I see there is so much anti-german on this thread. My english isn't perfect but allow me to explain.
When you say we germans are barbarians and savges its true. Yes we are barbarian because we can see through false limit and restraint on our life we dont necessarily need to live under false morality.
Want to live wihout the christian religion? No problem we do it god is dead.
Want to party and dance and create the music ? No problem we do it like savage make music with machines electronic because we not hold back by tradition music instruments
Want to take the druk? We do and we party like savage
Want to walk around without the clothes? Go nude like we do? No problem its just nature we are at home in nature.
Need the land? Want there to be more german more industry, money and power in the world? We take, no problem.
We are not afraid to use war to reach our ends, we don't let go of our grudges till we punish our enemy like savage, like barbarian
We love just being in the nature, we love the beer to drink, we also take the drug but we also work hard live discipline life do everything thoroughly and efficient
We love the sport, good at it too.
We are free and wild but we are disciplined and noble too. We adventure the world, go all the way to australia outback not worry about border or limit, like we always have. Goth even went to africa. We are everywhere in world being polite and nice to you even though not smiling like fag, but also take the druk and party and if we want to be fag we can do too
I see there is so much anti-german on this thread. My english isn't perfect but allow me to explain
The main reason why people dislike Germany is because the German """race""" is literally worse than niggers. It's nothing personal, because Germans aren't people.
Germans are subhuman
>t. Ahmed
Kill yourself, kraut, this is an Anglo & associated Celts and their diaspora board.
but we are greatest race
but you are ugly cant handle your booze, make shitty beer and suck at engineer and sciences, no appreciation for literature, culture and education. British are island pirates, food is dog shit, passive agressive cunts
anglo saxon are inbreed ugly with fucked up teeth who was outcast in germany thats why u left to island and relegated there
You're even uglier. The Scottish and Irish make the best beers. We're the best at sciences, have you seen our scientists? Our books are literally the best, our culture is the greatest, and our education is the best. Harvard, Oxford, Etc. are the greatest universities, and you devour our media constantly, like Hollywood(Which I don't particularly like, but it's still something some normalfags in our countries like).
The British had the greatest and biggest empire, and were the most powerful for a long time, and the current Superpower is a British colony full of British diaspora.
Kill yourself, kraut. And take your Goddamn fucking diaspora with you. Sick of you faggots shitting up my state.
>You're even uglier.
no, we are tall, blond,, handsome, chiselled and strapping we are known for this. Our women beautiful and hot british women are ugly dogs.
Anglo is frail, short, skinny, pale with shitty teeth, ugly looks and inbreed genetics.
>Our books are literally the best,
Haha you are bullshit anglo and diaspora doesnt read books anyway, you have no book in your house
> and our education is the best.
we create education you ruin it, america is best education? Ich lachen
>Harvard, Oxford, Etc
oh place where british men with fucked up teeth speak in german accent to sound posh?
>and you devour our media constantly, like Hollywood(
>The British had the greatest and biggest empire
yeah scurvy ridden pirates and criminal drinking rum raping and raiding everywhere
>British colony full of British diaspora.
oh you mean the republic thats full of german diaspora
>Kill yourself, kraut. And take your Goddamn fucking diaspora with you. Sick of you faggots shitting up my state.
I don't care about american fag thinks hes german.
England is made from german nobilitiy thats rejected even from germany ruling over peasants in class system
>Want to party and dance and create the music ?
> ?
You've given yourself away, Frog.
nightclub in england is shit nightlife is dead, come to berlin we did not give up party, best pill best techno best industrial club, no please stay away dont want u to puke everywhere shit and pee in streets midget
Work on your English mate but you are right about those things. Germans and other Germanic peoples are by far the best in the world. Maybe the Finns can reach their greatness but no one else.
>the Scottish and Irish make the best beers
That's patently false though.
>but we are greatest race
Greatest race of niggers? Maybe, I think the Zulu are better niggers than Germans are.
Your country is being invaded by savages, dude.
how are we anything like niggers?
>we wanna buy a gun
>Irish and Scottish beer
As a Czech I had to kek audibly
So Germany is the fedora edgelord of countries.
Ironically the most openminded post on Veeky Forums right now
No, we're full of British and Irish diaspora. German diaspora is only listed as the biggest because they added that American category, that people who've been here for so long that they really just consider themselves American select. But they're really British. Brits were shown as the clear largest minority in the '80s, and still are, not to mention when you add the Irish.
Also, you haven't made a single argument. But what can I expect from a filthy kraut?
Latinfag here. (in the European sense, not the American sense).
I hate the way Germans try to claim Greco-Latin civilization as their own. Besides that I have no problem with Germans.
>We are everywhere in world being polite and nice to you even though not smiling like fag,
There is a difference between smiling like a fag and being an dour robot.
Merkel would be proud of you
Based Germans.
Hows Prussia working out for you Germany?
what reality are you living in Hans
Who cares?
The one where Germany lost two wars, 1/4 of its territory and still ended up the economic/industrial powerhouse of Europe.
>and still ended up the economic/industrial powerhouse of Europe.
At the cost of your soul. imo it wasn't worth it.
How are those refugees going for you, Hans? Or is this Mehmet?
>most populated country in yurop
>shit ton of American investment
well done
Germany? Doesn't exist.
What does this even mean?
Not German, just a fan.
>b-but they cheated
Danzig ist Polnisch
>become soulless nation of atheistic cucked liberals seeking their own destruction due to ethnic self hatred
>What does that even mean
Take a guess.
I must admit, I am entirely hesitant to take the opinion of anybody unironically using the term "cucked" seriously. "Atheistic" and "liberal" as insults are also red flags.
Are they not insults?
No, I wouldn't say so.
>Yes we are barbarian because we can see through false limit and restraint on our life we dont necessarily need to live under false morality.
*tips fedora*
God this bait is poisonous
You're confusing them with Austria.
>No, I wouldn't say so.
Typical kraut.
Again, not German. Just an admirer.