Is the murder of the Russian imperial family one of the saddest historical events ever?
No. Literally nobody cares. You have a small group of people who pretend to care, but they're mostly trying to rile up anti-communist sentiment. You could try an actual tragedy, OP.
>t. commie
Literally Jewish ritualistic murder.
A lot less sad than the tens of millions who starved from Tsarist policies
>No. Literally nobody cares.
I read some study from the 80s I think? They asked a bunch of centenarians, so people who've seen it all in the modern history of the world, what the saddest event they remember, and the most popular response was the assassination of the russian noble family.
Maybe western propaganda at the time really rubbed it in, to stall the revolution spread.
What about the estimated 20 million who died as a result of the Soviet regime?
ITT comparing numbers pulled right from the asses
No. The Romanovs' circumstances make them somewhat sympathetic figures, but it's hard to muster up too much emotion on behalf of Nicholas - an obstinate, pathological liar who never should have been an autocrat, or Alexandra - a petty, arrogant martyr who should have hopped off Rasputin's dick and let the Tsar's ministers do their fucking jobs.
Alexei would have been dead within five years anyways. Shame about OTMA though, they're the only genuine tragedy.
Also much sadder than a bunch of inbred aristocrats being put down like the vermin they were.
>Literally nobody cares
I mean... that's blatantly untrue. There is a massive emotional following in Russia for the Romanov family.
why do people care so much about ten people dying during a massive war?
End of a 300 year old reign.
The Romanov family were a symbol of Russian history and their heritage but thanks to some maniacs they were all murdered.
The Revolution could still have happened without killing the Romanovs.
It would be similar to killing the entire British Royal family. It would be tragic.
No, Tzar family got what they deserved.
The brutal slaughter of an entire family, including blameless children and servants, isn't just "ten people dying during a massive war."
No, but the murder of thousands of Communist families by the Empire of Russian is a contender.
communists aren't people, Satan, you should know that
Nicholas's stupidity killing thousands more is much sadder
>Communist families
>nobody cares
It was so tragic that the royal family were canonized as passion bearers of the Orthodox Church in 2000.
reminder that they were killed by a jew
reminder that Nicholas II was such a blistering anti semite that even his contemporaries in the tsarist russian government were made uncomfortable by it
And it the end his anti-semitic views got proven right.
One of the senior officers in the Empire's secret police managed to escape to England at the fall of the Empire and wrote a book about the secret police ( I do not recall which one; the Empire had several). He described instances where he ordered the killing of every man, woman, and child in 'suspect' Communist villages, along with everyone who lived within three days' walking distance.
This, it was a fucking non-event.
Don't know why it's posted about so often here, probably butthurt christfags.
>implying anyone but Jews would care
Friendly reminder that Tsar Nick good boi dindu nuffin used to murder thousands of his own population and had Jewish pogroms.
muh royal family good bois!!
No, they had to die. Imperialists are very stubborn, probably a symptom of their mental illness. There are still Romanovs and other families that claim the Empire of Russia is theirs. They even manage to travel in the U.S.A. (which should know better) on Imperial Russian passports.
so he was a visionary?
90% of the commie leaders were jews
his antisemitism was proven right and this is why we don't learn about it in shcools
>90% of the commie leaders were jews
Citation needed.
And even if it was true, why is it bad that Jews would ask for equal rights and fight against the Tsar when he literally murdered thousands of them?
Are you braindead?
Weren't they related to like, every other monarchy in europe? Why didnt the kind og england and queen of france come to their aid?
Reminder that Lenin was sent by the German Empire to disrupt Russia and take them out of the war.
The plan kind of backfired
Not an argument.
George V was worried that the Commie mentality would spread to Britain and that he would be deposed so he let it happen.
>why is it bad that Jews would ask for equal rights
the fuck are you even saying?
the jews fought to enslave a chrisitan nation and that's what the USSR was
Then Stalin kicked most of them out thankfully
Russian here. No one really cares except for the orthodox church that canonized the imperial as saints
The average russian thinks of the monarchy as a thing of the past that has no place in modern Russia
No, there isn't
The Kingdom of England accepted many of them. Very interesting story can be found about Nicholas' mother leaving Russia on a English cruiser with the permission of the Empire of Germany in 1917.
There was to Queen of France in 1917. there is, living in the U.S.A. today, who claims to be the Countess of Paris however. She is a member of the Republican Party oddly enough.
*imperial family
>Not an argument.
if you dispute the jewishness of the first russian commies you have no place in this board
>There are still Romanovs and other families that claim the Empire of Russia is theirs.
Yea. From afar. While doing nothing.
