Why did so many Germans want to join the Anlgosphere? where germans anglo weebs back in the 1800's?
Why did so many Germans want to join the Anlgosphere? where germans anglo weebs back in the 1800's?
They went all over. Russia, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Hungary.
why tho? is german self-guilt just a common gene or trait among them?
They just like to emigrate and settle new lands. Anglos do it too except they first annex the land.
No? It's about economic opportunity. Germany at that time was very high density in a little bit of land. It makes sense if you have an excess of people with an easy opportunity to settle elsewhere that they would.
its like the old world of europa was remade on the new continent. fascinating, almost geographical imprint
>54% white
>cant comprehend genociding niggers for room is not a new conceptual phenomenon of human existence/european ancestry
If by genociding you mean importing
Farmers in America were universally healthier and wealthier than farmers in Europe. If you're a Bavarian tenant farmer, it's quite plausible that you can save up for 20 years and buy a plot of Nebraska land far bigger than what you could have purchased back home.
A lot of other Germans were urban craftsmen, debtors, or professionals who believed they could make a better life in America's cities. Because most American cities were growing and in constant need of more skilled workers, this was generally true.
You forget "Hispanic" is a made up term including everyone from Amerindians to Black Haitians to brown Haired, green eyed Spaniards and everything in between.
Then it's 45% white.
If white Hispanics are considered white, the US is 72% white or something similar.
It's pretty fascinating that we're still in "you're not WHITE" mode for the most recent group of immigrants, when /pol/tards today will deny that some Europeans not being considered properly white was ever a thing.
Not a /pol/tard but that one is indeed a total meme based on one retarded essay by Ben Franklin.
>80% in a country that's been 100% until a couple decades ago
It really isn't. Up until early 1900s, you can find a bevy of Anglo sources describing non-Protestant Europeans as nonwhite in implicit or explicit terms.
In a lot of Southern states, Irish Catholics were considered an explicit racial category in between mulattoes and white people. Marriage by an Anglo Protestant and an Irish Catholic was scandalous in the South at least until WW2.
Not at all, all European immigrants from Lisbon to Moscow were legally considered white from day one and were thus eligible for naturalization. The Irish or the Italians were looked down upon and discriminated against but they were at no point considered non-white.
Literally just a cartoon from a humor magazine you troglodyte. Pic related, according to your logic George W Bush was considered to be a monkey in the 2000s.
Was taught this lie in high school, and people actually believed it. Arabs were considered white by the law at the time.
They still are though
They wanted to make them a new cathegory but this was still Obongo administration so who knows: usatoday.com
What percent white do I got to be to be considered white?
T mudblood
I know, my point was that it would be ridiculous if Irish weren't considered white yet Syrians were.
It's based on a combination of physical phenotypes and internal characteristics. Take for example Assad. He's clearly a White Semite but not genetically European.
There is no magic cutoff.
Sounds like a bait answer to make a bastard do more work
Wasn't a lot of it fear of the Prussian boot? Didn't the US get a lot of German Catholic immigrants during the Empire's culture war?
Yes actually, most immigrants from Germany have been Catholic. But people tend to forget there were also Volksdeutche from outside Germany who immigrated to the US from places like Russia (Volgadeutsche, from Kansas to the Dakotas), Ukraine, the Baltics, Austria, Bohemia or Hungary.
What is that "american" category?
They've achieved an ethnogenesis like the Boers. They are mostly decended from Protestant scots Irish.
Inbred feral Ulster trash, literally niggers with white skin. Whenever you hear some negative stereotype about white Americans (obesity, heroin, kooky protestant cults, inbreeding) it's usually describing these people.
The only reason these stereotypes exist is because the existence of ethnic Americans directly contradicts the ruling elites desired consensus that America is a "nation of immigrants" in which no one group has any claim to the American nation culturally, spiritually and historically except the conveniently powerless Amerindians.
Southerners who think they're far removed from their ethnic origins
Look at the map again. Most aren't found in the Deep South. Although perhaps that's only because Blacks outnumber them.
