddamnit it's like the middle ages with the french-spanish superpower prevented by the war of S. Succ. Also g*rmany exists, so it's a no from me
and s*rbia
It pretty much already does, aside from non EU members
It'd be cool if Europe was Africanized instead.
Future South African President Julius Malema would be the emperor of the African empire.
Because not everyone in the Germanic countries is the same you fucking retard.
You want to see Europe looking like the Simpsons?