>18 year old Bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman says going to college isn't worth it
>Finman began investing in bitcoin in May 2011 at the age of 12
>18 year old Bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman says going to college isn't worth it
>Finman began investing in bitcoin in May 2011 at the age of 12
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He's right. I wish I had never been brainwashed into going to college.
of course its not worth it to him though
but college at this point is beyond useless, with the internet you can find any information you want for free if you know how to use a search engine.
>tfw still $30k in debt thanks to the college meme
>mfw has no college debt
>mfw has no gf
>mfw discovered cryptos
>mfw has literally nothing to lose
The neets will be ruling the world soon lads. Just keep investing
College hasn't been about education in a long time, it's about getting a piece of paper proving you know the subject.
>godlike self educated engineer applies for job with nothing but his word that he's good
>guy that just scraped through engineering college applies for job but has piece of paper as proof
Who do you think they are going to hire?
If that guy is as good as he says he is, then he should be able to prove it by engineering something as a show of faith that they'll accept his skill. The other guy is just good at following orders, not the best when you need to think about how to engineer something efficiently.
Although what you say is right I mean fuck we only have one life.
That mindset of retiring at 60 is fucking BS. But most of the get rich quick shit is borderline shady illegal shit most of the time which requires people to be mostly sociopaths.
Why didn't you post the link?
This boy is a fucking retarded btw.
t. neet
>just engineer something lol
what is wrong with you?
"Personally I think bitcoin is going to be worth a couple hundred thousand to a million dollars a coin,"
ill respect the risk he took by holding, but it sounds like you can sell snake oil to this idiot. Parroting the "middle man XD" argument doesn't justify a million dollar bitcoin.
>just engineer something lol
>what is wrong with you?
What's wrong with you? If he's actually a really good engineer, then he should be able to engineer something no? At the very least show how the framework of some advanced engineering concepts work.
not really, no. conceptual knowledge is meaningless.
"really good engineer" implies that he knows how to work with people, which means either work experience or projects in school/training programs.
the only reason engineers are hired without proper degrees/certificates is because there aren't enough people in engineering. they get the training to be "good" on the job.
i can accept the answer that some people are just as useless in university as they would be without it, but no recruiter or manager on planet earth will ask you to "prove it LOL" if you say you're the best candidate when there are other people who have graduated college applying. i guess if it's specifically software development, you can do a solo project and present it like an artist presenting a portfolio, but engineering is still always a group effort which requires a variety of skills.
I agree that IT is the exception to the rule as it's easy to prove yourself capable with an email attachment.
A friend of mine is doing really well in IT despite no formal training because one company gave him a chance after seeing his attachment and from there he gained enough on the job experience to work anywhere.
College works out fantastically for some people. only retards think that College is useless.
It does cost about 10x more than it should without a doubt but that doesnt make it useless.
I held off going to college after highschool 2012 and got into selling M instead. invested most of my profits into crypto and just living and am doing really well now. But I understand this is a unique situation. I can't just tell people "go sell 10kg of mdma and buy a bunch of bitcoin like i did!"
Also being an independent learner is great and all and does work for a small amount of people but it doesnt compare at all to the vast amount of people and resources you'd have at a good University.
I'm a white male in Australia.
I went straight into normal employment instead of university and it became pretty clear that while I could get a decent paying job without a qualification, there was an upper entry bar - in other words, at the upper level of organisations you NEED some form of university qualification. So I was working roughly 2005-2010, earning only 40k, while people my age who had university degrees were often starting on 60-70k at the time, and those upper opportunities were locked off to me.
So if you're planning on going into normie employment, at least from my experience a uni degree of some sort, even an Arts degree (at least here in Australia) will do you well.