No, the stereotypes exist for far longer than the "nation of immigrants" moniker. When the Ulster Scots first landed in North Carolina they went literally feral after a few years deserting their settlements to live in the forest like animals and breeding with Indians. You've got accounts of British travellers visiting the Upland South and lamenting how the locals were semi-primitive yokels sitting on their ass all day and not being able to achieve any progress in agricultural technologies other than simple pastoralism while the (mostly German and English) farms in the north were already mechanizing at a fast pace. It's no coincidence that Appalachia to this day remains the second worst shithole in America behind only the Dixie nigger belt despite being overwhelmingly white.
The fattest metro area in America is KYOVA (Tri-State Appalachian region in West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky) and they also suffer from staggering opiate abuse rate, all while being 90% white.
While the stereotypes have truth to them (like all stereotypes) the point I was trying to make is the reason we are constantly beat ove the head with them in (especially in the media) is because of the reason stated here .
>It's no coincidence that Appalachia to this day remains the second worst shithole in America behind only the Dixie nigger belt despite being overwhelmingly white.
You realize mountainous regions are almost always less technologically advanced and more conservative, right? This isn't an Appalachian exclusive phenomena and can be found all over the world. Probably because Mountains are harder to traverse with smaller density and less people able to develop.
The Rockies or the Cascades are even harder to traverse but the region isn't packed with literal retards like the Appalachians.
Funny how Michigan, while having Detroit, is one of the most scandinavian states.
The "Americans" are all Brits. And Irish are really Brits, except Catholic.
Both those regions were populated much later in history. They didn't come off on boats centuries ago and develop unique arts, music, religious belief and connection to the land.
The "Scandinavians" in the UP are actually Finns. There's also only 300 000 people living there (Detroit metro alone has over 5 million more people).
The funnier coincidence is the (by far) most Swedish state going out of their way to import lots of Somalians
I want to remove crumpet.
I want to kill kraut.
There were also the "Old Lutherans" who came to the midwest after Prussia merged the Lutheran and Reformed churches.
Its that fine Swedish culture :^)
you can see almost every German state has a pinch of diversity :^)
that's not swedish you R tard
Except spice literally aren't white, being amerindian mongrels and all
For the ones in Texas, the majority came in the middle of the 1800s, where Germany was generally a shitty place to live. You had people of different religious affiliation from the states they lived in leaving, people fed up with the threat of conscription looming above their head, people dissatisfied with the government in general, and some lower class folk who were looking to get a fresh start away from civilization.
You have to remember, for the majority of Germans, moving to the US is essentially ditching the entire idea of civilization; there's very few cities of considerable size, towns are few and far in between when moving away from the east coast, and there's not as many trades jobs for your middle class type folks to work at outside the cities. If you only really left your homeland if your prospects were shit, or you were off seeking glory in a distant land.
Compared to other nations at the time, Germany fit the bill pretty well for mass dissatisfaction of the population. Hence the giant amount of immigration to sparsely populated lands.
Because Germany was cramped and overpopulated and they needed new lebensraum. This isn't just a Hitler meme, it's been an idea for almost 100 years at that point and there was even one autist who came up with the plan of damming up and drying the Mediterranean so it could be settled. So obviously if there was a big ass country in the west where you get a shitload of land for chump change, they were all over it.
actually it's 63%
During World War 1 and World War 2 Germans who wanted to practice their culture would get the living shit beaten out of them.
You're getting Hispanic mixed up with mestizo. Hispanic is literally a meme race created by the US census bureaux
I don't think so sweetie
It matters where you are and what time period you are in for questions of whiteness to be answered.
In Spanish colonial Mexico if you are only 1/8th Native (one native great grandparent) you would be considered white.
1/4 Native + 3/4 Spanish = Castizo
1/2 Native + 1/2 Spanish = Mestizo
3/4 Native + 1/4 Spanish = Cholo
If you were in the Spanish colonial Philippines, similar rules might also apply.
If you were in Nazi Germany and you had a Jewish great grandparent, you would be considered German under the Nuremburg Laws.
