How does one predict shit like this?
He's a literal real estate billionaire. That's how.
>devote your entire life to real estate
President Trump is a genius, I've seen about a dozen tweets where he predicted the future.
Trump is generally an Idiot, but in real estate hes a savant genious. Thats his whole fucking life dude.
No he's just a real estate expert with inside knowledge due to being Shillary's cousin.
Trump is a literal genius. He may be sloppy at times due to his old age but his market smarts are still there.
Don't worry bernie bro he drumpflinkton is going to get impeached anytime soon :dddd
literal genius
Why are trumpbots so easily triggered?
>Kicks ass in business
>Kicks ass in television
>Kicks ass in politics
>You question his intelligence
I question your intelligence.
lmaoing at your life rn
To be fair though this was pretty much a no-brainer call. I mean this is America, obviously housing prices were going to recover eventually.
>have a big dip in housing prices
>hmm will people be buying houses?
wow who could have predicted this?
>billionaires are idiots
Nice cope
He's not going to get impeached, but if you think his tweets are anything but impusive retardation, then you are probably also retarded. But thats okay.
am i missing something here or is this literally just buy low sell high
trump employs people to try and beat back negative opinions that either attack him or build up political opponents.
thing is, you're paid by the comment (and it's a fair fucking amt. per comment) so usually you'll find people around the internet (youtube usually, yahoo comments, few tumblr sock-puppet accounts and other places).
I got fired cause I wasn't 'effective' enough
Yes but what is interesting is that he called the exact bottom. You gotta give credit where credit is due.
He's been successful in many, highly diverse environments. Politics, Real estate, television. I know it's a meme to talk about Trump University and Trump steaks but the man is a genius, say what you will about his politics.
>"buy the dip"
I guess he would seem smart to a /pol/ack
He inherited time travel tech from Nikola Tesla
not even memeing
Sounds like a 70 something old dude baited you on fucking twitter
>buy the dip
WOW what a genius
I'm not a big anti-trump but come on, anyone could have guessed this shit
Why did we invite these board-ruiners here anyway
Name your previous employer so I can read up - I think you're full of shit. Meanwhile Correct the Record was very, very real.
You're not missing anything. Trump is just really good at figuring out when prices are bottoming out. That shit's hard.
straight up window licking retarded
June would be Q2...so he didn't. OP is retarded
stay mad numales
dude I voted for Trump
but time travel is dumb as shit
> tfw shareblue doesn't pay you in bitcoin
/pol/ owns Veeky Forums, friend. We just allow you to stay.
oh my sweet summer child
learn some fucking physics nigger
Lol speaking of trump what happened to TrumpCoin? I made like 50 quid profit in that shitty memecoin hahahah
He's Biff Tannon with the real estate almanac.
the insights of man gleamed from observing the world are not the end all be all, to believe so is folly.
I don't listen to Russian puppets.
you still have to call the dip correctly, retard
it could've went way the fuck down after his comment but it didn't
>Trump is no Veeky Forumsnessman
>This is what a true man looks like
Haha, it's literall owner is a non white. So how's that beta uprising coming along?
Nips are Honorary Aryans
keep trying to normalize treason shariablue, I'm sure you'll get through someday
/pol/ is everywhere, read the comments.
Beep beep boop boop, somebody summoned me?
Do you guys realize how cringe and beta you sound like when you say shit like this? Yes real nazis are meant to be respected and feared because they actually died for what they believed in. All of them are dead now. You guys are just skinheads with flabby bodies who circle jerk each other on Veeky Forums. Good luck with your uprising in today's world
None of those things require a high level of intelligence. Not to mention he didn't even need to worry about the initial resources provided/inherited in abundance.
>dying for a cause deserves respect
>autistic internet teenagers are skinheads
I don't listen to jewish faggots.
hes a time traveler didnt you know? he has secret Tesla papers.
I care. Really. youtube.com
What does the billionaire leader of the free world need to do to impress you, faggot? Calculus?
You must not listen to Trump then
what did Charlie Sheen have to do with Trump?
Does Trump have HIV and the Borat movie came true??
>if you don't die right now you are beta
want to go on a trip to an alpha camp?
>tfw due to falling for the college meme only managed to buy a condo in early 2014, another in mid 2015, and then a house in late 2016
if i went straight to work after high school i'd probably have at least a couple 3 flats right now.
Day of the Rope is fast approaching, and sooner than you think friend
>those cherrypicked female refugees
>vast majority of (((refugees))) are young adult men
>those dislikes
>these comments
You're thinking of /r9k/.
/pol/ is alpha as fuck familam except the reddit kekistan cucklords who jumped on the meme train
True - Wife and I purchased a house in 2013 for 99k and we just sold it about a month ago for 135k.
We only had 80k note remaining on it. We split the difference and we had about 20-22k each after it closed.
Yeah, we split it cause we divorced a year ago.
No complaints.
>/pol/ raids a video
>"hey pol is everywhere!"
yeah im definitely questioning your intelligence now
The point wasn't impressiveness, it was intelligence. Yes, even undergrad math requires more raw brainpower than pumping capital and reciting populist slogans, barely winning against the worst candidate known to man, while advised by the best people money can buy. No need to get triggered just because someone dares to remark your idol is not entirely a superhuman genius.
he didn't become a billionaire by accident
>Trump is not business related
he isn't anymore, dummy
Yup, my wife and I are in almost the same boat, except we'll be selling a bit higher, and we owe a bit more. I guess we just got lucky, since I was not trying to time the market.
>barely winning
Boomers really fucked us over. Everything is overpriced because they decided to dump all of their savings into overpriced property. It is literally their crypto currency, but at the expense of other goys who slave wage and pay rent. The difference is our shitcoins provide services and jobs, their properties simply build a speculative bubble that does nothing but create misery. Oh, how the fuck is a $500,000 500sq ft cuckcondo gonna help people? It doesn't do shit other than line the pockets of the jews who bought it generations ago and sold it for a profit. $5,000 ethereum helps all of the foundations, provides millions of jobs, and makes banking and commerce more efficient, and even doesn't fuck over late adopters.
back to r/t_d
>$5,000 ethereum provides millions of jobs
Sure they don't, it's much harder to sit in your underwear posting on an Indonesian toy factory forum.
>How does one predict shit like this?
What if people got inspired by that message? And it only recovered because he posted it in the first place, think about that.
>a tweet with 93 likes inspired the US real estate economy to recover