Will a Christian that kills himself go to heaven?
Will a Christian that kills himself go to heaven?
I think it's considered a sin in Catholicism. Not sure about Orthodox or Protestants.
Seems shit tho for god to be like "hey remember how miserable you were when alive and how it drove you to kill yourself? Well since you killed yourself, yer gonna just keep bein miserable plus some fire stuff added in for good measure. For eternity."
Protestants allow anything these days. At some point they all said fuck it anything goes
But if God's beautiful creation causes you to reject it, it's your own fault for your shortcomings, choosing to hate the world is just gonna piss god off.
not evangelical creationist nutjobs
Wouldn't it be God's fault for making that person's life so miserable that they craved death?
No, since Heaven does not exist :^)
no matter your religion, you can only go to heaven if you die gloriously in battle
You knowingly and willingly destroyed one of god's children, and that is murder. Self-murder is still murder.
Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women.
The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront. Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for the act. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite. But if it comes to clear ideas and the intelligent meaning of things, then there is much more rational and philosophic truth in the burial at the cross-roads and the stake driven through the body, than in Mr. Archer's suicidal automatic machines. There is a meaning in burying the suicide apart. The man's crime is different from other crimes -- for it makes even crimes impossible.
why is god so petty
Because petty people envisioned him.
But where does the line between suicide and self-sacrifice go?
All the early Christian martyrs committed suicide.
If a born again Christian kills himself, he will wake up and see Jesus.
If a person who thought he was a Christian kills himself, he will wake up in Torment and holding for his trial, whereupon he will be cast into the lake of fire.
That's why Paul urged people to make certain their own salvation; make sure you are saved.
Bonus: with the Holy Spirit living in you, you have someone actively trying to help you not kill yourself. He wouldn't prevent it absolutely, but he would give you reasons to live.
No, they closed that loophole by specifically banning suicide.
>When you die you get to spend eternity in paradise with everyone you love
>That sounds so much better than my miserable life I will kill myself right now! Wahoo yeah! Paradise here I come!
>Uh wait wait ok how about this, IF you commit suicide you don't end up there.
>"Life is a continuous series of issues and based on your choices you will be granted eternal happiness or eternal damnation"
>"If I kill myself now can I get eternal happiness"
>"But that's not the point, you're supposed to prove yourself in the trials of life and demonstrate your faithfulness to God before you go to Heav-"
>"Checkmate Christcucks!"
Heaven doesn´t exist
so no
Take lots of risks and get killed in an accident and it just might work.
Suicide is the ultimate freedom. Its the biggest act of independence anyone can commit.
If there is a God I don't think he would send you to hell for killing yourself. Why would God make you and then send you to hell if he already knew you were going to kill yourself from the start? That's just stupid
Where exactly did this idea that suicide is a sin come from? Capitalists made it up because their slaves were killing themselves. So they started telling their slaves they would go to Hell if they did it. Suicide being a sin is nowhere in the Bible. Many of the early Christian saints were killed for their faith. They chose death instead of prolonging their lives. Martyrdom and suicide mean the same thing.
That's not too far off really, if you think of hell as a self-imposed exile from God. You didn't treasure the gift of life given to you by him, so essentially you're rejecting his favor entirely. In that line of thinking, I can certainly see how someone could see a person that kills themselves isn't worthy of heaven.
In practice though, I'm sure there's a whole spectrum of suicide, be it the rejection of life due to selfish reasons or the self-sacrifice to protect one's family from harm. In the end, like everything, it's up to God to judge a man and decide what's in his heart.
one is selfish, one is selfless
That's all wrong though
The Bible talks about suicide a lot actually.
Thou shalt not take thine own life. Christopher Poole 15:38
It's funny that this is never mentioned in scripture, at least as far as I can recall. And I really looked.
After some consideration, I came to the conclusion that killing oneself, deeming ones life to be unbearably horrible beyond the possiblity of repair, may indicate a lack of faith in God's ability to protect. Or at least, in His ability to have a person endure suffering into better times. I wouldn't consider it sinful if suicide were the only alternative to a more excruciating death (say, burning to death in a skyscraper or being captured by enemies known for a lack of humanity). But if you consider a relationship falling apart or the prospect of poverty as a sign that you've irrevocably fallen out of God's grace, it would suggest a lack of confidence in Him. If you haven't read it already, the Book of Job is what I'd recommend to you.
Why is suicide by cop considered suicide but Saint Peter allowing himself to be crucified when he had a chance to escape isn't considered suicide?
No one will actually go to heaven since it's not real, lol.
Bonus: No one will go to hell either.
That's the great thing about not being a dumb christian, you are not under retarded delusions.
Now that is a good question
ITT people pretend being gods judgement over the act isn't in itself as hypocritical as the act itself, you'll all go along with the suicidee straight to damnation should the two ever be linked :)
what if i crusade
Stop tipping kiddo
>Why is suicide by cop considered suicide but Saint Peter allowing himself to be crucified when he had a chance to escape isn't considered suicide?
Because he didn't tie himself to a cross and then nail his own hands to it. He chose self sacrifice not suicide.
so did the suicide by cop. he was simply being a martyr to prove that #blacklivesmatter
suicide by cop antagonized the cop to kill him. Saint Peter simply let go and allowed himself to die.
he antagonized the romans by being trying to lead the people away from the worship of the old gods and thus incite their anger and bring disaster upon the whole empire
No, Christian sects changed the rules centuries ago when people were an heroing instead of spreading God's message.
He didn't threaten them with physical violence which is what is required to antagonize a cop and is what I meant. He was a martyr sure but by definition he did not commit suicide.
Not likely. Considering his/her last act was to defy God in a variety of ways. There is no means for them to repent of it either.
Also, someone who would commit suicide does not have a real relationship with God.
god can kill himself and man can kill god but man can't kill himself