Tell me why monotheists dominated the world?
Tell me why monotheists dominated the world?
They're dicks.
they spread like late stage cancer.
polytheistic religions are "our people only"
Even hinduisim is kinda monothiestic. Reason for that I guess is because there is one and only God? Even athiests cant deny the appeal for that
None of the World's major religions are monotheistic. This is just plain fucking retardish to presume any of them are.
it is very simple to understand, not abstract at all like other religions.
it encourages very cohesive social order because of this ie gods commands are very black and white. Societys that use monotheism as a base tend to develop really well
because its Allah's world, we are just living in it
This. The idea of a "chosen race" is unheard of in monotheistic traditions.
Is this sarcasm?
are you fucking stupid?
catholics arent monotheists, only christians and mohammedans are truly monotheists
Rodney Stark claims they're just better in his books, but he never specifies why iirc.
I think the debate should be scriptural religions vs oral religions, instead of monotheism vs polytheism. Even most polytheistic faiths can recognize a divine hierarchy; lesser gods serving greater ones, in service to the king god himself. Monotheism in one form or another is usually the end result, even as people worship a variety of dieties.
Religions written down and repeatedly copied will survive, and will eventually opt for a "great god". The main exception is Buddhism where the question of god is useless and irrelevant.
No, monotheism is open to all, polytheism is exclusive and limited.
The idea that the gods would choose a certain tribe and back their military exploits is obsured in the eyes of monotheists.
Mohammedans aren't monotheist either.
Islam has pagan origins.
Only Bible is monotheist.
Jews started as henotheists
So God is his own son and also a disembodied ghost?
The father is neither Jesus nor Casper; God is the father, Jesus, and Casper. However, the father, Jesus, and Casper are three separate existences of the one God, all three always existing as one God at all times.
what happens here?
user, are you serious?
*worships three gods*
Because the idea of a singular God made a comfortable parallel to the idea of a singular ruler. (often ruling through the blessing of that singular God). So empires and rulers imposed monotheistic religions.
Are you kidding? Polytheism is extremely popular among bureaucratic states.
And the jews ?
What are you even saying? Bureaucratic states? I'm just saying they taught us in school that The Roman Empire embraced Christianity because the Emperor at the time thought it would strengthen his rule by claiming to derive his right to rule directly from God, and if all the different peoples and cultures of the Empire got converted to a singular religion it would be easier to rule over them.
Basically he thought it convenient to proclaim there being a singular God and him being his first direct servant on Earth (first and only direct "distributor" of God's will) to all people. Cue Church Schism, cue Catholic Rome, cue Byzantine, cue colonization and spread of Christianity either by conquest or by other nations adopting it either for the same benefit to the ruler or in order to not get diplomatically blocked by influential and powerful Christian states for being heathens. Basically, once it became popular and hip to be Christian you had to be in order to not get ignored and bullied by the cool rich kids.
The problem with Judaism was that it's restricted to a specific ethnic group, while Christianity doesn't have that restriction, so it's like the freeware version of Judaism.
Even when you look at Islam it's the same thing. Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his prophet. Turns out it's very convenient to claim your right to rule is derived directly by God and his will. Islam is basically the latest version of the same freeware anyway.
not really, forcefully converting the populace and getting involved in christian battles over doctrine caused quite a bit of upheaval in the 4th century.
Christianity or Islam are literally slave/enslaving religions.
>You are poor? Embrace it and you will go to heaven :) Let me exploit you, it is gods will!
>Those dirty savages must be genocided! They don't believe in god! You shall not kill? Nah that doesn't apply to savages.
Pic related.
>Be the Prophet Muhammad in 607AD
>God tells you to purge the paganism introduced into the religion by Christians who worship the prophet Jesus as though he were God
>fast forward 1400 years
>Consiracy theorist protestants in the United States claim Islam is the pagan and their trinity is clearly more monotheist on a website for autists
You guys are too much
No correlation exist between states with strong rulers and monotheism except in your head
Islam. Throw out 359 of 360 pagan gods and keep just the one, the one Mohammad's daddy worshiped.
Christians never worshiped the One God, they were led astray by the cult of Jesus.
Now you don't even recognize God since you've replaced him with a man, so you think he is one of your Demons from the Old Testament.
Christians are lost.
This is some top banter.
Bruh... Have you even read the Quran? You know there's a passage featuring Elijah where they call for pagans to denounce Ba'al as a fake deity and turn instead to Allah(literally just arabic for God).
>Quran 37:124 to 130
The story is of Elias, the arabic naming convention for the prophet Elijah
I'm not the only one who thinks that guy is dumb. He's probably a brainwashed /pol/tard
Immigrants from India
Weird electric storms and frogs.
Monotheism holds a more powerful notion. The idea that there is one entity that is above EVERYTHING else. It has a more thematic resonance with the competitive element within all humans.
Which might explain why the best societies share monotheism - because monotheism appeals to the most competitive people.
Monotheism is very easy to make dogmatic because its
Polytheism is multiple gods so its not close.
this is the real answer. simplicity. before the 1800s almost everyone was a complete moron, now only most people are.
most religions: This is how the world is, just be a good person and you'll be fine in the afterlife.
Great counterargument. Thing is the two dominant monotheistic religions are universalist.
Polytheism is passed from father to son, only people who join polytheistic religions are either californiods looking for exotic fashion accessory or "muh ancestors" LARPers.
Wait...aren't they they supposed to dominate world?
I'm not sure that what you describe as monotheistic religion it's actually what those people had.
Less factionalism between disparate gods, better organization, theological consistency
Most Christians aren't monotheists, so there really aren't that many.