The thing is, I could never survive socially in that culture. Normies and boomers don't tend to consider the degree of introversion of so many young males today. Another thing is that so much normie employment is dominated by women and ideology. I had worked in government - and I had no idea at first but there was massive unofficial discrimination going on against males. In the first interview rounds, 9/10 applicants I saw were male (this sample obviously could have varied a fair bit), but by the time I got my job - 8/10 new employees were female. It was only a year or two into employment when I happened to overhear the hiring people openly talking about how they were 'feminising' the organisation that things clicked. The government agency I worked for NOW has official "white ribbon" accreditation - if you don't know what that is, that's a feminist organisation which literally goes around claiming that even little boys are a threat to women and girls. I'm fucking glad I'm out of that situation.
Opportunities outside of normie empoyment may be scarce, but I'd say if you're introverted, SO LONG AS YOU WILL ACTUALLY DO WORK ON YOUR OWN, and find ways of making money - ie not just end up fapping to porn and crying all day - your time would probably be better off spent at home.
Another white man Aussie here, I made $200k as an electrician in the mines after leaving school a year early.
I wish I had done Uni not for money but because I'm interested in engineering and would like to do it even if it means a pay cut,.
The difference is, you went straight into a high paying job and now you presumably have enough money to at least make life much more comfortable while you study.
What's stopping you from studying for pleasure, especially with government subsidisation?
If you're interested in studying engineering for pleasure, aren't there many video basic lecture series on engineering from say the teaching company, etc? Aren't there many textbooks and other books you could use? Can't you find other experienced engineers online to talk to and ask them about things?
I want to do it as a job which means Uni to get hired anywhere, catch is I'm 34 and would be 38 when I'm finished with school.
I can't see the market being too friendly to a 38yo when there are plenty of 24yo kids fresh out of school.
>an embryo who won the lottery says working is for plebs
>worthless neets without drive and ambition agree in unison
like pottery
Fuck, are you me?
Ditto. But I did meet my wife there, so... there's that.
>The government agency I worked for NOW has official "white ribbon" accreditation - if you don't know what that is, that's a feminist organisation which literally goes around claiming that even little boys are a threat to women and girls. I'm fucking glad I'm out of that situation.
I'd love to see government collapse just for the look on these people's faces when they realise they were working the cushiest, most parasitic jobs on earth
Yeah I'm sure this kid is a fucking prodigy. What he didn't tell everyone is he wanted to buy pot. Freaked out. Forgot. And held for 5 years.
do online degree course just for the degree. they are cheaper and consume less time so you can work at the same time.
i am looking and filling applications right now for masters in computer engineering.
after you graduate you will have advantage of work experience over young grads.
in my field age hardly matter only experience and knowledge
If you waste your time simply going to class and coming home and jacking off of course it isn't going to be valuable to you, you entitled cucks. College is for networking and internships, or are you all completely oblivious to that reality. Employers love college students because they're smart and haven't developed shitty habits like trading meme currencies on the internet.
Furthermore work experience doesn't mean anything in finance unless it's from an elite firm.
t. audit intern
>coffee slave in a big4 shithole presumes to know anything about sector HR practices
Work experience actually means everything in finance.
>18 year old nerd who lucked out on early BTC thinks hes a genius
Hes right abut college, but this reeks of juvenile superiority complex
I went to a fucking expensive meme college to learn hospitality. It was a fucking waste of time and money.
Should've went to a trade school instead.
Loser nerd has no idea about how important, beneficial and fun college life is.
Going to university for anything other than a STEM degree is a waste of time. FACT
the best part is that he failed in everything else he tried doing apparently and everybody around him thinks he's a spoiled little faggot.
listen to a little bit of his TED talk. he's a grade A airhead even for his age.
the guy who spent four years being taught by people who earned a PhD in Engineering/Mathematics/Physics.
No one cares if you completed the EE module on Khan Academy, fool.
Just tell them your 28 it's illegal for them to ask your age anyway.
>The investor offered either $100,000 or 300 bitcoin, which had dropped in value at that time to a little more than $200 a coin. He took the lower cash value bitcoin deal because he believed it was "the next big thing."
Why not take the cash and buy bitcoin?
how much was 300 btc worth at the time?
>become redpilled on the college meme whilst exposed to it and escape after getting a two year degree
>no debt
you fucking retard
Don't tell the bizraelis that. Let them enjoy their gains while they can.