What do you guys think about Luther?
What do you guys think about Luther?
The very definition of "did nothing wrong".
He should have designed a re-Unification program as part of his rebellion.
While he objectively succeeded in getting the Papal authority to reform under better practices he also sired over 9000 spin-offs and heresies.
Christiandom has been in a state of decline ever since with the Catholic Church mainly spreading the word through missionary work.
Tldr: He didn't have a viable strategy going forward
They should have cut his cock and balls off and made him eat them, then raped his anus with a pitchfork and then made him admit he was in league with Satan and then slowly burned him to death on a small fire.
If he hadn't chimped out then you wouldn't have staunch reactionaries and extremist reformers, saving thousands of European lives, prevented loss of Papal and imperial power, and even the conquering of Russia and Constantinople possibly
t. Charles V
Wow Calvin where did you get the edge from, or is that Carlos I speaking
A similar figure to Gavrilo Princip. A mere catalyst for events that would have happened sooner or later anyway.
i don't really get the hatred of him.
Catholic church is a corrupt shithole, especially back then
That's certainly what their enemies say
The real destroyer of western civilization
He saved us from all becoming refugee feet lickers today. Thanks based Luther!
He was the one ultimately started the scientific era we're living right now, so I'm thankful for that. Apart from that, Luther really ugly.
He paved the way for LGBTQ Priests in the Christian world so hurray for him!
>Unified germany in the 16th century.
Uhh no sweetie a unified Christendom
kek I watched the entire series of those reformation lectures and I can definitely say I have a lot less respect for Luther and a whole lot more for Calvin.
Almost made me want to be presbyterian.
the catholic church isn't christian it's satanic paganism disguised as christianity
He was right in rebelling against the whore of Babylon, but the concepts of private interpretation of scripture, and that every man is a priest and ending Christian monasticism were mistaken.
Lol this samefag is autistic
>tfw paved the way to Heaven for almost 2 thousand years
Feels good tbqh
You only quoted me once faggot.
Haha you only quoted me 4 times faggot
What is your point anyway? Catholicuckolds are still foot fetishists and Satan's spawn.
>trying this hard
wew Luther settle down now
>Protestants near me
He has such a punchable face...
this triggers the catholic
These American faggots are completely unrelated to Luther.
t. European Lutheran
The only thing he did wrong was hold to unbiblical Romish traditions like baptismal regeneration and real presence
>protestants so useless they have to call the first daughter of the catholic church to protect them from the bullying of lesser catholic nations
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Catholic Church (8 hours)
>The Real History of the evil Roman Catholic Church
>The Jesuit Agenda Exposed
>The Real Bible Version Issue
>The Catholic and Islamic Connection
He had the courage to take on a monolithic church, in the full expectation that it would cost him his life, but he did it nonetheless, confronting the might of the first truly universal religion, in person and often alone, with an extraordinary passion, intensity and energy. And, most remarkable of all, not only did Luther survive, he triumphed, and we are all better off because of him.
Do you honestly think anyone actually bothers with this shit you keep reposting?