Why does this need to exist?
Why does this need to exist?
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Nothing needs to exist, yet it still does.
It doesnt. Its formally part of England and has been since the 16th century.
Why would you want to abolish such wonderful bit of heritage?
>Welsh prince Madoc settled in america in the 12 century.
>Produce house of Tudor, change the trajectory of our species.
>Produce Enoch Powell, most impressive individual to have ever lived.
>Why does this need to exist.
wales as it is was invented in 1972, but really it's part of england
Why does this shit /int/ thread belong on Veeky Forums?
>It doesnt. Its formally part of England and has been since the 16th century.
>being wrong
>on the Internet
They have their own devolved parliament, local governments, a constituency in the European Parliament, and EVEN a Doctor Who spin-off show.
They very much exist, boy-o.
The Welsh Language is incomprehensible to the Eternal Anglo. So they just leave them alone in exchange for tributes of coal, tin, iron, and sheep.
It's the only Brythonic-speaking part of the island that retained its own culture and political system for centuries after the Germanic invasions. Wales is notoriously difficult to fight because of its terrain and how the Welsh excel in ambushes.
It's an ideal split for Britain; Gaelic Scotland, Brythonic Wales, and Germanic England. England possesses the best lands in the isle while the Celtic polities had to make do with the limited resources available.
Free Cornwall!
Cornish isn't even a language anymore. Too late
Yes it is, language was revived decades ago.
We've only had the national assembly since 1998. In terms of actual borders, we're essentially part of England. Hasn't been a Principality of Wales since Henry VIII
>>Produce Enoch Powell, most impressive individual to have ever lived.
His racism and bigotry was impressive. But other than that...
It was regarded as a craggy infertile hellhole, unworthy of conquest, just like Scotland.
>Produce Enoch Powell, most impressive individual to have ever lived.
that's a funny way of spelling Aneurin Bevan
>Hasn't been a Principality of Wales since Henry VIII
Wait, then why is there a Prince of Wales?
official british isles rankings
>Southern Irish
>Anglo scum
>unworthy of conquest
If that were the case it surely wouldn't have been conquered
Just tradition. in the 13th century Edward I killed Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, the last real Welsh prince, and took the title and granted it to his son, Edward, via investiture
Since then it's always granted to the heir apparent
>buttmad sassenach
Who /Old North/ here?
>trusting anglos
Gives English credence to them being more then mere shitblood Germanic rape babies.
Well, its time for things to change. Northern Ireland had the 'Bullets and Ballotbox" campaign, I reckon the Welsh should have a campaign of Rarebits and Referendums! Kidnap those filthy Saesonegs and forcefeed them rarebits until their arteries collapse.
>Three hundred gold-torqued men attacked,
>Guarding their land, bloody was the slaughter,
>Although they were slain, they slew; And until the end of the world they will be honoured.
>And of all of us kinsmen who went together,
>Sad, but for one man, none escaped.