Al-Andalus was the ISIS of the Midle Ages
>besides a small area in the south muslims were never a majority
>there were no mass convertions, converts were treated as second rate muslims and as traitors the natives
>the state was kept afloat by importing warriors from africa with the promise of loot and slaves
>it was a shithole were violence and executiins were everyday ocurrences
Al-Andalus was the ISIS of the Midle Ages
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My gawd such a shithole so acculturate
>OMG, any empire that conquers and occupies a territory is literally ISIS!
>cucks itt defending muslim imperialism
A place that had a Jewish community (not as persecuted as by the chritian later on) can hardly be assimilated to ISIS
Yet it produced the most scientists per capita in Europe:
I would say it was a step down from the Romans, but a step up from the Visigoths.
U are fake arguments
Granada was a Castillian vassal and Castillians built the Alhambra. Sorry pal muslims were barbarians
The Visigoths produced a lot of intelectual figures for the time. All the scientist and intelectuals in Al Andalus were iberian converts and jews
Because it's nowhere comparable to ISIS. Dumbshit.
>The Visigoths produced a lot of intelectual figures for the time
Such as?
Ooga the Booga.
The middle ages where the ISIS of the middle ages...
Yes 30 years war is later but you get me
Didn't know the castillians had this typically arabo-persian architecture and used Arab script but ok if u say so
>The Visigoths produced a lot of intelectual figures for the time. All the scientist and intelectuals in Al Andalus were iberian converts and jews
wow that desperation
Saint Isidore was probably the biggest intelectual figure in Europe at the time. Most of the knowledge from Aristotles comes from him
Peter the great was a fanboy of arab architecture in Seville after demolishing the old building. The emir of Granada that was his best friend asked him for help to build most things in Granada. If you ever go to the Alhambra they will explain it to you
He wasn't a Visigoth though. He converted them to Catholicism in fact.
The Visigoths had unifiedcthe latin law with the german law and made them de facto the same citizens at the time of Saint Isidore but he was native iberian if you want to call it that way. Well most muslims in Spain were native converts except the nobility and NA warriors
Well you just said it : it's all Arab architecture. Arabs architects and artists built it, in a style that is for its biggest part inspired by Arabic influences and art that has developed in Al Andalus
It was influenced by arab architecture. The people that built it were christians. Peter the Cruel just loved arab architecture and created a replica in Seville and his vassal asked him to help him with his castle.
Peter the cruel not the great. They explained it to us in Granada.
>most muslims in Spain were native converts
Christians who wrote quranic quotes on the walls ?
There was 11 million people in Spain at the peak of the caliphate.I highly doubt that 9 million Arabs and north Africans flooded Spain in 200 years
That is not a source
And the alhambra was buildt by many nasrid kings and was only finished by mohammed 5 if granada the friend of péter the cruel
Of granada
I trust processional historians specialized in the subject more than I trust some autist on Veeky Forums
This is referring to the Umayyad Caliphate, not the entirety of Spain under Muslim rule from 796 to 1492.
>This is referring to the Umayyad Caliphate, not the entirety of Spain under Muslim rule from 796 to 1492.
The Umayyad caliphate with the taifas were the most prosperous period.The Almohads and Almoravids were pretty intolerant and overall shit
Wow, destroyed him; with science ^^
>9 million
muslims were never a majority of the population
that idea of mass conversions is just a complete fabrication with the intent of legitimizing a "native" islamic population in Europe instead of the invading ocupying force it really was, it is nothing more than historical revisionism to fuel a diversity propaganda
when the caliphate breaks up into taifas and the christians start pushing back is not relevant
Then give your sources. Also yes it seems the "nasrid" palaces were built over a certain period of time by the members of the nasrid dinasty, not by one meme Spanish king
weren't pillars like that visigothic in origin
No most of the population was Muslim and christian.Most Muslims were Christian converts.Most Christians moved to the northern kingdoms through time
>Mostly Arabo-persian architecture
" Muh Visigoth pillars "
muh autistic scribbles on the walls
so tolerant for being the ISIS equivalent in the middle ages
>Al-Andalus was the ISIS of the Midle Ages
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
The scribbles aren't the only evidence of Islamic culture here while these pillars, should they be Visigothic, would be the only trace of Visigothic culture
How were the pillars Visigothic? Weren't they found in other Islamic architecture as well? Or was it a different kind of pillar?
The pillar is Roman.Both the Visigoths and the Muslims copied it
Well these pillars don't look that much Roman, they're just pillars
>don't look that much Roman
They just added some decoration.Visigothic pillars looked similar to the muslim ones but both had their origin in Rome
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Islam (3 hours)
>Muhammad the World's Most Evil Man?