1/4 Jewish = Mixed Race 2nd Degree
3/8 or 1/2 Jewish = Mixed Race 1st Degree
In the Caribbean there would be all sorts of categories based on island and language. Here are a few:
1/16 Black + 15/16 White = Hexadecaroon
1/8 Black + 7/8 White = Octoroon
1/4 Black + 3/4 White = Quadroon
1/2 Black + 1/2 White = Mulatto
3/4 Black + 1/4 White = Sambo
That's non-Hispanic. It's a little over 72% when they're included, and that's just the ones who consider themselves white, around 53%. Much of the rest is varying amounts of white, from Sicilian-colored mestizo to blond hair blue eyes criollos who think Mexicans can't be white.
its because apart from the irish, those nationalities were/are darker skinned then anglos, especially under the american sun.
There are lots of German immigrants because the economic and political conditions of the German states produced tons of emigrants.
First, Germany was overpopulated and rapidly industrializing. Wages were dropping all over Europe, and being a farmer was becoming much more difficult. Land in America was cheaper and more profitable, so Germans with no skills other than agriculture could live far more comfortably across the Atlantic.
Second, warfare between German states was constant. Especially in the 17th and 18th centuries, many Protestant refugees fled to America because their government preferred a slightly different flavor of Christianity. In the 19th century, Prussian expansion caused many Catholics to leave their homes.
Third, the German region had not settlement colonies of its own. While excess Brits went to Canada and Australia, Frenchmen went to Algeria, and Spaniards went to Cuba, Germans had to leave for non-German colonies. Hence all the settlement in the US, Brazil, and Argentina. For similar reasons, Italians came to these places. There was nowhere more favorable.
Other, smaller factors included the larger population of Germans versus other European groups, the broad definition of what a German entails, draft-dodgers, incredibly early Jewish emancipation, and the ability to practice one's culture in rural America without any impediment.
Also of note are the political freedoms in the US, which are essentially unparalleled in 19th century Europe. Many people left the German states fleeing government persecution... especially after 1848, when failed revolutions across Europe produced tens of thousands of refugees. The '48ers tended to be educated left-wing intellectuals eager to participate in American society and politics.
Among these people was August Willich, communist revolutionary acquainted Marx and Engels who later became a brigadier general in the civil war.
Retard, friend. The word is retard.
You can say it here. No one will judge you, because you are anonymous.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
>more mexicans then natives in the PNW
weird, i guess because of agriculture? idaho potatos and shit?
it's great, we get as cold as northern europe, without any of the bleakness
truly God blessed us, and we have much to thank him for in this land
>at that time
No, Arabs were legally considered white in the early 1900s due to Lebanese Christians immigrants bitching about it.
Irish were perceived as nonwhite from the 1600s up until the early 1800s. This wasn't contemporaneous.
>where germans anglo weebs
Yes they scribbled "me love english cute cute flower" and other gramatically senseless and incorrect paraphernalia on houses in squares all over Germany
I would say people claiming to be part of the American ethnicity are mainly your old southerner type people that would be just like you said, but also including some anglo and on the rare occasion, some North American Indian blood as well. They usually have pale skin, but their features are a hodge-podge of different European races that makes it difficult to really tell their family origins.
It's the kind of people who are most likely responsible for the shift away from European ethnic qualifiers to a simple "white" qualifier. They're completely divorced from any old culture and have simply melded into an indistinct American culture.
I would say these people were able to rise because of sparsely populated regions made ethnic enclaves nearly impossible since you had to deal with other European cultures or deal with no one at all, which led to a lot of intermarriage between races. This is compared to your Germantown settlements, your Polish quarters, or your French cities in Louisiana.
I thought it was 1/16th or less for the Nuremburg Laws?
What's the point? Whites and Middle Easterners are two halves of a whole race. If they're going to be separate then Asians and Pacific Islanders need to be separate too.
Midwest is best. Also New England.
>3/4 Black + 1/4 White = Sambo
This is literally Black Americans. Especially the ones like Obama's kids.