Post your top 7
nice digibutts
digibutts purchased at 120 sats I'm not worried
I keep buying into meme coins
Send help
how much did you invest user?
OP here chiming in, I invested 10k over the past 5 months
thoughts on CFI ? long-term hold? short term pump?
CFI gonna make us millionaires user
I hope we get matching lambos
day1 wish me luck..
started with 3000 in march 2016
I hodl 100k CFI, am I going to make it to lamboland?
dump your RDD, trumpcoin/milocoin/memecoin tier.... will NEVER be substantially worth anything ever again. Screen it boys.
lol, I bought rdd when it worth 20 sats, and hvg on 30 sats.
Does something like Blockfolio exist for desktops?
Yeah. It's called excel.
a lot of red
Not all too much considering what I see here! But its mine!
Why no one buying DOGE?
WTF format
I use coinmarketcap.com but it has only like 10 coins
Sold zec and ltc and start alrdy
Iconomi coin, habe you heard of it?
Started with $8800 yesterday after lurking for a while.
I'm not going to make it, am I?
with those investments made last week you would've been at like 20K now
sometimes you're just unlucky
start following cryto gods on twitter for gurantee gains.
Keep getting so close to hitting 50k, then somebody dumps one of my holdings...
I don't know anything about this stuff but I'm interested and wanting to learn, could anyone tell me where to start with learning about it and starting off?
All I have is 3124.6654 ETH and 65.4341 ETC
I should download blockfolio on my new phone but I won't need it when I kill myself if Eth keeps dropping
finally someone with BLOCK
Very bad time to enter the market. A lot of cryptocurrencies shot down overnight, almost everyone except bitcoin.
Always make a stop-loss order before going to sleep.
I would've lost 5% but I reduced the losses to 1%
sharing is caring. might prevent your sad feels, too
you're pathetic
won't selling and buying back in so often be a nightmare for tax purposes? in the USA at least
none of those crypto faggots know anything
not a single one predicts any sort of drop in price, EVER
they predict up after accumulation phases and wait for a spike to say "triggered"
.002 Eth is enough for you. If you believed you would have more.
Got Ark riding the Waves...yes sir, lookin good
also 500 Bancor and 25,000 Status
am I gonna make it bros?
you def shoved more cash into it along the way, you massive larper
i have some, but fiat limits me
>10 PIXV
did you get airdropped by that one user too?
yeah, i told him i'd hold it forever lel
same here
Is there any guide on buying crypto currency? Where do I buy it, how can I trade it etc.
Ffs if I had that money I could have tripled it by now.
If you want to step your crypto game up to the next level, follow me on Skype for tips: CryptoAnna
Seconding. Full tutorial pls.
Guys, you seems wise. Should I buy Cofound.it right now? I really need some gains.
I'm just waiting for Coinbase to receive my payment to proceed.
Bottom seems to be at 9000 sats and right now it is at 9350. Go for it.
Thanks, guys. I put in 90€, because that's all I have.
Off to a good start
Hope it works out for you, user. Small cryptoinvestor here myself.
I could sell some of my equities and move them to ICN, but I don't think I could deal with having more than 5% of the total portfolio in crypto yet. Shit's way too uncertain.
What the fuck, can't you start with a few bucks to see how things go first?
Help a newcoiner poor fag.
Thank you, user. I wish I could put more in (when I see guys handling with 6 figures it seems unreal), but it seems that we're going to have a slow ride.
Good luck with your future decisions.
technically i started with 300. i normiebought 1 eth @70, made 300 esports betting, and a bit more buying and selling sia on peaks/dips (which longterm will go up)