The entire family (not just the tsar but the women, children and servants) had to die, to paraphrase Trotsky, in order to show the enemies and the Reds that there was "no going back." If they are willing to slaughter a teenage boy, several young women (Anastasia was the youngest daughter at 17), a wife, servants, as well as the tsar himself, then there is nothing they won't do to win.
Not an argument.
What about Prince Vladimir's funeral? I was there when he died in Florida.
After the initial revolution, they were offering the Tsar and his family to England on a platter all but literally. After England kept hem-hawwing about it, they withdrew their offer and the power shifts after that made it impossible to even attempt a rescue. The Tsar was detested in England and George V was worried that harboring the family would result in his own people revolting against him.
>queen of france
>no there isn't
>except for all the evidence that there is
No, they are active in trying to gain political support from countries like the U.S. They lack a credible base of support in Russia.
Having to move to dreadful Canada must have been much worse.
Where is the evidence?
The average russian doesn't give a fuck about the tzars
The murder of the ruling family upon regime change is the norm in human history, not something particularly exceptional.
It's also not even a dozen people dying, and they died a rather easy, quick death. The tsars themselves have executed, starved and sent to their death far more people in far more gruesome ways.
Every single famine and war is more tragical, considering that thousands to millions have to die malnurished, enslaved, drowned, raped, limbs or head chopped off, exploded or, like in their case, shot.
Idol/Celebrity worship are the worst kind. It devalues their humanity and props up an imaginary godlike status that tries to keep itself alive through erosion of rationality and history.
Tbqh Nicky had it coming
It's not any more sad than the countless other lives leninism and its children took.
You're an idiot. It wasn't tragic because it was some blasphemous act against deified beings, it was tragic because they weren't even in power anymore yet the Bolsheviks were still cowardly enough to gun a family down like they were nothing but animals.
Commies are fucking scum and I hope every single one burns in hell.
>The murder of the ruling family upon regime change is the norm in human history, not something particularly exceptional.
By that point in time, and in Western/Eastern European culture specifically, not really. It was exceptional to execute anyone but the head of a royal family, who was typically male. Outright executing the wife and children was considered barbaric, hence why they tried to keep it on the downlow and even pretended that they only executed the tsar for a time until the truth got out.
Typically, in the context of Western/Eastern Europe, the wife and children would be sent into exile or, in the case of male heirs, imprisoned and oh golly gee wouldn't ya know it, they mysteriously die in prison somehow.
Same goes with the initial French Revolution. The execution of Louis XVI was seen as horrifying but executing a king after a revolution had happened before. The execution of Marie Antoinette shocked Europe. The execution of the king's sister was seen as complete madness. In the rest of the multiple regime chances in France, no members of the leading families were formally executed. What executions did take place were typically in the military ranks.
Do you know the meaning of the word "literally"?
>it's not tragic that 5 young people were brutally (and I mean brutally) murdered for nothing other than who their parents were
>it's not sad that 4 servants who did nothing but show loyalty to people who needed them in their darkest hours were brutally murdered
If the Bolsheviks were smart, they would have said that the family committed suicide after Nicholas was executed and they didn't get asylum.
It's not that far off. Their husband/father died and their entire lifestyle collapsed. I wonder why the Bolsheviks didn't say it.
>By that point in time,
Note the question OP posed: "Is [...this...] one of the saddest historical events _ever_?"
He doesn't delimit the range of events. You might as well take the most recent murder in the Kim Jong family and say that it doesn't at all fit today's idea of regime change, making it grossly disproportionate and thereby the "saddest event ever".
No, you have to look at the totality of human history to decide such a question, and the totality shows a much different picture even from the barebones rules of conduct in this context from the middle ages and modern times.
Yes, I do. Literally nobody cares about the deaths of the Romanovs. If they do care about the event, it's insofar as how they hate communists and want to demonize them.
>Literally nobody cares about the deaths of the Romanovs.
I do. And it's more for the unjust end of Monarchist Russia than any hate for commies.
It's sad, okay, but is it one of or THE saddest thing to have ever happened in human history, as OP says?
Bullshit. And what exactly is "unjust" about the ending of an autocratic backwards regime of absolute monarchy, which had been driving the country into the ground for decades if not centuries.
The Tsar ordered the massacre of thousands of families. Eye for an eye.
>Literally nobody cares about the deaths of the Romanovs.
So every historian, person interested in history, or person who just reads about it, to say nothing of people who knew them or who were related to them, and feels sympathy for them or cares about their deaths in any way is only doing so because they hate communists?
Okay, honey. If you want to believe that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>an autocratic backwards regime of absolute monarchy,
Your ideological bias is showing. Monarchist Russia was based and greater than what came after.
The Russian Empire was shit and the Bolsheviks were shit.
