I was telling you guys to buy two days ago, at 144K market cap

I was telling you guys to buy two days ago, at 144K market cap.

Then at 200K market cap.

The response I got: "Only 4K volume" *inserts hysitercal_laughter.jpg*

Immediately less than 24h later that $4K volume turns to $41K volume.

My thesis has come true:

please Veeky Forums, do not fail yourselves again.

This is another warning: MOON.

Other urls found in this thread:


is it too late?

Definitely not. Read this thesis:


my rule of thumb is the more shilling and spamming the board for some shitcoin the more user should stay away
either pipe down and present arguments in one place or enjoy your soon-to-be-shillbags

Ehh. Shilling cos I like to predict shit. I'm usually right, but do your DD.

That is usually a fair way of doing things, but sometimes you need to step back, read the whitepaper and you'll agree that its not just a shillcoin.

what exchange? I now regret not buying in when you made these YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED posts last night

I got mine from Cryptopia.

This coin has 9 million market supply.

But has a 228 million total supply


Preferably cryptopia. I bought on Yobit and Cryptopia, although Cryptopia has higher volume and is generally a safer exchange, although I've had no problems on Yobit.

Means jack shit since the balance between that is still to be mined. I don't see inflation as a threat.

What is so funny about that?

>something happens
>theres that 228 million supply reservoir
>price meteor strikes to the center of the earth

I'm not addressing the content but the way the message gets put forth: numerous tiny threads shitting up the place, that's my beef and that's what I consider shilling

Well that is shilling. Not all shilling is bad tho.

You're not wrong but this coin is actually legit. Too many people just got stoked on it at the same time I think

It's already too late to get on this coin.

It's really not. This can definitely go higher. People are scared of the 24h % increase. When that doesnt have such a high number it will def go up


bought in before the pump,
and ill definetly buy more after its stable for a day or two.
amazing project

>450k marketcap
>too late
it's a 10x if it can get to the top-200, and a 50x if it can get to the top-100

How do I avoid trying to trade shitcoins like PTOY and SWT? This shit never even goes up.

don't buy shitcoins.

If it can be summarized as "X on the Blockchain" it is a fucking shitcoin

PTOY and SWT are two obvious examples

>can be summarized as "X on the Blockchain" it is a fucking shitcoin
