Seriously? You STILL don't have any Ark?
Seriously? You STILL don't have any Ark?
Im never buying your overhyped, overshilled, scamcoin
>Im never buying your overhyped, overshilled, scamcoin
So you're a nocoiner?
Seriously? You're still going to post the inferior version of that meme?
You cannot meme as well as the great Cazador
Source? Can't find it anywhere.
>thinking he can lure me into posting shit on a SFW board
Just google Kim Possible Asshole
Board the ark, or drown with the peasant ants
still have my 3 btc in at 9k sats from may
ima keep hodl until it moons
bro, ark is good
we don't need porn and silly lemaymay's for ark
pls stop
besides, shitting on ants is fun
Please stop shilling for it with cartoon waifu shit OP, it doesn't need it.
>please let me accumulate more ark OP
That's what I'm saying. Seriously, I don't get paid til friday, knock it off
I'll stop if you pay me 10 ark
I dont see those ark boi, you know what happens if I dont see them
I'm hodling all of them, just enjoying the memes boyo; that redhead is very fitting btw
Submit to the strongest crypto!
>bitcoin blockchain congestion
>ethereum failing to keep up with massive load
Submit to the strongest crypto!
Nigga, are you fuckin retarded, u think I make these memes to shill?
God damn me u retarded
Im on 19 myself. really need to buy more.
motherfucker, post the transparent background version i made 2
thnk u grandburger
4ever in my
more oc
Man it's sweet now Kim is Ark's poster girl
we dont need more people in out delegate pool. stop shilling ARK it only lowers our payout
Ark kimmy wallpaper.
This was all cut by hand so you niggers better use it
I am not fucking shilling it you dense piece of degenerate newfag shit.
Back in my day we didnt make fucking memes to shill, we made them because we wanted to.
Now suck my big fat fucking cazador dick you faggot.
Good content, keep meming
Dumping some handmade transparents. They will have to be custom cut if they are to be used on high quality/black backgrounds as they still have traces of their bright backgrounds.
Now go forth, make the memes. Make me proud to meme along side you.
/ourcoin/ confirmed
I didnt start the thread, but I am keeping it alive.
>Once you start the Ark, there's no parking it's arse
Roll on with the ark memes