ANS could breakout right now by the looks of it.
ANS could breakout right now by the looks of it.
Other urls found in this thread:
what kind of a shit meme triangle is that?
Needs a lot more lines
In all honesty despite it being this low I still have faith that this coin will rebound to new heights right before the conference at the very least, that's why I'm not even worried
ETH deposit hasn't come through yet. Can't break 11usd before I buy in
lol the man completely misses the high with the line XD
my fucking sides.
I love this thread.
It's not going to moon until right before the conference. Then bittrex will have "maintenance" and everyone's going to get fucked and there will be MOON WHEN threads on here for the next week hoping that it will eventually go back up to 450 where they bought in.
I'll admit that was sloppy but it didn't need to be perfect. Here's a better one, and using the 1 hour.
it says 1 min for some reason though.
the dead cat was at 12
Brought at 5 dollars this coin is worth holding
Your graphs mean nothing and you're an idiot for thinking they do. Good luck on your moon mission anyway user.
It's breaking out guys! Downward...
It's really nice having bought in early so I don't have to worry until it really drops off
yeah your triangle is completely retarded and doesnt mean anything
it clearly fell through the support on the first triangle is moving along resistance, expect something when it reaches the next support
way to be retarded and not sure the entire chart
lmao you were right
meme triangles never lie
Just sold after buying in $5 and hopped in on cannabis coin
I think this is the breakout guys
Rising fast. Gonna break the 24 hour high. Mark my words
Buy now or never nerds
You can admit you were wrong it's okay, why would you want to be right anyway?
you were saying?
LOL just watch kiddo
i hope you sold your ants
good decision my man
this ant shit is the next bitbean, it will only ever go down in value
Oh I am.
This coin is actually only 277k sats
pls delet
I'm sick of waiting for the damn conference, this whale fuckery is too much.
You guys are all dumb for not checking other exchange prices. This much disparity just means a whale is fucking with a bunch of idiots.
I'm just going to consider my money lost and just sit on it. Got pumped and dumped hard
no I've known about it, its been that way the whole time
same here ill be happy to break even at
Okay so then you know that the coin wont moon until it moons over there, which its most likely not going to.
There's always going to be a whale(s) fucking with every coin, you just try and get as many morsels as possible before they tank it. I had multiple opportunities to get our, with a profit, but I got greedy. It's now a HODL for me.
it mooned while they were still $2-3 lower yesterday, this happens. korea had high volume on ETH but was always higher, we didn't drag them down
I've cracked the code.
fkkn saved
i like your art style
Can you guys explain this to me. Complete newcoiner and trying to learn.
You guys compare how the coin is doing against Chinese currency to USD. What are you looking for and what should that tell you?
Thatnks. It's not how I usually draw things, but it's good enough for Veeky Forums.
I accept donations of ark coins because I'm a sucker for memes.
Or Digibyte because I'm just a sucker.
>What are you looking for and what should that tell you?
well, for starters china is paying $7.80 for it and western exchanges are paying $9.
someone is either paying too much or too little. and considering it's a china man coin, it's probably us paying too much.
getting DUMPED on Yunbi
where are my cheap ants, Bittrex?!
you fuck
Isnt this just a sweet opportunity for some arbitrage?
It's because yunbi is down.
Once it's back up it'll have another short dip
What the fuck is that OP? That's not how triangles work
slow and steady
breakout into a dirtnap maybe. If you buy this coin right now you are retarded. It's been pumped and it's been dumped. It's OVER.
>t. whale
no shutup this is my first day in crypto i've never seen this movement before its all over dude
Oh look it's pumping as hard as a geriatric dog with half the volume of yesterday.
Glad I brought some RAID to finish off you antfags.
But seriously, this thing is way overpriced, don't buy it. So much smells wrong with it and everyone knows the chinese are the shadiest fucks around.
Only 24 more hours left to FUD guys pick up the pace.
you fucking ant bagholders have been shilling this shit non stop all day, guess you got fucked hard on monday lol
FUD yeah bud... I bought 300 of these poopcurls at 36k. I thought this was reasonable because the 24hr high was 50k. Go to bed and wake up, it drops to ~25k.
This is not actions of a stable coin. If you want to lose your shirt as the floor bottoms out on this thing, be my guest.
All I am trying to do is save people from being a bagholder of this coin that was super hyped up for no reason. Now all I want to do is break even so I can move on to greener pastures. I imagine a lot of people are doing the same thing so it's gonna be really hard to move up, especially with HALF the volume.
Or ya know I'm just a jew trying to FUD a coin on Veeky Forums with a 200M market cap. Like that would be effective at all.
It's like stratis at 46k all over again. ANS is gonna be grinding 30k for WEEKS. so if you're not a bagholder or an earlybird, there is zero reason to own this coin. None. Go buy another coin that will moon 400% in a week. This coin aint it.
Report in op, how did your technical analysis work for you :-)
Hope the bags arent too heavy
I thought this way for most of today, but now that I think about it I think the conference might already be priced in. I'm beginning to feel my hands becoming weak desu.
support is pushing prbbly today itll reach high before the conference
i just know this shit wants to blow upwards
> Jew nose breakout pattern detected in HURRDURR
i'm with you user, i thought my iron hands would prevail but they are slowly rusting as my profit margins decrease ever more
i'm so fucking done with ANS, gonna dump this shit and cry tonight at ATH
good luck friends
Why is it still tanking
its been stable 320-330k for a looooong time now, but giant sell walls keeping it down...
its on boys
Glad you joined the bag holding
3 am eastern us time.
countdown clock 09:37 hours left
Pretty sure the official page shows the correct time:
Shows less than 7 hours for me wtf.
where are you from
How much you are worth on crypto? Lemme know
shows 20 hours for me :S
East US.
Forgot pic
It's actually incorrect. If you have a VPN then connect to China and go to the site. It will say there are 20 something hours until the conference. Which makes sense.
Why would China have a conference at 2AM their time. The English site is about 12 hours off.
Sell boys! there wont be a conference the timer is a lie, chinks got us good
So this is one giant scam?
ANS is just a fake coin.... wtf
Yes yes!! go sell now*!! Fucking chinese people
wtf...I hate chinks now...
i can't honestly tell if you're trying to get people to sell or just being sarcastic, any smart antlord will wait until the conference or sell just before
Have you sold yours, I can't believe they just scammed the world for millions.... we should file a class action lawsuit.
He's fudding. I'm still up until my carefully calculated stop loss at 2938148 sat.
>Not stabre
Oh Im roughing and rousing.