The best thing that might be said for the Empire that under some of the more competent men like Witte it was going in the direction of more sustainable and interconnected (with the west) development, but it was still a backwards asshole of Europe.
Mmkay, but I wasn't responding to OP, so your entire comment is a bunch of random rambling. I was responding to this specific quote
>The murder of the ruling family upon regime change is the norm in human history, not something particularly exceptional.
And replaced them with a regime that was even worse.
Then if the Romanovs had retaken Russia, it would be justified for them to brutally slaughter the children of communists? Interesting!
> Monarchist Russia was based
An absolutely meaningless term.
> and greater than what came after.
Debatable. The U.S.S.R. actually managed to channel the wealth and population of Russia into that power that could outweigh all of Europe that people had been forecasting since Napoleon's downfall but could never quite get there. Sure, they were brutal and repressive, but let's not pretend the Czar wasn't either, and to the extent they were a nastier police state was that they were efficient about their tyranny instead of incompetent about it.
See above.
yeah communism REALLY brought Russia into a new golden age
millions of people totally didn't starve to death
millions of people weren't unjustly imprisoned or stripped of their homes, family, and livelihoods
there totally wasn't an atmosphere of tension and fear where neighbors, friends and family turned on each other to avoid becoming victims of the new regime
>Mmkay, but I wasn't responding to OP, [...] was responding to this specific quote
So, you weren't responding to OP, you were just responding to me, who responded to OP with that post, and somehow you think you can just pull a part of my post out of context to the chain of the discussion?
I think it's you who does the random rambling then.
He already did it. They butchered SUSPECTED communist families. They didnt deserve even a single ounce of mercy.
>Implying you didn't have mass famine, constant surveillance, brutal repression, and terrible administration under the monarchy.
I should point out, that I'm including people who think of the Romanov era in extremely whitewashed, mythologized and sanitized versions as not really caring either. They care about the edifice they created, the image of the Russian monarchy, not the reality of it.
And the deaths of millions in the war is just brushed aside?
I'm still curious about a source for this. All that was shown earlier was basically "some dude wrote a book" with no names.
t. not even empire defence force
>commies should burn in hell
And this mindset my friend is the reason why the tsar family was butchered. This insane hatred which resulted in the death of thousands of people who didnt even have anything to do with communism
Source? Back it up, or shut up.
>They didnt deserve even a single ounce of mercy.
The daughters didn't do anything.
No. It's merely painted by such by romanticizing Christians.
Nicholas II brought untold misery to Russia for much of his reign. His incompetence caught up with him and his family.
>somehow you think you can just pull a part of my post out of context to the chain of the discussion?
Yeah, the audacity of me responding to something you said and being weirded out when you reply with something that has nothing to do with my comment. The audacity, I say!
Oh shit! I forgot you're only allowed to care about ONE group of deaths in any sort of world event. Fuck, silly me.
>thousands of people who didn't have anything to do with communism
how about the tens of millions killed by communism you dolt
>be an oppressive fuckwit that keeps losing wars
>make sure that the situation of russian commoners does not improve during your reign
>act surprised when the masses are more than willing depose you and execute you, your whorish wife and all the bastard kids she had with rasputin
Oh, shut the fuck up.
Except for a few Russian Orthodox Christians, people aren't weeping bitter tears for Nicholas II. But as the guy who posted RIGHT BEFORE YOU NOTED, his children were innocent and were still straight-up murdered.
They didn't ask to be born royal.
People die unjustly every day. Lamenting this minor event seems so silly
Millions of Russians didn't ask for famine and war.
Well, they got that under the Soviets anyway.
>it was tragic because they weren't even in power anymore
Claimants to the throne are as long a threat to a regime as long as they exist and can get allies.
It is already sufficient for them to be able to create damage, not just them being able to topple the regime, to consider them to be a threat.
Killing the kids was a necessary and justifiable action needed to ensue that the counter-revolutionary forces couldn't use them.
>it's ok when Tsarists do it but not Commies because muh tragedy
>a few people dying is one of the saddest historical events ever
>of me responding to something you said
You aren't really responding to me when you take what I said out of context. What someone says is defined by it's context.
When you topple a Regime because it's doing awful shit you don't immediately go and do awful shit, unless of course your just power hungry jews.
>Killing the kids was a necessary and justifiable action needed to ensue that the counter-revolutionary forces couldn't use them.
Yikes, the edge.
>Millions of Russians didn't ask for famine and war.
You're seriously using that as a justification for shooting innocent children? lmao, you fucking clown.
>A single death is a tragedy but a million is a statistic
Considering the emotions in this thread that quote comes from an ironic source.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a million tragedies untold.