>Evidence Muhammad was Demon Possessed
>Original Sources Koran Stole its Stories From
>Allah = Satan
>Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret
800 years to build two palaces and two mosques, golden age my ass
Well that's basically pillars. You could also give them a Persian origin
Back to your shithole
Yeah, The al-Andalus was totally a colony like the new Spain or Hong kong
>>Allah = Satan
Allah literally means "God", kek
t. Muhamed Akmed Jabil Al-Sandniggeriyya
the jewish god is satan
the christian god is the creator
god = a title
the "god" of islam is the devil
no imperialism if they aren't white goy
Muslims who defaced European architecture with their barbaric language.
I hope you mean Talmudic Babylonian Cabbalistic Judaism and not the Old Testament.
Muhammad met angel Gabriel in a cave.
Gee, I wonder who send him
isis has only exist for 5 years
what makes you think that if they would conquer a large landmass and rule it for 8 centuries they wouldn't built 2 palaces and 2 mosques wich is what the muslims did in spain?
Allah literally means "The God" in Arabic. There is another word for "god".
the god of genesis is the creator
the one that talks flood the earth and talk to jews is satan
satan of course
Stop, just stop
>arab architecture
no such thing
Flood was caused by the creator.
The creator delivered the Israelites out of Egypt.
why is it bait?
it's easy yo see that the god of jesus is not the same that destroy gomorra, that was satan, the demiurge, larping as a god
>Satan can somehow order an angel to do things
This isn't even /pol/ tier. This is Deviantart tier.
no, the creator only create the world and jesus, the other things were made by Lucifer/satan/fallen angel/demiurge
he has an army of fallen angels
there's no way for mohamed to knew that was a real angel and not one sent by satan
>Evidence Muhammad was Demon Possessed
God's angels do not make you schizophrenic and foam at the mouth. The first thing they say is "Do not fear".
>meeting in a cave
That's a red flag. Mohammed saw a demonic spirit.
Into the trash it goes.
satan is not good or bad, he's the one that created hell to punish humans and the one that demands sacrifaces and want to be adored
lots of angels follow him cause they don't agree with the laissez faire of the creator
>believing that the god that kills people is the same as the one that sent jesus
0/10 Poor bait.
>muh chosen people
good goy
Should evil and wickedness not be punished?
God is the author of life. He can take it away as well.
>reeeee I can't accept that jews are not chosen by god
Torah Jews =/= Talmudic Babylonian Cabbalistic Judaism
no, as he made the human imperfect, he's forgiven
it's satan the one that made hell to punish and wants to rule earth
the one that talked to moses, flood the earth, destroyed gomorra, demand sacrifaces and send and angel to talk to mohamed and make a new massive religion that sacrifaces animals to him
jesus said he was the last sacrifice, the creator doesn't want more bloodshed
But they were.
Abraham from the land of Ur was chosen by God.
His descendants would inhabit Canaan.
God needed a bloodline out of which the promised savior would come. He also wanted a holy and righteous nation as a model to the world.
After the scattering at Babel, Satan took 60 nations. God only took 1.
what do you think makes them different? only knowledge
if you male sacrifaces you serve satan and not the creator, period
tell me what I'm saying that's wrong
no they were not
the creator created the universe
then some angel wanted to be seen as god and choose jews
why would god command to kill the caanites? he wouldn't, but satan surely would
>He also wanted a holy and righteous nation as a model to the world.
by making genocides and sacrifacing lambs?
The Jews of the OT worshiped God.
Then they started whoring after pagan gods. After the Babylonian exile, you had the rabbinical oral traditions which would be compiled into the satanic Talmud.
Animal sacrifices were for the atonement of sins, dumb ass. It was a foreshadowing of Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Why do you think He is called the perfect lamb?
You clearly know little about Jewish history. Back to /pol/
>Satan took 60 nations. God only took 1.
no, satan took them all
Because the Canaanites were exceedingly evil and had 100 years to stop being evil.
>Sex with animals
>Child sacrifice to Baal
>No respect for each other
>Killing the poor
so you really believe that god would choose some tribe and make them ethnic cleanse some land?
you are the perfect goy
>Animal sacrifices were for the atonement of sins, dumb ass. It was a foreshadowing of Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross
yeah of course, that's why jews keep being jews and making sacrifaces huh?
they do it cause they know theit deal was with satan and he wouldn't sent no jesus
You know so embarassingly little.
>>Sex with animals
>>Child sacrifice to Baal
>>No respect for each other
>>Killing the poor
jews do this too
enlgith me then goy
I can't believe someone is this retarded.
>doesn't know about the Fall
>doesn't know what sacrifices were for
>doesn't know what Joshua's conquest was for
>doesn't know about prophetic fulfillments
>"hurr god was cruel!"
They didn't back then.
Israelites and Jews were largely righteous people, look at all the prophets they produced.
ITT: atheists/mudslimes knowing nothing (0) about biblical history
you are both american right?
only americans suck this much jewish cock
i thought it was common knwoledge that the god of the old and new testament was not the same at this point